Day 42: Lil' Tyke Toys (evening)

Jul 12, 2009 23:01

Lunch had been nice, but now that the day was creeping into evening, deep down Tsubaki’s wariness increased. When the sun when down, bad things happened. That was part of the reason why her goodbyes to Sora as the other boy went his own way were a little anxiety-ridden.

If she didn’t see him again before they were taken back to the hospital, she hoped he stayed safe. The same with everyone.

She was glad Honey was still with her. Of course, everyone felt a bit of loneliness in their lives; it was only natural to not want to be alone. Although Tsubaki could be content with solitude and had worked through the absence of others before, in this situation, spending the day in Doyleton had been that much better when she’d been with someone she liked. If Honey felt the same in even a small way, then Tsubaki thought their breath of fresh air had done its job.

Now that it was getting later, it was getting colder… not quite cold enough to call it quits, though. It was just the promise of a weird moonrise that was left, but Tsubaki wasn’t looking at the sky when she said, “So this is the toy store.” It was the front window of Lil’ Tyke Toys she was looking at. From outside, it was a riot of color and cloth and plastic. “Looks like we’re in luck!” Some small towns didn’t even have this much in the way of retail stores.

ayumu, honey, tsubaki, matt

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