Day 42: Morris Park (evening)

Jul 12, 2009 23:56

[Free, no limits.]

Not that he was digging his heels in or anything, but the end of the day found Ichimoku Ren on the opposite end of town from the drop-off point. He didn’t need any more alone time, considering he’d been on his own the entire day, the sheriff’s office having been empty and his newfound appetite not being enough to spur him into lunch (or breakfast, for that matter), though alone just seemed to be how he rolled lately. When he wasn’t involved in other people’s plots.

That day, he’d been doing nothing but following his own whims, minding his own business rather than start up a conversation with someone else. He didn’t have much of a plan in mind--plans hadn’t yielded a whole lot of success yet, anyway, not that he saw--and after curiously scoping out the outside of Crossroader’s Bar, he absently continued down main street, then went farther still, crossing Kelley Street and into a another park. A park that looked like the polar opposite of its counterpart on the other end of town.

Sketchy. He was about the best looking thing around.

As he entered the shade of the trees, he looked around him, hands buried deep in his pants’ pockets. Probably not the safest place to wander in the evening, but the doll wasn’t exactly worried about getting held up in a random mugging, whether or not the staff was camped out throughout the town to keep an eye on them all no matter where they went.

His foot brushed a crushed soda can on the ground, and after a moment, he bent to pick it up. Turning it over in his hand, he rubbed his thumb over the side, then sighed and lobbed into the nearest trash can. So much for picture perfect. The unfriendly atmosphere was kind of a relief in a superficial way, like a reminder that bad stuff still happened during the day time, too. Like nightshift was to Landel’s, this park could be the dark underbelly to Doyleton’s cheery exterior.

Or not. Everything he was seeing could just as easily be an illusion conjured up by his not so favorite Head Doctor, and wasn’t that an optimistic thought.

ren, kvothe, rangiku

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