Day 42: Main Street [evening]

Jul 12, 2009 22:07

The sun was starting to set, and it was with a heavy sigh that Edgeworth stepped out of Twin Pines and out onto the street. The tea had helped, but there was still a sense of worry that he couldn't shake. There was, of course, the entire situation with Franziska, but now both Javert and this new person calling themselves 'Justice' were in the ( Read more... )

kakashi, badou, anise, allelujah, ken amada, makiko, jason, indiana jones, adachi, callisto, renamon, sai, edgeworth, aidou, shikamaru, nataku, phoenix, sanzo

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Comments 85

cigarettes_plz July 13 2009, 02:31:03 UTC
After ice-cream shenanigans with Artemis and the others, he and Alle had broken off from the main group to explore the town - and, if possible, get thoroughly smashed - in whatever time they had left. That was what he told himself. In reality, he'd be lucky to bum a smoke off someone on the seedy side of town, let alone a single drink with the pittance of coupons he had left. But, of course, Badou was an optimist. Maybe this time around he'd manage two smokes.

He shoved his hands deeper into the pockets of his camouflage jacket and stared up at the darkening sky before letting his gaze rest lazily somewhere ahead. They were getting to a street that looked Stepford Seedy in comparison to the City, but the chill cut right through him as usual.

"Alle," He whined. "I'm cold. Are we there yet?"

[closed to Alle and Dr. Dearest <3]


tender_cruelty July 13 2009, 02:37:14 UTC
Allelujah pulled his jacket more tightly around himself, crossing his arms across his chest as he did so. It was definitely getting colder a night approached. He knew it hadn't een this cold last week when they'd visited. It felt like much longer than a week had passed since then too. He smirked over at Badou with a touch of amusement. "Smoking makes your circulation worse so you feel the cold more. You brought it on yourself. And I don't know where we're going. You're the one who said we should go somewhere."


damned_doctors July 13 2009, 02:53:33 UTC
Doyleton was normally such a quiet, quaint little town, quite a change from the kind of life that Makiko had known back in Japan. Almost boring, really, when the place was small enough that everyone knew everyone else and she had to watch her step with unaccustomed and exacting care.

And then the Institute had seen fit to provide her with some measure of amusement on her day off, by flooding the town with all sorts of fascinating people. She'd passed among them unnoticed and unremarked-on; when not dressed as a doctor or calling attention to herself she could make note of those patients who seemed promising, those she might have interest in potentially having in her office at some point.

But in her quest for the new and interesting, she happened upon the familiar and yet still potentially entertaining: Oliver Riedel. Her session with the redhead a few days ago had been quite interesting, even if she'd been forced to show her hand rather sooner than she'd intended. And now she owed him (or rather he, her, for the mess he'd caused) ( ... )


cigarettes_plz July 13 2009, 03:15:50 UTC
"What? That's not my ( ... )


fooledintuition July 13 2009, 03:34:04 UTC
[Continuing from here]

She was certainly giving him an awful lot of attention, wasn't she? Seemed like it was more than she had at first, inside the store. It seemed kinda suspect, now that he wasn't distracted, but for now he could play along. He could be upset later, once he satisfied Callisto's curiosity and got her to go away. Or pawned her off on someone else who could explain this boring reality to her.

"Nah, I don't mind." Adachi took out his own coupon packet and flipped through them. The spa didn't sound too fascinating to him, and neither did the manicure, but food sure did. They were right next to that Tasty Burger place, but fast food...ugh. He'd lived on cheap crap like that enough, so maybe it'd be better to go along with the other place. Twin Pines? Sounded a bit better than the burger joint, that was for sure.

"What about that Twin Pines place?"


givemeoblivion July 13 2009, 08:13:41 UTC
Callisto looked over her coupons again, even though she already knew her answer. "That's one of the places they have to eat, isn't it? Sounds as good as anywhere." She grinned at the man... then made to grab him by the arm so she could pull him along in the right direction.

"Let's go." The tone of her voice indicated this was more of a demand than anything. She wouldn't be listening to any arguments on the matter. If Adachi thought she could get away from her, he had another thing coming. She left on her terms.


fooledintuition July 14 2009, 01:23:48 UTC
"Oka-- aaah!" The last thing Adachi had expected was to be forcefully dragged along; he knew he looked like a pushover, but god. He didn't like being pulled, much less touched, by this chick, and it was convincing him more and more that she wasn't worth his time.

Not that it meant she'd be easy to get away from. That seemed to be the only real problem currently, and trying to pull away wasn't working. It seemed like she was one of those women, one of the ones who wouldn't go away until he did what she wanted, and even then, who knew. Great. Maybe if he was really lucky, she'd have stalkerish tendencies.

[To here]


blood_and_pocky July 13 2009, 04:32:57 UTC
[For Anise.]

The vampire’s mood was cold and clear when he left the restaurant and continued on, but not in the way that bespoke of emotional anger. He was just… internally embroiled. While he constantly kept filtering away information on his surroundings--in that absent way his higher intellect allowed--he was getting tugged down by all of the other issues on his mind.

For one, the taste of the previous night’s rivers of blood still sat in the back of his throat. Feeding was once again climbing his list of priorities. Aside from the personal problems Sasuke was having, there was still the matter of the basement to attend to, and he hadn’t yet seen Sasuke or Wolfram that day ( ... )


gald_digger July 13 2009, 06:30:45 UTC
As the sun sank lower in the sky, Anise could feel herself getting a little nervous. Even though the last field trip had ended safely, there was no telling how close to sundown they were going to get before they returned to the institute... But whatever happened, it wasn't like there was anything Anise could do about it at that point, so she tried to push the thought out of her mind and enjoy what was left of her trip.

The girl's mood immediately brightened when she spotted a familiar (and very handsome!) figure on the street. And it looked like he was alone! This day just kept getting better.

Anise bounded over to the blond, her newest doll still clutched in her arms, and practically jumped out in front of him to get his attention. "Aidou! Hello!" she sang in greeting, all-too-cheerfully. "It's been a while, huh? Way too long, actually. How've you been?"


blood_and_pocky July 13 2009, 21:04:34 UTC
Aidou was far less ecstatic to be caught on the move; Michael had been one thing, but this was quite another. He didn’t bother disguising the fact that he was on his way somewhere--anywhere, rather than standing around in one spot, anywhere he hadn’t already been. Easy to shake off company that way ( ... )


gald_digger July 14 2009, 00:35:51 UTC
Wait a minute... Was he trying to blow her off!?

Oh, no he didn't! Not while Anise had something to say about it. The girl stood for a moment, looking rather miffed as she shot a glare at Aidou's back. Before he could get too far, the girl started walking too, catching up in no time and slowing to match his pace once she was next to him. The glare was gone now, of course, replaced with an oblivious smile.

"Hmm? Where are you going?" she asked innocently, pretending she hadn't gotten the hint. With him trying to hurry off like that, the nosy side of Anise just couldn't let him go without at least finding out what he was up to.


no_ones_son July 13 2009, 08:21:04 UTC
[from here]Sauntering along the main street with Nataku in tow, Jason casually surveyed the people still moving around. None of the shops seemed worth stopping by - even the kitchen knives were kept out of their reach and while the hardware store had plenty of potential weapons there was no way Jason could sneak a crowbar past the nurses. But there were plenty of other options if you were quick and knew what you were doing ( ... )


stringless_doll July 13 2009, 17:07:47 UTC
Nataku trailed along beside Will, watching him as he sized up the people and the stores. It wasn't like he knew what to do aside from the obvious, which was basically 'take useful things and don't be caught doing it.' The best way to learn was to watch someone who knew what he was doing, right? Will didn't look overly pleased with anything he saw.

"No," Nataku replied automatically, voice low and neutral as Jason's but he was grinning a little. "Sorry, I'm the first person they'd suspect." He wasn't exactly inconspicuous no matter what he did. He was bad luck. People liked to avoid that kind of thing and they got suspicious if they couldn't. Well, that and Nataku was well known for pranks.

Actually, this might come in handy. "Can you teach me?"


no_ones_son July 14 2009, 09:02:59 UTC
"Why would anyone suspect you?" The kid stood out with the way he looked - it wasn't exactly normal - but that didn't mean he'd automatically be suspected if something happened. If they were back in Gotham in the places Jason spent his time - Crime Alley and the slums, then sure. People always suspected kids around there 'cause most of them were only looking out for themselves. But not in this sort of town ( ... )


stringless_doll July 14 2009, 23:24:23 UTC
He was about to answer, but Will was right: people here didn't really have any reason to suspect him. They were so doom---!

"Hey!" Nataku protested, but other than a slightly mortified look of disapproval at Will turning traitor, he didn't seem to mind the hair ruffling all that much. It was like something Kenren would do. Maybe he should introduce them sometime, if they turned out to be a little more alike.

Ok. Back to business. Will had picked the perfect way to get him to learn anything: the hands-on approach. Nataku liked picking up new skills but lectures bored him to tears in no time.

He scanned the crowd around them without trying to hide it at all. There were a few likely ones just going about their business. They had nice clothes and he picked the ones that didn't glance over their shoulders or at the lingering patients. He was about to point one out to Will, but a rather nervous-looking man with various tools in his belt cut across the path and another question occurred to Nataku. "What are we trying to take?"


yin_yang_fox July 13 2009, 21:27:43 UTC
[continued from here]The day had waned far faster than she had thought. Had her thoughts really consumed her that much? Renamon breathed a 'heh' to herself, shaking her head. She needed to move forward, add some production to her time here, other than gaining half-useful information and downing giant snakes ( ... )


toadally4boobs July 16 2009, 02:09:36 UTC
[Argh, sorry. Jiraiya is hard when depressed/sad.]

There was a bit of relief at Renamon's suggestion. It was something he could do. The rest... he couldn't bring back those who had left, and he knew that both of them didn't want to have people return to this nightmare.

"I don't see why anyone would," Jiraiya answered truthfully. "We'd be happy to have you."

That way, he could help her. That way, she wouldn't be alone. That way, she'd find a new support network. He smiled softly at her.

"You get along with Naruto well enough, so I think you'd be able to work with the others, too," Jiraiya seemed to perk up a bit as he spoke now that they were on another subject.


yin_yang_fox July 19 2009, 18:08:24 UTC
[...=O Zombies. Do you still want to backthread day a little or just switch over to night? I'm fine with doing both if you want them to talk a little more. ^^]Renamon let out a sigh of relief that she didn't know she was holding. She nodded, eyes a little less weighted than before. "Good," she replied. "I'll try my best to assist you ( ... )


toadally4boobs July 20 2009, 15:56:41 UTC
[Oh maaaaaan. That's so tempting. I think they're pretty much done, so feel free to have it switch midpost to night? Naruto's in Magus park and will soon be screaming, so Renamon should be close enough to hear him.... XD]"Sasuke isn't formally of our group anymore--he left our village a few years back. Naruto and Sakura are intent on bringing him back home, however--and Kakashi, too," Jiraiya explained before smiling softly. "There's also Shikamaru, now--Naruto says that although he's lazy, he's also a genius ( ... )


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