Day 42: Magus Park [evening]

Jul 12, 2009 13:10

The temperature was starting to cool down, but that was okay with Akihiko. It wasn't that much different from winter evenings back home. He was feeling better, having been outside most of the day, but still. That niggling stress from the previous few days was still getting to him. He sighed, looking up at the darkening sky and thinking about it all ( Read more... )

albedo, armand, depth charge, nigredo, akihiko, sam winchester, wolfram, mori, tk-622, ryuk, keman, chihaya, yue, sheena, hokuto, hitsugaya, artemis, haku, touya, kaoru, scourge, brainiac 5

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winged_moon July 13 2009, 08:17:17 UTC
Though the quest for a book had been unsuccessful, the time in the bookstore hadn't entirely been a loss, and Yukito was happy enough with that. Even Yue seemed - well, not pleased, not entirely, but...well, mollified. They'd been able to do a favor for those who had helped them the night before, and that was a good thought.

As they headed into the park, though, Yukito glanced up at the sun in the west and frowned just slightly. "Shouldn't we be heading back soon?" He didn't think they'd stayed this late last week, but...well, he didn't think too much about last week. Or tried not to, whenever possible. "None of the staff members seem to be pointing anyone to the buses yet."


winged_moon July 15 2009, 06:21:22 UTC
Maybe he'd been mistaken, then. Touya couldn't possibly have, it was probably just the usual teasing. Probably nothing important.

Yukito ignored the small flare of disappointment at that and shrugged lightly, hooking his elbows around the chains of the swing and idly poking with the toe of his shoe at the scar on the ground left by the wear of children who'd played there in the past. "Yue-san doesn't get to decide if I get called by a nickname," he replied, mildly amused by the silent snort of disgust from his other self. "Though I wouldn't suggest giving him one."


guardiancomplex July 15 2009, 23:57:38 UTC
Touya was just on a roll, wasn't he? First he'd been given an opportunity, and he'd sealed his ultimate failure with talking about Yue. Oh yeah, World: 1, Touya: -5.

Maybe he could save this. Maybe he could like... try again?

"Yuki-bun-bun has too many syllables to be a nickname anyway," Touya said, sliding around Yukito and resting his hand on the chain, just above Yukito's elbow. "Yuki's fine, isn't it?"


winged_moon July 16 2009, 04:58:43 UTC
"Of course it is." After all, he'd been using it for some time now, and it had been fine. But Yukito still frowned just a little as he glanced up at Touya, a little puzzled and a little concerned. Though Touya couldn't ever be described as "talkative," he normally didn't sound quite so...awkward.

Yukito shifted his arm down a little so he could rest his hand lightly on Touya's, frown fading away again in favor of his customary smile. "What was that quote? 'A rose by any other name'?"


guardiancomplex July 16 2009, 05:51:13 UTC
"'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,'" he quoted, moving to cover Yuki's hand with his own.

Okay, this was it. This was the moment where he asked Yuki about the future. Was it their future, or was it just... life moving on? While the thought occurred to him that he may not want to know, he pushed it away in favor of knowing.

"Yuki..." he began, stepping in front of his friend. No--first, he had to check. Touya looked around frantically at the surrounding park, wondering if anything was going to come out of freaking nowhere and interrupt him again. Seemed clear...

"Yuki, in the future... are we friends?"


winged_moon July 16 2009, 06:19:31 UTC
"Friends?" Yukito echoed, with a surprised blink. Though it made sense that Touya might have worried that things would change between them once he'd discovered Yue's existence and the reason for his own, but - he'd never said anything about that before. Or maybe he had, and Yukito just hadn't realized?

"Of course we're friends," he replied slowly, a little unsure what the question was supposed to mean, and hoping he wasn't going to give the wrong answer. The last thing he wanted to do was upset Touya, especially since it seemed like he had something on his mind.


guardiancomplex July 16 2009, 06:50:18 UTC
How was he supposed to phrase this delicately, yet directly enough for Yukito to get what he was gunning at? But if he said something too forward, Yuki might freak out and avoid him, effectively ruining their friendship and making things extremely awkward for Yuki, Touya, and Sakura.

"I mean... are we still as close as we were in high school? Still erm, going to class together?"


winged_moon July 16 2009, 07:00:46 UTC
Did Touya just want to know what was going on in the future? If so there wasn't really all that much to say, given that Yukito was only from a few months ahead. But...Yukito was getting the feeling there was more to this than just asking what the test questions were going to be in chemistry class or something.

"Yes?" He tilted his head to one side a little and blinked, wondering how he could carefully ask just what Touya was trying to get at without scaring him off or something. "We still go to the same school, and the same classes, and work the same part-time jobs. And we still study at your house, and did you put that earlier, eat you out of house and home?"


guardiancomplex July 16 2009, 19:08:51 UTC
So, in other words, 'the more things changed'... Yuki and he were still attached at the hip, but had he said anything? Had either of them made a move ( ... )


winged_moon July 16 2009, 22:10:26 UTC
To be honest, Yukito was now feeling even more confused than before. It should stay that way? The fact that they were still friends, or the fact that they were only friends? He wasn't sure just what Touya was trying to ask him, or if he was trying to drop a hint of some kind.

Either way...well, he already owed Touya so much, and cared too much about his feelings, to ask for anything more than what his friend wanted to give. So whatever he wanted, well, Yukito would be happy either way. As long as Touya was happy.

But - Touya still hadn't let go. Yukito's gaze flicked down toward their joined hands, then back up again. He could have passed it off as nothing, made a teasing comment about how he would have to start buying his own groceries at some point, but decided that it was probably time to be serious. He shifted a little to face more toward his friend and gently asked, " there something you're trying to say?"


guardiancomplex July 16 2009, 23:26:27 UTC
Was there something he was trying to say? Hell yes there was something he was trying to say--he'd been trying to say it for... how long now? Longer than the time they'd spent just sitting in their respective swings.

"Yeah..." he said after a few moments of silence. He had to push forward. There was no other way to go but forward. "I... I want us to always be friends, Yuki. Best friends. I want to bike to school with you on my back every morning, and bring you back home--my home--every night after work. I want to give more than I already have for you, because you've already given me so much." Geez it was weird saying this to Yue's face. "But, you know... what I want and what you want could be different things, of course. You should have what you want, first and foremost. Not necessarily what I want..."

That was so convoluted, Touya would be surprised if Yue understood it.


winged_moon July 17 2009, 03:49:29 UTC
I want us to always be friends.

The last time a sentence had hit Yukito with such force it had been Touya saying I know you're not human and his world and life had changed forever. This time his reaction wasn't quite the same, since the statement wasn't quite so straightforward and came laden with all kinds of other questions, but he automatically reached out toward his other self with a question he couldn't quite put into words.

He received a wordless answer in response, as well: Yue drew away as far as he could, given the situation, leaving Yukito with the impression that the guardian had blocked himself away behind a white-feathered wall to give as much distance as possible. Do whatever you want, the gesture seemed to say, it isn't any of my affair.

The silent exchange was over in less than a heartbeat, leaving Yukito to return to Touya's statement. He wanted to always be friends? Or always be just friends? But immediately after that he was asking about what Yukito wanted (and claiming he had given so much?) which only left him ( ... )


guardiancomplex July 17 2009, 05:51:41 UTC
About time, Touya thought. So she'd finally admitted it? Not like Touya thought Sakura really had a crush on Yuki so much as she just admired him or something, but still. It was a little nuts, sometimes. Not only was the monster after Yuki, but so was that brat. And how was he supposed to give Yuki anything for Valentine's Day when he had a freaking fan club?

Not that it had bothered him or anything... they were just kids, after all.

He didn't have much time to dwell on that part though, since Yuki had more or less thrown Touya a pass he was wide open to receive. Touya may have always been the direct one, but Yuki was honest. And brave enough for the both of them, apparently.

"It... was?" Touya asked, looking a little as though he couldn't actually believe what was happening. Were they actually on the same page here? God, he thought they actually were...

"And..." Touya squeezed Yuki's hand gently, but firmly, holding it in his tight grasp. "Is it still? Me?"


winged_moon July 17 2009, 06:25:57 UTC
It took an instant before Yukito remembered how to breathe again, and he finally glanced back over at Touya with a slowly-dawning smile. Not only was he not upset or disappointed or anything he actually...seemed to have been hoping for something like that. Could he possibly...?

"Of course it is, Touya." Yukito still sounded a little shy, his mildly disbelieving expression mirroring Touya's own, and gave a self-conscious little laugh as he found himself automatically lifting his free hand to adjust glasses that weren't there. "I just was never sure if you,"

He'd suspected, of course. Or at least hoped. But he didn't want to try to suggest anything that might upset his friend, lest he drive Touya away.


guardiancomplex July 17 2009, 07:40:52 UTC
"I... was never sure either. If you liked me. In that way."

God, how much more pre-school could he get?

"I wasn't sure if you had the same sort of feelings for me. Seeing as we're both guys and grew up being best friends instead of... boyfriends, I guess?" Aaagh, he'd said it--the B-Word. Was that moving too fast? Hell if he knew.

"You're my only friend, Yuki. If I lost you because I did something dumb and selfish, I'd never be able to live with it," he said, feeling everything rushing out of his mouth, from the relief. "But... if I'm still the one you care about, then I'm not afraid."

Touya looked Yuki directly in the eyes, which seemed to steel his resolve. "Yuki... even before I gave you my power, I wanted to be with you--both as your friend, and more than that. I still feel that way. I would have given my life to save you. Of course I also wanted you to be with me."

...was that a little too frank?


winged_moon July 18 2009, 02:34:49 UTC
"Touya..." Yukito met his friend's (boyfriend's?) eyes and held them, though a faint blush stained his cheeks as he did. He wasn't sure where the courage had come from to admit what he had, and now his heart was pounding hard enough that he could swear it should be audible, with mingled halfway-incredulous amazement and happiness leaving him feeling a little lightheaded ( ... )


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