Day 42, Noon: Morris Park

Jul 03, 2009 13:55

Jamie was not surprised to find that the problem he'd been experiencing all morning was only getting worse as the day progressed ( Read more... )

skuld, two-face, shikamaru, jamie, sai, jason

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Comments 51

innovator_skuld July 4 2009, 06:07:56 UTC
As much as Skuld wanted to go have a milkshake now, she knew it was better to wait until late in the day so the extra strength stayed with her. So, she was left walking around, trying to think of something to do until then.

When she saw the boy--maybe about her age now?--pacing like that, her own steps slowed. She didn't know him, but it was obvious something was wrong, and sometimes all people needed was someone reaching out to them.

Stopping a few steps away, almost within reach but not quite, she asked, "Um... are you okay?"


wildunderstress July 4 2009, 07:02:49 UTC
At the sound of the voice Jamie whirled, staring at the girl with wide-eyed surprise. He hadn't even noticed her approach, he'd been so distracted with what was going on in his head. She'd clearly noticed his freakish behavior, but didn't seem terribly put off by it, and while it was kind of her to show concern for him, he almost preferred to be alone with his impending panic. Hands clenching and unclenching nervously at his sides, he regarded her with some caution.

"Uhm. Yeah, everything's fine." He attempted a wan, hesitant smile to reassure her. "Just, uh. Got some stuff on my mind, 's all." A catch-all excuse, but it was more or less true in this case.


innovator_skuld July 4 2009, 07:12:40 UTC
Uh-huh. "Everything's not fine," Skuld retorted. "Something's bothering you, I can tell." And despite the fact that he was pacing like a caged animal, she didn't think it was just general upset about being held prisoner like this.

Belldandy did this to her, sometimes. Hopefully Skuld could get him talking; she could tell he needed to.


wildunderstress July 4 2009, 08:27:44 UTC
Jamie flinched just a little at the tone. It wasn't as though he was unused to dealing with stubborn girls, he just...was even less inclined than usual to contend with one right now. He shifted uneasily in the damp, ankle-deep grass and tried again. "Look, it's - I really don't think it's anything you can help with, okay? So thanks, but - "

He halted mid-sentence as he was besieged with a wave of


so intense it made him jerk upright. The distraction lasted only a moment, but the girl would have to be blind not to have noticed it. Jamie flung her a pleading, frantic look, sparing her as much attention as he dared while the activity at the edges of his mind resumed again, more determined than ever. "I think you should go now," he said. "Really." He tried to sound forceful and commanding, but this had never been his strong suit even under the best of circumstances, and by now he was practically cringing in mortified terror of what was happening to him. Not the most convincing display of authority, here.


no_ones_son July 4 2009, 12:31:29 UTC
After he'd finished talking, arguing or whatever you wanted to call it, with Asch, Jason had make a quick sweep of the rest of the town. It was busy enough now that he should be able to get started on raiding the shops for supplies whenever he was ready. But first he'd see if he couldn't get in touch with Two-Face again. While he didn't think there was all that much to gain from this place - if they could find useful supplies or information from this town then they wouldn't have been brought here at all - it was still worth trying. If he and Two-Face pooled their resources they might just manage to get something useful out of today ( ... )


unheroed July 4 2009, 19:08:57 UTC
While Harvey had originally been intending to spend more time in the used car lot, his mind was changed when he had to spend more than a few seconds around Scourge and his little friend. Besides, trying to perform something like grand theft auto in broad daylight wasn't the brightest idea in the first place. Maybe later, but he had his doubts even then. For all he knew, those cars were for show and didn't actually run. He wouldn't be surprised if they were just put out there to tease them ( ... )


no_ones_son July 5 2009, 07:47:06 UTC
Turning as he heard someone approach, Jason smirked at Two-Face. He'd gotten the message fast enough and must have come straight over like a good lunatic. "Glad to hear it, Dawson. I'd hate to have been hanging around here for nothing." Pushing himself upright again, Jason stretched lazily and turned to face Two-Face ( ... )


unheroed July 5 2009, 23:15:29 UTC
Seeing how Jason was already leaning against the closest dead tree, Harvey remained standing where he was, crossing his arms over his chest as he considered the younger man's question. It wasn't like he had made any immense discoveries, but he couldn't blame Jason for asking either ( ... )


tsunagari July 5 2009, 00:34:12 UTC
Shikamaru had said Morris Park, so that's where Sai would meet him. The number of nurses and orderlies around should be adequate for this. He found a spot on a bench and sat down, casually scanning the area for his fellow ninja.

Last time, it had taken added resistance on his part before the nurses had sedated him. Hopefully they'd be able to do what they needed to do without getting stuck this time around. Calming themselves quickly wouldn't be a problem for either of them.

[shenanigans with Shikamaru]


toobothersome July 7 2009, 00:08:22 UTC
After the morning's conversation, Shikamaru was much more focused on what he needed to accomplish that day, though he wouldn't deny his disappointment that none of those tasks involved the near-perfect sky. Writing and deciphering the messages to Sai had taken way too much damn time, but the fact that planning this wouldn't have been possible without yesterday's work made him slightly more confident about his ability to think ahead ( ... )


tsunagari July 7 2009, 01:06:21 UTC
Sai wasn't usually quick to tell how someone else was feeling, but even he realized that the way Shikamaru approached him could signify an oncoming attack. He was a little surprised, since he'd expected they might do a bit of talking beforehand - perhaps act out an argument. If this was how the other leaf nin wanted to do things, however, then he would follow suit. He wouldn't have been very good at fake arguing anyway.

He moved out of the way of the punch easily, getting to his feet and narrowing his eyes in his best approximation of anger. With the number of people watching, they were sure to get an intervention without having to keep this up for too long. Pretend fighting wasn't something he did very well either, however, and the backhand he aimed at Shikamaru's face was meant to connect.


toobothersome July 7 2009, 02:11:33 UTC
Goddamnit, Sai. He was going to make this involve actual work, wasn't he? Shikamaru would have groaned if he'd had time to groan before he needed to yank away from the incoming blow. Maybe he should have explained this better, but...ugh, even the dozen or so words in his two messages had taken forever to encrypt.

Whatever. It was unavoidable. With both of them unarmed and lacking access to chakra, Shikamaru was more bothered by the fact that he had to waste energy dodging than any potential danger. He'd been on the receiving end of Sakura's punches often enough, anyway.

Another swing, this one also easy to dodge. Maybe Sai'd take the hint. Either way, it shouldn't take the nurses too long to show up.


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