Day 42, Noon: Morris Park

Jul 03, 2009 13:55

Jamie was not surprised to find that the problem he'd been experiencing all morning was only getting worse as the day progressed ( Read more... )

skuld, two-face, shikamaru, jamie, sai, jason

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tsunagari July 5 2009, 00:34:12 UTC
Shikamaru had said Morris Park, so that's where Sai would meet him. The number of nurses and orderlies around should be adequate for this. He found a spot on a bench and sat down, casually scanning the area for his fellow ninja.

Last time, it had taken added resistance on his part before the nurses had sedated him. Hopefully they'd be able to do what they needed to do without getting stuck this time around. Calming themselves quickly wouldn't be a problem for either of them.

[shenanigans with Shikamaru]


toobothersome July 7 2009, 00:08:22 UTC
After the morning's conversation, Shikamaru was much more focused on what he needed to accomplish that day, though he wouldn't deny his disappointment that none of those tasks involved the near-perfect sky. Writing and deciphering the messages to Sai had taken way too much damn time, but the fact that planning this wouldn't have been possible without yesterday's work made him slightly more confident about his ability to think ahead ( ... )


tsunagari July 7 2009, 01:06:21 UTC
Sai wasn't usually quick to tell how someone else was feeling, but even he realized that the way Shikamaru approached him could signify an oncoming attack. He was a little surprised, since he'd expected they might do a bit of talking beforehand - perhaps act out an argument. If this was how the other leaf nin wanted to do things, however, then he would follow suit. He wouldn't have been very good at fake arguing anyway.

He moved out of the way of the punch easily, getting to his feet and narrowing his eyes in his best approximation of anger. With the number of people watching, they were sure to get an intervention without having to keep this up for too long. Pretend fighting wasn't something he did very well either, however, and the backhand he aimed at Shikamaru's face was meant to connect.


toobothersome July 7 2009, 02:11:33 UTC
Goddamnit, Sai. He was going to make this involve actual work, wasn't he? Shikamaru would have groaned if he'd had time to groan before he needed to yank away from the incoming blow. Maybe he should have explained this better, but...ugh, even the dozen or so words in his two messages had taken forever to encrypt.

Whatever. It was unavoidable. With both of them unarmed and lacking access to chakra, Shikamaru was more bothered by the fact that he had to waste energy dodging than any potential danger. He'd been on the receiving end of Sakura's punches often enough, anyway.

Another swing, this one also easy to dodge. Maybe Sai'd take the hint. Either way, it shouldn't take the nurses too long to show up.


tsunagari July 7 2009, 02:38:44 UTC
Unfortunately, as Sai had never actually faced Shikamaru in combat and wasn't aware of how much he was limited here, the other ninja didn't take the hint. The chuunin had said they would fight, so that's what he planned to do.

Dodging the other strike, he swept a foot out with the intention of tripping him. He could then pin the other boy to the ground. It would make it easier for the nurses to separate them, anyway, as he would simply have to be pulled off. He didn't want to hurt Shikamaru much, of course. not if it could be avoided.


damned_nurses July 7 2009, 02:48:21 UTC
So far, the nurse's day had been easy. She was just planning on taking a few minutes' break for a little stroll, maybe popping down to pick up a few little things down at the Bath and Beauty Shop. But, of course, on her rounds about town, she just had to hear the sound of a fight brewing, and she scowled as she motioned to a pair of orderlies, yelling at them to come with her.

She was too late to stop the fight from breaking out, but she had every intention of breaking it up. "Simon! Luke! What on Earth are the two of you up to?", she called out, the anger evident in her voice. She snapped her finger at the two orderlies, and they stepped forward, ready to move at her signal.


toobothersome July 7 2009, 03:27:57 UTC
There may have been logic behind the force of Sai's attacks, but even if he'd had time to consider it, Shikamaru wasn't in the mood to grant him the benefit of the doubt. He'd assumed that Sai relied mostly on that ink thing, since he'd attacked from a distance the one time Shikamaru had seen him in action, but no, he was apparently good at hand-to-hand combat as well. Fantastic.

Shikamaru made two notes to self an instant before his back met the ground: one, don't be so damn lazy when writing code for the bulletin, and two, when given the option between opponents, always pick someone you're used to. The second should have been common sense, really, but then, Shikamaru would have thought that 'don't actually try to hit me and throw me to the ground when we're only fighting for show' would have been common sense as well.

After a startled grunt, he tried to roll away from Sai and and really, really wished that the shadows here weren't so damn useless.


tsunagari July 7 2009, 04:13:45 UTC
They definitely had the attention of the staff now. Shikamaru was in a position where Sai could easily do some serious damage, but he just focused on pinning him down. "How dare you say that about my father!" he exclaimed as forcefully as he could, expression as angry as was capable of. He didn't have a mother, according to the way his family was set up here, so this would be the most realistic thing to say. There was always his brother, but thinking about that too much might spark actual feelings of anger that he'd rather avoid.

He bent down closer, eyes darting just for a moment toward the approaching staff members, and spoke in a hushed tone. "One and two backup."


damned_nurses July 7 2009, 04:57:25 UTC
Oh, this was just great. A family fight. Well, that meant it wouldn't be that hard to break up, at least? She shook her head at the two of them, clucking her tongue. "Break up the fight," she said, and at her word, the two orderlies moved, the first pulling Sai off of Shikamaru, and the second getting Shikamaru to his feet. "Now, are you two going to play nice, or am I going to have to take measures?"


toobothersome July 7 2009, 16:35:11 UTC
Sai was better at feigning anger than Shikamaru expected, but more importantly, his dedication to realism had its limits. While he didn't enjoy being pinned to the ground, Shikamaru didn't care that much as long as there were no further plans to choke him or hit him or something along those lines. From now on, he'd be sure to avoid sparring with Sai, but to be completely honest, this was still less troublesome than what would have happened if he'd chosen Sakura for this task. At least Sai knew when to stop ( ... )


tsunagari July 8 2009, 05:10:00 UTC
"My father is a good man!" The tone lacked real force and the angry look didn't reach his eyes at all. Still, it should do the job. "Even if he's done some bad things, he always had good reason!"

Shikamaru was struggling. That was likely to get him into more trouble than they'd hoped for, but it also kept the others' attention focused on him. He'd held still himself, easing up the moment he was grabbed by an orderly. Hopefully this would put him distinctly below Shikamaru in terms of threat level. Using the brief opportunity this offered, the ninja put some of his training to use and reached for the pocket he knew the sedatives would be in with one deft hand. In a single movement, he'd drawn out the closest and brought it up into his sleeve. A second movement deposited the item into one pocket after a few moments. They'd find a better location once there weren't any staff members watching their every move.


damned_nurses July 8 2009, 05:16:52 UTC
[this is Jen NPCing; dice roll determined outcome and players were cool with it.]

The orderly restraining Sai eased up once the boy had calmed down, eventually loosening his grip just a bit. The same wasn't true for the one holding Shikamaru. The nurse clucked her tongue, taking a needle from her scrub pockets. "Now, I told you once to calm down, Luke. We'll not have fighting like this going on."

She quickly injected the ninja with a dose of sedatives. "Now. Are you both done, or will I need to use another dose?"


toobothersome July 8 2009, 06:07:30 UTC
His own hand found the orderly's pocket empty, and Shikamaru cringed, annoyed. Probably left-handed, then. Hopefully Sai'd had more luck, since he doubted he'd get a second chance. Having directly assaulted one of the institute's employees, he was already dangerously close to being sedated, so he stopped struggling after a final attempt to pull away for the sake of believability. They'd regroup later, either in the afternoon or when night fell (Shikamaru sure as hell wasn't using that code again...he'd probably call a meeting and end up with a trowel in his head or something) and if that plan failed, they'd just have to ( ... )


tsunagari July 8 2009, 06:20:18 UTC
"I'm sorry." Sai offered a fake smile, voice lacking sincerity. "It's my fault. I knew he was having a bad day, but I said some things earlier that made him upset and then I let him egg me on." Glancing down at Shikamaru, he nodded once to signify his success. If the boy missed it, he'd hopefully be able to explain things when they were gone. "If you let me, I'll sit with him and we can work things out. I promise not to get violent."

This all would have sounded better if the words had been more heartfelt. Sai was only capable of so much in that regard, however. He wasn't struggling, though. If they were lucky, they'd get off easily and wouldn't be escorted back to the buses.


damned_nurses July 8 2009, 14:39:53 UTC
"You ought to know better than that, Simon." One of the orderlies shot the nurse a look of disbelief, but she didn't particularly care; she wanted to leave them be so she could go on about her business. And with one sedated and the other calm, it seemed like her job here was done. "Just make sure you do. I'll leave you be for now, but if I catch wind of more of this fighting, it'll be back to the buses for you both."

With that, she turned on one heel, motioning for the orderlies to let the boys go and follow her, and quickly left the scene.


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