Day 41: Sun Room

May 15, 2009 13:37

Haseo's steps were heavy with the weight of righteous anger as he was escorted into the Sun Room, his posture so sullen and reluctant you could almost hear the nostalgic cry of an electric guitar. He was seething, and though perhaps it was a bit harder to be intimidating while wearing the uniform of an insane asylum and flanked by a bored-looking ( Read more... )

raine, klavier, senna, xigbar, badou, anise, kamiya kaoru, chidori, the doctor, sam winchester, luxord, peter parker, misa, sousuke, kanji, beyond birthday, brainiac 5, von karma, megatron, sho, tsukasa, nigredo, depth charge, kibitoshin, allelujah, ryuk, sasuke, schuldig, aidou, tyki, gin, haseo, brad

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Comments 389

cigarettes_plz May 15 2009, 22:34:14 UTC
[Limit: 3? First post reserved for S.T.]

Breakfast with Allelujah - and, ironically enough, traces of the drug in his system - had mellowed him out by the time the next shift came around. Luckily for him, he was used to burying severe trauma until it manifested in more unhealthy and often homicidal ways. It was a nice system, so why fuck with it?

He should probably be a bit more hungry after emptying what felt like a week's worth of meals through the wrong whole, but he wasn't really. Just restless and sort of gross thanks to the sweat from said wonderful night drying on fucking everything. In short, he felt pretty disgusting, and for Badou (who occasionally slept on rotting pizza boxes that may or may not be his couch) that was saying something.

Maybe he'd just nap until Artemis or Haku showed up. He found a love seat and proceeded flopped down on his back, legs stretching over the edge to rest on the adjacent arm chair for maximum whoring up of space. He closed his eye, wide awake, and tried not to think about anything at all.


toxicspiderman May 16 2009, 17:18:19 UTC
[limit=3 is a-OK, apologies in advance for possible slow posting]

After tacking up a few more scrawls on the bulletin, S.T. looked around for a place to sit, preferably undisturbed. The place was filling up fast, despite the all-hormones-all-the-time contingent having been whisked off to sluice some of the build-up off. A big, cushy armchair (of the posh-lounge variety, not the beer-and-football den type) looked like his best bet. Except for the fact that some dude in an eyepatch had annexed it with his feet.

He stood by the chair and cleared his throat loudly. Then he waited for the guy to open his eyes (oops, eye).


cigarettes_plz May 16 2009, 22:56:23 UTC
[It's cool! I'm probably going to be a bit sporadic too. XD;]

What the hell was that supposed to be? Badou didn't open his eye, though the sound was obviously directed at him. He knew sooner or later some other lazy asshole would need to park himself in that specific chair just because he was using it. Couldn't possibly be because it was one of the nicest ones in the room.

Well, too bad. He'd gotten there first. Finder's keepers.

He shifted his legs to cross them at the ankles, which made absolutely no difference.

"You should get a lozenge for that, man, it sounds terminal. Maybe take a jog around the room to keep up your health."


toxicspiderman May 16 2009, 23:06:00 UTC
S.T. sneered. "I'm already a dead man walking, thanks to the fuckers upstairs." He cut the litany off before he started sounding like some forcibly-retired sad bastard.

Then he contemplated the chair. There were a number of options available. First, forcibly removing the offending appendages. From the chair, not their owner. But that would cross the boundary of acceptable personal contact with a guy he'd never gotten into an argument with and/or been introduced. And getting into a fistfight at every opportunity was Spider's department.

Second, admit defeat and slink away like an alleycat that failed to duck when the shoes came out.

Third, change the parameters. He grabbed the near arm of the chair and dragged it away from the guy. Little rubber nubs tacked onto the bottoms of wooden feet screeched against the floor, and he reflexively glanced at the floor. Whether he was worried about getting in trouble for potential damage or was hoping to at least make some impression, even he wasn't sure.


blood_and_pocky May 15 2009, 23:00:37 UTC
[Is exclusively for Senna cool, Aison?]

First Kaito and then that person at breakfast… The day wasn’t looking particularly bright, and in fact, had the initial look of one that would turn out bad. Bad for somebody, bad for Aidou’s temper. For now, it was bordering on lukewarm. The vampire felt like keeping an eye on it, as though it were a living entity that was working against him for some reason ( ... )


windstwilight May 16 2009, 02:33:06 UTC
[exclusive is good. ^_~ also, from here]Senna rotated her neck as she came into the sun room. A shower had definitely done her a little good. Some of the kinks in her shoulders were worked out by the warm spray, and her hair definitely felt better clean, even if it was still damp. She finger-combed it absentmindedly, the ribbon that normally tied it up hanging from her hand. And what should she do this shift ( ... )


blood_and_pocky May 16 2009, 05:05:28 UTC
Soap and shampoo. Showers. However crude, he wanted one for himself.

It was somebody “underage” by staff standards approaching him, he knew that, and a half second later, the person spoke, identifying themselves for him. Aidou slipped his arm from his face, brushing bangs aside as he did so, and looked at Senna. Unlike her, the noble didn’t feel any conflict over the terms of their acquaintance. She had been a temporary partner given him by Arts and Crafts, for an unspoken debt that had been repaid. Now what was left was… business.

Business over the pleasure of a pseudo-nap? That, he couldn’t turn down. Even if she didn’t have a direct purpose in talking to him, he could always have one in talking to her.

“Go ahead,” the vampire assented, though he didn’t shift upright enough to leave her space to sit on the same couch. There were plenty of other places.


windstwilight May 16 2009, 07:12:05 UTC
"Sweet," she said, her grin settling further. There was a chair close to his couch, and she pulled it over, sitting sideways in it. She gave him a two-fingered salute.

The guy seemed tired, to be sure, but from the two words he uttered he didn't seem all that irritated. That was a good sign. Maybe it was just a bad night. He was probably a really cool guy--or a jerky asshole, depending--and there wouldn't be anything of it. She just had to--

Huh. Now why hadn't she noticed that before? Senna guessed that moonlight wasn't the best lighting. "Hey, Idol," she started, tipping her head with another grin. "Did you know that your hair is pretty damn awesome? Seriously." The grin smoothed into a smile. "Is it naturally like that?"


overdoingit May 16 2009, 00:20:56 UTC
It looked like he'd slept through breakfast, which was a shame since he was hungry. His bandages had been re-applied, which was both nice and somewhat disturbing at the same time. Apparently he was wrapped up enough that it was decided he'd be allowed to skip the showers. He wouldn't have minded a shower at that point, but it would be a hassle for them to bandage him back up once more.

For once, Cross wasn't particularly tired as he was led into the sun room. He'd slept in, after all, and through most of the night as well. He could already tell it had done wonders for his healing process. Instead he took a seat on a sofa and casually watched as people came and went from the bulletin. The way people passed notes back and forth on it was interesting.

A cat had taken up residence in his lap already as he watched, and he pet it absently. He might not have even realized he was doing it.

[reserved for Asch the Bloody]


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overdoingit May 17 2009, 03:27:04 UTC
"Mm?" Cross blinked at the other man as he was joined on the sofa, then offered a friendly smile. He hadn't expected company, but it didn't annoy him, either. "Oh! Hello. Was there something you needed?"

He was probably just trying to get to know people, but it couldn't hurt to ask. There were only so many reasons anyone would approach him, after all. He was fairly glad to see that no one he knew had been brought here with the latest batch of patients. It left him alone, but them in better positions. Hopefully.


(The comment has been removed)

2cute2bkira May 16 2009, 00:23:45 UTC
[closed to Ryuk]

Misa sighed as she made her way into the Sun Room after breakfast. Fortunately, she had been able to persuade her nurse to let her take an apple from the cafeteria - she had actually agreed easily, saying that dear 'Miranda' could stand to put on a few pounds. Misa didn't particularly agree, but whatever worked so she could get Ryuk an apple was fine by her.

She took a seat on one of the couches, and waited. She didn't know whether she was looking for a shinigami or a person, after all, and he did say he'd come find her.


bored_todeath May 16 2009, 16:43:44 UTC
Ryuk was still shaken from his meeting this morning. Gross humans and their stupid mating habits. Although...he didn't think Aidou was really human. Whatever.

Ryuk found Misa without any trouble and stopped in front of her, grinning. He just kinda hoped she took him seriously about the hugging thing.



2cute2bkira May 16 2009, 17:49:51 UTC
"Ryuk?" Misa had to admit, she was surprised at how much he looked...well, exactly the same as he'd looked when she had seen him before. Human, yes, but it was definitely the eyes that defined his appearance now. "It's good to see you," she started, tossing him the apple. "One apple, as promised."

She winked as it flew in his direction. "When you're done with that, can I ask you some stuff?"


bored_todeath May 17 2009, 15:43:39 UTC
"Woah, woah! What do you think you're doing?" he wailed, trailing it off into a hiss. He juggled the apple until it was secure in one hand and ducked down onto a seat, hiding it.

"You gotta be careful around here," he told her, looking out for any witnesses to the exchange.

"Ask me, alright? I can't eat it until it's safe."


number_crunch May 16 2009, 00:50:44 UTC
Sho was in a bad mood. First there was this factoring institute, then there were the numerous nurses which came with the threat of getting put into chemical standby, and in addition to all of that, some little loud-mouth microliter that thought she knew more than a brain-dead paramecium.

"This zettabytes," snarled the mathematician, strolling over to the bulletin board. It looked like he had actually gotten one semi-intelligent response to his inquiry; the rest were either hectopascals doing multiplication or copy-pasting the guide he'd already seen.

Then there was the matter of the stupid stemplot who couldn't understand a perfectly good proof that Triangle-Head was a wuss and clearly Dodecahedron head would be the most fearsome monster. Just how stupid could the population get?

Wondering what to write next, Minamimoto idly began folding a octahedron out of paper.

[Reserved for Kenpachi]


noneedforsanity May 16 2009, 05:11:30 UTC
For the rest of breakfast after speaking with Gin, Kenpachi's eyes had never left Sho. The thrill of a potential fight sang in his ears, blocking out other, lesser concerns. So what if he was trapped in a pseudo-insane asylum with all of his strength and power blocked off with no hope of escape? There was blood to be spilled.

When breakfast ended, Kenpachi took that opportunity. He followed Sho back out into the Sun Room, and with all the subtlety of a charging rhinoceros approached the man, ignoring the bulletin board for the time being.

"That was some show at breakfast," Kenpachi said, trying in vain to get a sense of the man's reiatsu. Gin hadn't seemed to have any reiatsu, either. How annoying. "But do you actually have the strength to prove your words?"


number_crunch May 16 2009, 06:46:51 UTC
Sho was too busy staring at the bulletin board, eyes flitting from post to post like a fractal butterfly, connecting words to ideas to sentences to formulas, to pay attention to some crazy megaton meat-head stomping across the room. It did, however, catch his wavelength when the man spoke to him, unmistakably referencing his grand speech.

"Who the factor are you?" he growled as per his usual salutation. The guy had 2 creepy eyes, 1 scar, 0 eyebrows and 1 hex of an expression, but Sho was not particularly intimidated. The average punk in Shibuya with even the median number of piercings was scarier than this guy, if maybe not weighing in with as many moles. His stare irate, Sho continued folding and ripping, transmuting his octahedron into tessellated parts.


noneedforsanity May 16 2009, 07:53:39 UTC
Now that Kenpachi was closer to the man, his eyes caught the movement of Sho's hands as he folded his octahedron. He immediately discounted the object as pointless...possibly a nervous tick or some clever puzzle, neither of which had anything to do with his intentions.

"It is only fair that you know the name of the man who will kill you," Kenpachi replied boldly. He wasn't sure what a factor was, but the tone of the man's voice suggested it was an insult of some kind. "My name is Zaraki Kenpachi, shinigami captain of the 11th Division of the Gotei 13."

He grinned widely, waiting for the man to respond appropriately. Everyone in soul society knew the name Kenpachi, after all.


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