Night 40: West Wing, South Hall 1-B

Apr 17, 2009 15:08

[from here]There! Now all Junpei needed to do was wait for Yukari to finish her prima donna primping a la Third Circle of Hell Version 1.3 or something ( Read more... )

s.t., meche, batman, tsubaki, armand, nightcrawler, nigredo, mele, forte, tk-622, seiya, junpei, yomi, haruno sakura, hokuto, daphne, peter parker, harry osborn, ophelia, wolverine, kira, harley, alec, lugnut

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Comments 131

no_barbarian April 17 2009, 22:02:55 UTC
[from here, seriously this time. D:]

It wasn't like he could keep it in his shirt--the damn thing was too loose. And he couldn't tuck it into his shoe because he wasn't wearing any.

[to here]


jokers_wildcard April 18 2009, 00:44:09 UTC
[from here]

Harley moved past the door and scanned the hallway again before moving on. No mutant cats or giant spiders so far. Good sign. Um... so she was supposed to be heading... Right! Yes, she was turning right here. She had to go around and up... Yeah, that sounded about right.

[to here]


marin_karin April 18 2009, 02:09:00 UTC
[From here]

As she left the women's block, Mitsuru noticed a familiar someone waiting just outside. This wasn't the hall that Akihiko had asked them to meet up in, and Iori was looking rather irritated. Had he gotten lost? Maybe she needed to recommend that he spend some time studying the maps, once morning came. For now, she continued on, hoping that he wouldn't notice. They both had separate things that they needed to do.

[To here]


falseblack April 18 2009, 05:27:47 UTC
[From here.]

People. Not many and not the kind to give the variant a reason to pause. Without glancing at the bystanders, the child continued on ahead.

[To here.]


remedying April 18 2009, 05:29:45 UTC
[from here.]

Now out of one hall, Yukari let the door close behind her, and--

... Well, that was quick.

She wasn't expecting to run into Junpei so soon, even if their meeting spot wasn't very far away. Still, Yukari wondered why he was bothering to wait for her here, although... Not that she would ever admit it out loud, but the gesture was nice. Bow slung over one shoulder and flashlight in the other hand, she waved out to Junpei with her free one.

"Hey, Junpei," she called out, approaching him. "You sure were quick to get here."


whos_da_man April 18 2009, 05:39:19 UTC
Oh good, there was Yukari and she hadn't taken that requisite forever to get ready. Maybe it was because she didn't know he'd been waiting for her. Maybe that's how it worked. Hmm... Girl Rules were confusing and didn't make sense. Then again, they probably weren't supposed to. At least not to him, cause he was a guy.

Shrugging nonchalantly (like he was going to admit now that he had forgotten the meeting place), Junpei grinned. "'Sup. Thought I'd stop by on my way since walking these halls alone kinda sucks with the zombies and ghosts and things that'll eat your face."

He grinned. "Sides, it's not like your bow's that effective in these halls unless you're shooting something all the way down there," he said, pointing at the far end of the hall. "That's what I'm for."


remedying April 18 2009, 05:48:11 UTC
Uhg, did he have to remind her?

"S- shut up," Yukari stammered in annoyance, a hand now on her hip. "At least it's something, and don't forget I still have the Evoker, too." With an exasperated breath, she turned in the direction they needed to head towards. "Hurry up, Akihiko-senpai's probably waiting for us."


whos_da_man April 18 2009, 05:52:14 UTC
Oh, good. She remembered the meeting place and Junpei didn't even have to let on at all that he'd forgotten, or had to do some stupid ladies first crap that Yukari probably would have just rolled her eyes at.

"Hey now, Yuka-tan, I didn't say it was nothing, it's just, you know, if something pops up right in front of you, aren't you glad me and this good ol' Louisville Slugger are here to smack it dead right away?" He followed along. "At least, I'm good for something, right?"

A pause. "Can I hold the evoker?"


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