Day 40: Sun Room [Fourth Shift]

Apr 09, 2009 09:14

Well, that was... special. No wonder he was losing respect for this place--the fearful Martin Landel was coming undone, most probably with boredom. So scary. Even Nursey seemed a little exasperated, though that most likely had more to do with X's constant insistence to stay in the Sun Room rather than go inside the Greenhouse ( Read more... )

klavier, shito, endrance, kenshin, senna, tsubaki, nightcrawler, dias, ken amada, jason, forte, miku, demyx, matsuda, reno, suzaku, superboy, luxord, peter parker, harry osborn, shinichi, harley, dean winchester, hikaru, beyond birthday, brainiac 5, albedo, kvothe, mitsuru, peter petrelli, mele, two-face, yuffie, akihiko, matt, ayumu, lelouch, farfarello, sasuke, sheena, daphne, beatrix, kaoru, wolverine, yukari yakumo, rangiku, subaru

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Comments 440

bewarethecute April 10 2009, 00:29:40 UTC
It was the same for Ururu at the end of lunch as it had been the previous two shifts. She hadn't really wanted to go, especially not after Kurogane had gotten upset at her. She didn't mean to make him mad, but she knew why he was. She'd said mean things, and she'd really meant them, which made it even worse. But the nurses didn't care how sad she was, or that she wanted to stay with the men. They still told her she had to go.

So Ururu wound up in the Sun Room again, curled up on almost the same spot on the couch, and looking at the door to the cafeteria. No Orihime, no Shiki, no Ken. Even though Fai-san had said they probably just weren't feeling well, and Ururu believed him, she was still hoping that maybe she'd just missed them somehow. If she could just see them, then things would be better. She'd know they were there for sure, and she wouldn't have to worry anymore.

Which was why Ururu watched and waited again.



rectifies April 10 2009, 05:35:26 UTC
He had fallen asleep. Asleep, when the child had a list of items to procure and a teammate to help. His mistake cost an entire night and half the day, and if Ken wasn't feeling horrible from the grogginess, he might have pulsed his lips in fury.

As it stood, however, he fell into indifference, allowing his irritation to crop up only when his head spun. He cursed at himself crawling out of bed, more so when he tripped going out into the hallway. Ken somehow managed to be civil toward the nurse who escorted him to the Sun Room, though, mostly because she gave him the chance for relief. The water she provided him helped clear most of the nausea away.

This was likely a good thing as the first person the boy ran across was a friend. Ken paused at the sight of Ururu among the crowd and with a slightly bemused expression, waved a hand in her direction.


bewarethecute April 10 2009, 05:52:07 UTC
Ururu almost didn't see Ken at first, but then the boy waved and got her attention. One of the three people she'd been trying to find, and for the third time that day, Ururu was moving before she could really stop herself. She jumped off the couch, and ran at Ken as hard as he could, as if he might disappear before she could reach him. If she'd been thinking, she probably wouldn't have ran at him so fast, or jumped at him like she did. But Ururu was so happy to see Ken too, that she couldn't stop herself.

"Ken-kun!" It had been a very long day for Ururu, but she still managed to wrap her arms tightly around her friend as she barreled into him. "Are you okay?! I didn't see you all day, and I was worried you had disappeared too!"


rectifies April 10 2009, 06:19:48 UTC
Oh, crap. A girl as small as Ururu running at that speed with that frantic look in her eyes did not bode well for a boy such as Ken. In an effort to compensate for the inevitable crushing force on his front side, he braced himself.

The resulting crash was indeed mighty. If Ken did not feel as though his back would snap at any second, he might have commented on her strength. Instead, the child struggled. "Ah-- F-Fine!" He winced in pain. "U-Ururu-san, I'm fine! I just fell asleep!"


mugenreppa April 10 2009, 01:18:50 UTC
At the option to go to the Sun Room or out to this "Recreational Field," Mele nearly reached out to shake the nurse. Sun Room, of course! Didn't she know anyth-

Mele took a breath. Of course the nurse didn't. Speaking of Rinju Den and waiting for lunch to end had made Mele more antsy than she would have thought possible. But getting violent wouldn't help any; the girl from lunch had gotten surrounded, and, presumably, taken care of for simply making a ridiculous speech. Mele needed to be lucid and she needed the freedom of movement that this place granted, however little it was.

Trepidation followed (or, more aptly, preceded) her as she went to the board. Her eyes went through the responses. Nothing. She checked every message around it. Nothing. Mele ripped the responses down.

She had known he might not be here. It shouldn't hurt feel as if she'd been punched in the stomach. It shouldn't hurt. Mele plunked down onto a couch and pillowed her head in her arms.

[free as a chameleon bird~]


fuzzy_diablo April 10 2009, 01:46:14 UTC
Okay, that was it. He was going to stake out for Logan now. He'd missed him for days now, and it was his last chance to hit him up before night fell. And who really knew what he was going to do? He'd posted a note on the board, but so far no response.

He sighed. What if he just couldn't recognize him? Was Logan... different now? Kurt didn't know, really. But for now, he remained perched on the back of a chair (much to his nurse's chagrin), watching the door for Logan.

[Waiting for the above mentioned party. XD]


fuzzy_diablo April 10 2009, 05:19:46 UTC
[Down to here!]


emotionl4arobot April 10 2009, 01:54:56 UTC
Brainiac 5 was almost asleep in his chair when the nurse came to collect him, despite how interesting he'd found the conversation with Leon. It seemed that the intellectual distraction wasn't enough to bypass the medication he'd been given or his body's inclination to try and sleep while healing. As it was, he was having enough difficulty simply keeping his eyes open and so he nearly missed noticing Grell and Luxord talking amongst themselves in the Sun Room ( ... )


strange_unlife April 11 2009, 00:55:08 UTC
Working with dirt was obviously out of the question under the circumstances--sure, a plastic bag could be taped over his cast to prevent any soil from getting caught under it, but Shito just wasn't interested in going through that much effort and embarrassment in order to do work he didn't want to do anyway. So, Sun Room it was.

Shito sprawled in an armchair situated just to the side of some kid in a wheelchair who was looking at a sleeping kitten like it was glowing or something. Which, considering this place, would almost be possible if it was night time. Shito eyed the cat warily, himself--for some reason cats liked him. A lot. "...."


emotionl4arobot April 11 2009, 05:33:13 UTC
The kitten didn't seem inclined to move or do much of anything anytime soon, and Brainiac 5 had to admit that there was something almost... comforting about its presence. The combination of that and the sunlight was almost enough to send him back into his earlier lethargic state, but he managed to stay awake and keep an eye on Luxord and Grell.

Or at least that had been his intention, until someone had simply walked up seated themselves close by without saying anything to him at all. Reluctantly looking away from the other two patients, Brainiac 5 turned a faintly annoyed look on the newcomer.

"Is there some reason you're here?" he managed despite how much his throat hurt. It was blunter than perhaps it should have been, but at this point he was tired and irritable and felt that he shouldn't have to make an effort for someone who hadn't even said as much as a name.


strange_unlife April 11 2009, 05:47:09 UTC
Shito arched an eyebrow at the rude kid, just a little bit. He had every right to sit wherever he wanted, and it wasn't like the room was so empty that there was infinite choice of where to sit. "There was a chair free." He hadn't introduced himself because he hadn't been looking for conversation, but if this guy wanted to argue Shito was more than up for it. He'd been missing his usual verbal punching bag lately, and needing some kind of outlet.


blurred_divide April 10 2009, 02:01:26 UTC
Last night had been...a very strange night, though certainly not eventful. Angel was, at this point, simply hoping that things wouldn't make dinner with his roommate too awkward. Or, any more awkward than it already was. He didn't get his roommate and while that was nothing new--he never got people, period--it made conversation a little difficult.

His nurse had tried to get him outside into the greenhouse, but Angel managed to convince her the Sun Room was where he needed to be. He hadn't minded the greenhouse the last time he'd been out there; he'd kept a garden for awhile there in Sunnydale, but that was largely because he'd...liked the way it made the place look. And because Dru had insisted on it. It seemed a bit pointless to plant flowers here.

He sat on one of the couches. He'd planned on sitting only, but his nurse popped up and shoved a book into his hands with a smile that was both gratingly bright and suggested that he wasn't going to get away with refusing the book.

Angel took it and flipped it over to the front cover. ( ... )


purpletaint April 10 2009, 04:51:21 UTC
There was a kind of stress, a tension, in the white haired boy when he demanded to go to the sun room once more. The bulletin was his first stop, and again, Albedo wrote, not for anyone else but just for expression. No games would be played this shift--the Variant's heart and mind were too heavy.

Away from his brothers, where his own prying eyes couldn't see them, his overconfidence and hostility slid away to be replaced by fatigue and anxiety. And what had been the point in that? From whatever standpoint he chose to have at the moment, approaching Nigredo was a poor decision, and made him question his actions. Was the youngest truly only a distraction? Albedo couldn't handle watching Rubedo interact with another again, and so he went to Nigredo, who in turn sparked Albedo's hatred, taking his mind off of his love for another.

A muscle in his neck jumped.

No. No, he knew Nigredo was wrong, needed to be nullified, and after that, he would.... Would what? What would he do after?! How could he ( ... )


blurred_divide April 10 2009, 05:44:20 UTC
Angel wasn't exactly absorbed in his book-because honestly, Dracula; it was completely inaccurate-so when he could practically smell the anxiousness in the room, he glanced up just in time to see Albedo drop onto the couch beside him.

Surprised, he blinked and closed his book, brows furrowed slightly as he glanced over. "Are you all right?"

He didn't know what was going on, but a part of him did not actually find Albedo's state of mind unexpected. It'd been clear from the first moment Angel had spoken to the boy that the kid wasn't the most stable head out there. If he had to admit, that had been part of why he'd been drawn to Albedo initially.

Albedo still had the notebook, too. Or, notebooks. It seemed he'd obtained another one. Angel knew he'd been in awe of the item, but he hadn't realized how much until now. It was...concerning, in a sense.


purpletaint April 10 2009, 07:23:34 UTC
There's a kind of peace in hopelessness, a freedom in despair. Losing all sense of self was becoming familiar since the Conflict, and giving in was all too comforting. Sanity, sense, self... All of these were merely temporary in face of what was in actuality. His mind shuddered once, vibrating along the link--a mess created by comfort and abandonment, giving and taking, pain and torment, and some kind of love--and then stilled entirely, his body shuddering ( ... )


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