Day 40: Sun Room [Fourth Shift]

Apr 09, 2009 09:14

Well, that was... special. No wonder he was losing respect for this place--the fearful Martin Landel was coming undone, most probably with boredom. So scary. Even Nursey seemed a little exasperated, though that most likely had more to do with X's constant insistence to stay in the Sun Room rather than go inside the Greenhouse ( Read more... )

klavier, shito, endrance, kenshin, senna, tsubaki, nightcrawler, dias, ken amada, jason, forte, miku, demyx, matsuda, reno, suzaku, superboy, luxord, peter parker, harry osborn, shinichi, harley, dean winchester, hikaru, beyond birthday, brainiac 5, albedo, kvothe, mitsuru, peter petrelli, mele, two-face, yuffie, akihiko, matt, ayumu, lelouch, farfarello, sasuke, sheena, daphne, beatrix, kaoru, wolverine, yukari yakumo, rangiku, subaru

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Comments 440

tostepforward April 9 2009, 20:34:00 UTC
While admittedly Ayumu would have liked the chance to go out onto the field and get some exercise, it probably wasn't the best idea for maintaining her current persona. It had already slipped enough already, and for "Sen" to be suddenly athletic, well.

Claiming that she was too tired and wanted to get some rest, she managed to break away from her nurse after some sympathetic tut-tutting, and paused at the bulletin board. There were too many people around for her to post very much, but she took note of Okita's latest haiku with some interest. If this was to work she'd need to be certain Robin had been sufficiently reassured about her, so left a note for him before moving away.

Fortunately the room was empty enough thus far that there were plenty of seats to choose from, so she picked a couch that gave her a good view of the bulletin board and the goings-on there. With a somewhat dramatic yawn Ayumu curled up against the cushions and pretended to doze off.



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tostepforward April 9 2009, 23:49:45 UTC
Of all the people who had to come and sit by her, it just had to be Himura, didn't it? He likely had a reason for it, too, though whether it was because he was still suspicious of her or because he merely wanted to make certain "Sen" was all right after the night previous, she wasn't certain. And since she didn't know, that made it more difficult to decide whether or not she should pretend to wake from her supposed nap ( ... )


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bthebest April 9 2009, 21:25:32 UTC
Just because the aversion B had to visiting the 'greenhouse' was less powerful than that he'd experienced over going to the recreational field didn't make it any less valid. B was not and never would be the sort to go along with something he was averse to. Greenhouses meant plants. And dirt. Humidity too. If he could get out of it he would.

He ignored a nurse's concern over if he'd received enough to eat and shuffled into the Sun Room, stopping a short distance inside, biting a fingernail, then turning sharply on his way toward the bulletin board instead. He thought once more that if he could look busy enough, he might be left alone....

[Would you bring this one coffee too, Matsuda-san?]


showtime_matsu April 9 2009, 22:30:58 UTC
[Only if you promise not to stab him in the face.]

It had been nice to be able to talk to Demyx, at least, and he hoped that his friend had more luck making his decision than Matsuda seemed to with his own situation. Which was why when he saw what looked like L inside the Sun Room, he paused and stared for a moment. L was gone, and his spot in his former room replaced, so unless he and Naomi had missed something, it should be impossible.

...Shouldn't it? Did that mean that Mikami hadn't had anything to do with it?

As Matsuda approached, he could at least tell that it wasn't L as he'd come to know him. The guy seemed a bit younger, but otherwise could've passed for him. Or his brother, maybe. Did L even have any siblings? How was he even supposed to greet the guy? He didn't know what L's real name was, and calling him 'L' would be even more dangerous with Mikami around. L had also said not to call him 'Ryuzaki', and 'Ryuga' just seemed so random ( ... )


bthebest April 10 2009, 01:08:52 UTC
B turned to the man who had addressed him slowly, tilting his head as he took in the guy's appearance. Another person who seemed to know him... how odd.

"I'm me, but I've never gone by that name," he said. His eyes traveled down the length of the man's body, back up and just slightly over the top of his head (had B not been one to slouch so much, he probably would have been taller than him), and then off to the side, disinterested. "...Am I supposed to know you?"


showtime_matsu April 10 2009, 18:46:13 UTC
...What a strange way to put it, but the "I'm me" thing sure sounded like something L would say. At the same time...if it was L, then he didn't know him. Wouldn't have known him, maybe, if he was younger? Why was this place so confusing?

"I'm...not sure," he admitted. "You look a lot like someone I know." Well, except for those freckles. L hadn't really had freckles, had he? But maybe they'd faded or something...


quickdrawbkiddo April 9 2009, 22:13:12 UTC
[free injured ex-assassin]

With her current injuries, Beatrix passed on the rec field. Getting outside for some fresh air would have been nice, but the comfortable chairs in the Sun Room were more conducive to her condition.

Sitting close to the board, mostly so she could catch sight of whatever pawn Ophelia was using to be her bulletin mouthpiece, she half closed her eyes, mimicking sleep. If the shift was uneventful enough, perhaps she'd meditate some.


icy_demise April 10 2009, 00:41:58 UTC
[Team Assassin Meet-up?]

Between spending another shift talking in the sun room, and spending a shift out in a hot, humid building full of plants the choice was clear. His nurse seemed to think that he wasn't in good enough shape to handle plants, which, while insulting, was helpful. At least he didn't have to argue about it with his nurse.

SubZero made his way over to sit with Arlene. They needed to talk, and since he would be busy for the night now was as good a time as any. "Arlene," SubZero greeted, since she seemed to be asleep. He didn't think she would actually sleep in the sun room, but there was just no telling with some people.


arc_wrench April 10 2009, 00:46:05 UTC
HK didn't want to deal with dirt. Not as a meatbag that could catch the germs it had in it. So he pestered his nurse into letting him stay in the Sunroom again.

The other two assassin meatbags were already there, so it seemed best to join them. Even if one of them was SubZero. "Greeting: Hello again, meatbags."


quickdrawbkiddo April 10 2009, 00:49:23 UTC
True to SubZero's assumption, Beatrix immediately opened her eyes. They flickered once over the other assassin's injuries before she spoke.

"You know, I think her continued existence is far crueler than her death would have been," she stated, not feeling to need to specify who she was talking to. "I'll allow her continued existence for now."

She gestured with a nod to the nearby chair as moving her arms hurt too much to bother with. Oh, good. HK-47 had arrived. Without preamble, the Bride focused on their common goal.

We have competition in the basement - a group that saw last night's fight. Their healer was trying to milk me for information during lunch. We may be able to use them to our advantage."


deadlyjuliet April 9 2009, 22:54:46 UTC
[Hay bb]His meal finished and his hunger sated, Grell straightened his uniform and smoothed out his hair. He had a meeting to go to and, as a butler, he had to look his best. Or however good he could make himself look wearing the goofy glasses and having his hair pulled straight back. No matter what he did, a few strands always pulled free of his tie, leaving him to chase them out of his face periodically ( ... )


clockmongler April 9 2009, 23:07:34 UTC
"Good afternoon, Mr. Sutcliff," was X's response, nodding to the other whilst continuing to pet his kitten. There was no telling if that darling little "Tim" was in the room at the moment, so it would be wise to play as if he'd no clue to the lady's darker side, at least for now. Really, it was almost disconcerting to see the god acting as he was, but he had kindly warned X in advance that he was an actress (even if it were in passing. Luxord prided himself on recalling such details). He might have even believed the nervous airs being put up if he had not seen otherwise.

"Would you care to sit down? You must be careful not to stand so long in your condition, you know." Ever the gentleman.


deadlyjuliet April 10 2009, 00:02:44 UTC
"Ah...thank you. You're most kind." Polite, prim and proper - it was how he had to be now that prying eyes had turned his way. The prim and proper part he didn't mind so much. That came with the territory when one was a lady. The polite part? Up to a certain point, he could tolerate it, but being someone's lackey had never sat well with Grell. He was, however, stuck in that role until such a time as he could figure out who 'Tim' was and destroy Brainiac 5's life ( ... )


clockmongler April 10 2009, 00:21:32 UTC
How sickeningly adorable the god was when pretending to be the sad, pitiful butler with no chance of ever harming anything ever. X smiled kindly at him, pushing away the strange urge to simply force the other to make him tea and watch in amusement as he failed horrendously and apologized profusely all the while.

Perhaps another time.

Oh yes, Grell was talking, wasn't he? Something about... his head? After driving dear Scar to fits of murderous rage, Luxord had all but forgotten about the wound on his head before Grell thoughtfully mentioned it. The Gambler brought his hand up and gingerly touched the bandages there, almost as if testing to see if it would still hurt. It did.

Ugh. He made sure to cover up the wince with a laugh and went back to petting Tyche. "Indeed it was, though I believe I will be alright. I truly did try to keep you from slipping, though it seems I was no help as I was merely dragged down with you..." Dramatic sigh. "As it is, you've suffered the worst of it. I should be asking of your health."


sir_savien April 9 2009, 23:40:05 UTC
Kvothe was glad when lunch ended and his nurse let him return to the sun room without argument. He wasn't sure what he'd be able to accomplish in the greenhouse anyway, with his...hand, and now his eye. He curled up on a couch, hand once again tucked close against him and hopefully ought of sight as he pressed a fresh icepack to his black eye. Maybe this shift he'd be lucky enough to avoid having to talk to anyone, or at the very least avoid the more crazy and violent inmates.

After the night and day he'd had so far he wasn't putting much hope in his luck, but he could always hope. In the menatime he closed his eyes, wishing fervently that he'd taken the medication the nurse had given him. His hand throbbed, his face ached, and all he really wanted was for the day to be over before he aquired any new injuries. The thought of making another try at the second floor had crossed his mind earlier, but now he thought he'd just stay in and sleep if he could.


sitard3d April 10 2009, 00:22:08 UTC
Demyx still didn't have an answer to his dilemmas, but talking about it with Matsuda had at least made him feel a little bit better about things. Still, he didn't really feel like messing with plants for the moment, so he wound up in the sun room instead, looking around for anyone he knew.

It took him a few seconds, after spotting the injured person on the couch, for him to recognize the guy as the one who'd approached him just yesterday at the band meeting, the one with the weird name they'd been going to save the night before - "Kvothe!" He moved quickly over to the other man, looking him over worriedly. Something about the way he was holding that one arm made it look like the icepack wasn't covering the only place he'd been roughed up. "Geez, what'd they do to you?" He'd thought they'd been doing experiments, but - well, Kvothe just looked like somebody had beat him up. What kind of experiment was that supposed to be?


sir_savien April 10 2009, 00:45:08 UTC
Kvothe turned his head and opened the eye not covered by the icepack, he easily placed the man talking to him but he was surprised to see Demyx. He smiled thinly and asked, "Which they?" as he shifted enough to raise his broken hand. "This was last night," and he gestured with the icepack, "this was earlier this morning." At least he wasn't limping from the punch to the groin anymore.

It was kind of a relief to see Demyx, really. Someone he'd spoken to before who'd seemed all right, and at the very least probably not inclined to either insult or injure him. And that he hadn't managed to anger or drive off yet.


sitard3d April 10 2009, 01:00:44 UTC
Demyx winced. "Oh, man. We tried to get to you last night, but..." He studied the black eye. "Who hit you, though?" That seemed pretty low, to punch a guy who was already hurt.


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