Nightshift 39: M51-60 Hallway

Mar 05, 2009 15:58

...was that Landel snoring? No matter. Miles clicked on his flashlight - or thought he was. The batteries seemed dead. He cursed to himself, swapping in a fresh set. There. That would be enough light to use for changing into his suit, which he did quickly ( Read more... )

allen, honey, suzaku, sai, kaito, aidou, edgeworth, clayface, lockdown, fox, jason, mori

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Comments 40

blood_and_pocky March 5 2009, 22:02:01 UTC
The vampire ate, waited, and when the time was right and Kaito was out of the way, prepared to meet the night by changing into the darker choice of outfit from the night before, collecting both the flashlight and the radio as he did so. He had something he needed to do that night, for the sake of his pride. To that end, he had to be focused ( ... )


prisonerofdeath March 5 2009, 22:05:48 UTC
The transition between day and night had seemed a lot less ominous than usual. There had been no taunts over the intercom, just what sounded like Landel snoring. For some reason, the fact that they hadn't been taunted at the start of night worried Fox even more.

He put on an extra shirt in addition to his coat in an attempt to hide the distinct blue glow on his back. Snake would likely notice it anyway, and while Fox didn't want to show it to Snake, or talk about it, he would have to.

Fox had spent too much time lying to Snake and hiding things from him before, but despite that it wasn't any easier to tell him the truth now. In some ways it was harder. He grabbed his sword out of it's hiding place and left the room quietly.


prisonerofdeath March 5 2009, 22:11:51 UTC
[Going here]


tsunagari March 6 2009, 00:36:23 UTC
Sai was still a unsure of things by the time night came around, but he was calmer now. He might have been a bit absent-minded, as he didn't even think to change into his ninja attire save for his shoes, but he did gather a pillowcase in case Usopp needed it and he didn't forget his trowels. Or the kunai.

Saying a brief farewell to his roommate, the ninja slipped quietly out into the hall.

[to here]


ruthless_hunter March 6 2009, 03:42:59 UTC
Lockdown awoke from his light recharge when he heard various noises. He opened his optics and sat up in the berth. The noises were coming from outside. He stood up, went over to the door, and grabbed the nob, expecting it to be locked. To his surprise, it was not.

Lockdown opened the door, and looked outside. The hallway was dark, and the only light came from beams of light from up and down the hallway. He saw others moving through the corridor, holding long rods that projected the light beams.

Lockdown remembered Starscream telling him that it was easy to get lost at night due to the darkness, and the bounty hunter could see that he was not overexadurating. He slunk back into his room to gather supplies, and await Starscream. Lockdown grabbed his light-rod, and pulled the cover off his pillow, to use as a bag. He put the key-ring, and a pen in his pocket. He then tore a blank page out of his journal, folded it up, and placed it in his pocket as well. You never knew when you would need to write something down.



whiny_egomaniac March 6 2009, 16:04:26 UTC
[From here]

The halls were empty, save for two flesh-creatures conversing toward the middle of the hallway. Starscream would have recognized 'Richard' had he cared to remember what the human looked like; instead, he made a bee-line toward room M57 and, shining his light inside, found Lockdown placing a piece of paper into a small compartment in the clothing over his legs.

"Good, you're ready" he spat out, somewhat impatient. "I see you have your light-emitting device; we'll need both yours and mine to navigate these halls, especially when we arrive at the rooms upstairs."


ruthless_hunter March 6 2009, 16:12:47 UTC
Lockdown looked over when he heard Starscream's distinctive voice. "Yes, I noticed that you were right when you talked about how dark it was." Light-rod and pillowcase in hand, Lockdown left the cell and stood before Starscream.

"Since you know your way around better than I do, perhaps you should lead." He suggested, activating the light-emitting device.


whiny_egomaniac March 6 2009, 16:33:38 UTC
Perhaps you should lead.

Perhaps NOTHING, Starscream thought to himself, a smirk on his face. I SHALL lead...not only the Decepticons, but all the flesh-creatures in this pathetic facility will soon be under my control. A veritable army waiting for a competent commander to rally them together and return to Cybertron more powerful than before! The Decepticon leader quickly regained his composure, coughing innocuously as he turned toward the hallway.

"Follow me," he started, looking over his map. "The stairwell is not far from here."


M55 no_ones_son March 6 2009, 12:16:43 UTC
[from here]

Jason cocked his head as the intercom came to life, listening to the head doctor... snore apparently. He'd heard him gloating over the system last night, before he presumably was knocked out and dragged back to his room. He'd been expecting to hear something similar, since it was obvious he got some sick pleasure watching them fight to get out of here but apparently the fucker was napping on them. Jason was almost insulted, but it had to be a good thing that they weren't being watched tonight. Except that there had to be cameras and they'd still be working so it made no fucking difference. All it did was piss him off and he sure as hell had plenty of anger to work out without any extra.

Stalking over to his bed, Jason fished the flashlight out from under the pillow, testing it to make sure it was still working properly. Glancing over at his roommate he waited to see what Luke intended to do now that his little psychic conversation was over.


Re: M55 heliokleptic March 6 2009, 12:37:52 UTC
Shaking himself out of the distracted haze the conversation with Asch had left him in, Luke folded up his diary and left it on the bed. Apparently night had fallen while they were talking, and it was time to get moving.

"You can meet him yourself, if you want." Not that Asch was ever very good company. Well, maybe he could be. It wasn't as if he didn't have special reason to hate Luke. Anyway, he wouldn't object to Asch making a friend or anything. "He looks like me." Plus, Luke really didn't want his roommate thinking he was insane. Though he was pretty sure that had just been a joke. Probably. For some reason it was a little hard to tell with Jason, and he guessed having a conversation with someone in his head did look a little crazy ( ... )


Re: M55 no_ones_son March 7 2009, 00:51:48 UTC
Made sense for Luke and this Asch to look alike if one was supposed to be a copy of the other. And god, wasn't that a funny thought? It wasn't like he was a carbon-copy of Dick but Jason looked enough like the first Robin - and his replacement enough like him - it was hard to pass off as a coincidence. Maybe the next time he saw Luke he'd ask about the whole 'replica' thing. Not that he was looking for someone to spill his guts to or to play counsellor for anyone else but it was worth investigating. Any scrap of information could be useful and all of that crap ( ... )


Re: M55 heliokleptic March 7 2009, 02:29:52 UTC
"You too," Luke replied quietly to his roommate as the other headed out into the dark hall way.

It wasn't as if he couldn't do this alone, but Luke was used to working in a group, and with the way even Guy had warned him of how dangerous this place, Luke must have a 'death wish' for doing this alone.

But Jason had been out there already, and didn't seem to hesitate to head out there alone now, and Jason might be a little reckless, but Luke wouldn't guess he had a death wish. So it couldn't be that big a deal. Anyway, there was only one to find out, and he didn't want to keep Anise waiting. Sighing he pushed out the door himself, making sure as it closed behind him that it didn't lock itself again, then he looked around.

There wasn't much to see, though. Certainly no monsters within his very small range of vision. He didn't hear anything, either. Things definitely felt a little more sinister, but that could just be his own nerves ( ... )


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