Nightshift 38: Main Hallway 2-West

Jan 25, 2009 16:24

[from here]On the second floor, and she hadn't blacked out yet. The complete darkness, instead of slowing her down to a cautionary walk, allowed her to speed up. Melissa was too sensitive to light to be able to see much unless she was in total darkness, a fact which had only annoyed her up until this point. Now she could just run through the halls ( Read more... )

methos, tony stark, albedo, armand, xellos, peter petrelli, porky, melissa, ken amada, sora, sam winchester, indiana jones, forte, allen, clark kent, superboy, edgeworth, itachi, godot, harley, dean winchester, alec, brainiac 5, citan, roxas, sanzo

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Comments 69

mind_caster January 25 2009, 23:25:14 UTC
[to here]


31st_of_china January 27 2009, 08:31:44 UTC
[from here]

"What's this 'we'?" Sanzo asked. He didn't wait for him to answer. He was already climbing the stairs, carefully. If he had an ounce of sense (or self-preservation), he wouldn't follow.

Sanzo hadn't missed that falter in Kid's grin. That part about actually killing the Head Doctor'd got to him. Gods knew why. The fucker had it coming to him. If he was going to get squeamish, he was going to get in his way. Sanzo couldn't afford that. This was about survival.

He was going to have to learn it eventually, even if it's the hard way.


gottabetactile January 27 2009, 10:50:13 UTC
Kon immediately followed Sanzo as he started up the stairs, doggedly keeping close to him. He was going to have to try way harder than that to get rid of him ( ... )


31st_of_china January 27 2009, 19:14:15 UTC
Sanzo rolled his eyes. "There's no such thing as destiny, just rotten karma."

He reached the top of the stairs. At least they could rule out one area. Sanzo didn't think he'd be in the morgue either. He'd been there three times already - although mostly unconscious for the third at the start - and he'd never seen Landel there. Sanzo reached into a sleeve, and drew out his map. He smoothed it out with a gloved hand.

A lot of the central area was unaccounted for, as well as the east side of the institute.

"I'm," and Sanzo put some serious emphasis on that. "going to check the area around the Sun Room. Your ass had better not get in my way."


gottabetactile January 27 2009, 21:52:20 UTC
"Well I guess you must have some really great karma then," Kon answered completely unfazed.

Huh. That was handy. Those long baggy sleeves were good for something after all. Moving closer Kon attempted to peer at the map. It was too much to expect an area labelled 'throne room' or 'room of evil scheming' but there should be some sort of hint there.

"My ass won't go anywhere you don't want it man, promise. I can't make any promises about the rest of me though."

Sun room area. That made sense - it was a big room and evil, gloating bad guys always liked huge rooms to sit around and plot in. Kon was grinning happily again as he said, "Lead the way, partner."


broken_exorcist January 27 2009, 15:18:34 UTC
[[from here]]

Once up the stairs, things seemed pretty empty. He could only hope that the straight shot really would be just that and not a complicated mess like some of the other times he'd come up here. There'd been that ghost woman and those cloaked spirits that drove away happiness and up the hall on the left there'd been that awful creature that resembled Rinali's brother.

"It's the very last hall on the left," Allen supplied, pointing down the long hallway.


scintillatingly January 28 2009, 05:51:13 UTC
Getting up the stairs was easy, and it sounded like finding the janitor's closet would be simple, too. So far, so good! Sora could only hope their luck wouldn't leave them, but he wasn't going to assume that would be the case.

"All right!" he exclaimed, a little louder than might be advisable. He noticed a pair of other patients had followed them up, and he could only hope they weren't going to the same place. Fighting over items wasn't something he wanted to deal with.

As he walked down the hall, he glanced over at Allen. "Thanks for coming with me, by the way." He knew that Allen was also part of Arts and Crafts and so this was just a normal assignment Still, it felt kind of different since it was just the two of them, especially since Allen had specifically agreed to go with him.


broken_exorcist January 28 2009, 06:06:01 UTC
Sora was enthusiastic at least. Probably for the best since Allen hadn't been in the greatest of spirits himself. Even if he was, it would probably be hard to keep up with Sora.

He walked alongside the boy, feeling somewhat embarrassed by his gratitude. "Ah-... it's really nothing. I was just... I didn't have any plans so..." he trailed off. If Hinamori and the other shinigami were running arts and crafts, he didn't want to end up butting heads with them on every issue. That was one of the reasons he'd slowly started pulling away from the group. After what happened with Hinamori, he was honestly surprised they wanted anything at all to do with him.

[[to here]]


oftemptation January 27 2009, 18:48:32 UTC
[from here]

There was something eerie about the hallway on the second floor, but Endrance couldn't quite put his finger on what it could be. He took a few tentative steps forward, peering out into the darkness.

"A single small light can only illuminate so much of the darkness..." The words weren't addressed to anyone in particular.

"Which way from here, then...?"


jokers_wildcard January 28 2009, 04:28:10 UTC
Harley swept her flashlight back and forth along the floor as they reached upstairs. So far, so good. She just had to hope their luck stayed good. As for where to go, she had an exact destination in mind. They were her kinda-sorta friends for the night, so it was probably right to tell them, but at the same time, she didn't need them to run off with their tails between their legs or anything.

...Nah. They wouldn't do that. Not to her. Right?

"Here, this way," she said, turning left and making her way down the corridor. "There's actually a place I been meanin' to check out up here." By that she of course meant 'obsessively trying to get to.' "There's supposed to be a hallway, uh... somewhere over here... that leads to the Animal Testin' Lab."


longlivetehking January 28 2009, 18:43:52 UTC
"The animal testing lab?" Scar repeated, blinking. The words had already left his mouth before he could even properly consider their supposed destination. Either way it didn't quite sound as a pleasant location to visit. It must have been the combination of 'animal' and 'testing'. Which made him wonder why Harley wanted to pay the location a visit. On the other hand, maybe he could find some clues regarding his own sort of transformation. If not, he had wished to explore the second floor, hadn't he?

"Well then, lead the way."


oftemptation January 30 2009, 05:18:09 UTC
Mia. Endrance knew that even the small, frail, cat that had possessed him wasn't real; it was an AIDA. But...he looked down at the pair of them, a look of shock and dismay in his eyes. He couldn't get the idea of a captive Mia out of his mind.

"You mean to say that there are creatures being kept captive? But...this kind of place only deals with humans, does it not?" The shock was slowly turning to steely determination, the kind he didn't display often.

"Yes. Lead the way," Endrance said, a touch of coldness in his tone.


secret_orchard January 28 2009, 20:06:47 UTC
[from here]

Here Armand hesitated. It had been far too long since he'd been on this floor of his own free will. They were too close to where he'd been so frightened. His breath caught a little, and he waited for his friends.

"Now I have to remember the way to the kitchen," he said to himself.

[OOC: and take a deep breath!]


janus_006 January 28 2009, 21:43:39 UTC
The upstairs kitchen...that was where Alec had gotten his knife. He hadn't been there in a while.

"It's not this first hallway here," he said authoritatively. That was where they did the experiments, and he remembered that it was somewhat convoluted to get there. He could tell that Armand was uncomfortable being up here, so he didn't add that last part about the experiments out loud. He may have been an asshole, but he wasn't that insensitive.


loyal_soldier January 28 2009, 21:58:19 UTC
"It's that hallway." TK indicated the proper one. "There are maps usually posted on the bulletin by one of the prisoners." He'd made sure to memorize what he'd seen. It seemed odd that other people didn't consider it a priority.


reanalyze January 28 2009, 23:06:11 UTC
"My, I haven't been here in some time," Citan said, glancing about. He'd come up there one of his first nights, hadn't he? With those two young women who'd mistaken him for some man named Jin. Or rather, two different someone's named Jin. How very odd it had been.

Weapons were a good idea, he had to admit. Not that he needed them, but for the others.

"I do remember the kitchen, however. At least vaguely."


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