Day 38: Lunch

Jan 14, 2009 10:50

Soubi was beginning to feel the effects of a busy morning on a tired body. To make things worse, they were serving Tacos and Burritos. He could really do some with something a bit softer today. Blander. But it was hardly his biggest concern right now ( Read more... )

s.t., kagura, edward elric, batman, tsubaki, teisel, the doctor, tony castaway, wolfram, allen, tk-622, demyx, miku, zex, angel, shinichi, hikaru, lugnut, mikami, the flash, lord recluse, peter petrelli, yohji, yuffie, sync, ayumu, honey, farfarello, masaru, yukari, kratos, haseo, citan, shito, obi-wan kenobi, homura, kenshin, senna, kaito, hanatarou, chidori, sora, evangeline, luffy, renamon, claude, keman, ami, haruno sakura, itachi, joshua, roland, harley, dean winchester, hk-47, hanekoma, kenren, argilla, guy, kvothe, kio, armand, reid, soubi, allelujah, frey, valyn, tokito, fai, leon magnus, sylar, schuldig, sasuke, yue, sheena, aidou, beatrix, falis, kaoru, ophelia, rangiku, gin, subaru, sanzo

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Comments 945

notachick January 14 2009, 11:48:09 UTC

Okita had spent the last shift resting. After his talk with Kaito and the rough night before, he'd needed it. The tightness in his lungs had gotten to him by the end of lunch and he'd been taken back to his room to rest for a bit. At least there, he'd been able to cough and sleep in peace. Now that the shift was over though, he was brought back out and lead into the cafeteria. He wasn't much for eating again, especially since his stomach hurt, but the food was something he recognized. Of course, that was just because they'd had it awhile ago, too.

Taking a burrito so he could dissect it again, Okita made his way into the nearly empty cafeteria. He glanced at the other occupant, but the man's face was nothing if completely unfriendly at the moment. Normally that wouldn't deter the swordsman, but today he was still tired. He found a seat toward the middle and sat down, facing the door so he could see who came in. Then he began pulling the burrito apart, bit by bit to see what was inside.


quickdrawbkiddo January 14 2009, 16:02:50 UTC
Beatrix vaguely wondered if she should start making a tally of the various 'robotic' beings in this place for her own amusement. She doubted this Rampage was about, but it might be worth her time to find out of Depth Charge really was as worked up about him as he seemed.

Taking her tray, the Bride was directed by her nurse to a table with a lone woman sitting at it, some excuse about not sitting alone given to her. She didn't care enough to argue, so she sat down. Peering over, her keen eyes noted that her first impression was wrong, that this was a man, despite his feminine appearance. She supposed it was enough to fool a good portion of the male populace. How amusing.

"It's better if you don't bother looking inside it," she stated in regards to the burrito. "Refried beans never make anything look appetizing."


notachick January 15 2009, 01:56:23 UTC
He glanced up when someone spoke to him, curious both to see who it was and because he had no idea what 'refried' beans were. Why would anyone fry beans? Natto was one thing, but to wrap it up in a little edible blanket was another. Smiling up at the woman he saw in front of him, he set his fork down like a scolded child. "But that is under the assumption I was going to find it appetizing at all," he corrected.

Perhaps he should have gotten a salad instead. Glancing over to the food line, he spotted Homura and Ayumu speaking. He didn't let his eyes stay on them any longer than anyone else in the room though, but made a mental note to be alert to their conversation. It wasn't a coincidence that Ayumu was with his leader, but he did wish he was in a better position to overhear their conversation.

Motioning to the chair in front of him, Okita smiled politely at the stranger. "Please, sit. It's no fun to have lunch by myself."


quickdrawbkiddo January 15 2009, 03:57:09 UTC
"Quite true," Beatrix replied, pushing her shaggy hair out of her face as she settled down. She'd long given up on trying to hide the metal plate in her head, deciding that most of the prison populace was either too oblivious to notice it at her left temple, or they didn't care.

"Thank you," she said, her tone neutral. "What is your name? You can call me Arlene."


mizuhomaiden January 14 2009, 15:57:28 UTC
Soubi's expression might have sent the girls from College away, but Sheena was somewhat immune to this face. After gathering her tray, a smug look on her face, she plopped herself down right next to Soubi.

"Heya," she said, bumping his shoulder with her own. "You wanted me? Here I am." It wasn't meant to be flirtatious, no matter how it sounded, but the ninja was in a good mood.


beloved_less January 14 2009, 17:22:13 UTC
Soubi's expression didn't improve for her cheerfulness. In fact, it got a little worse. Even the chance to tease her for her choice of words was unwanted right now.

Raine had been more troublesome than he'd hoped.

"You seem cheerful. Who's life have you been trying to ruin today?"


mizuhomaiden January 15 2009, 03:53:17 UTC
The words from Soubi's mouth hit Sheena like a slap across the face. Stunned, she blinked her eyes a few times, her accomplished mood slipping away.

"Uh... no one's. I was just checking into a guy's intentions toward Raine since he was getting real close to her and I'm one of those kinda of friends that wants to make sure the guy's not going to hurt her," Sheena said, a little defensively. "I was happy to find out that he likes her, respects her and is very much interested in her. And I... kinda approve of him."

She poked at her food, looking at Soubi out of the corner of her eye. "What got up your butt?"


beloved_less January 15 2009, 16:12:31 UTC
Soubi hadn't expected to actually be right about Sheena and other people's business, but there it was.

"There is nothing up my butt," he huffed. "Your Healer friend. Is she always so stubborn and..." Soubi's fists almost clenched as he looked for the right words. It was what teachers were. When they thought they were right about evrything and knew better than you, "...self righteous."


no_barbarian January 14 2009, 16:32:38 UTC
As strange a conversation as that had been, Teisel was in much better spirits now. He'd made what could turn out to be an excellent ally, he had a solid goal for nighttime rather than his usual aimless wandering, and he had a chance to do something useful, which, considering his currently fragile sense of self-worth, was not trivial. As long as he didn't screw anything up.

He hadn't really felt up to eating at breakfast, so he was good and hungry by now. Unable to decide which kind of meat he'd prefer, he ended up taking one taco of each, and some of the salad. He had missed breakfast. Finding an empty seat, he started with the chicken, since that was the most familiar (and therefore least speacial). He ate mechanically, still feeling pretty glum, but not as soul-crushingly bleak and depressed as he'd been earlier.



bullygeneraleva January 14 2009, 20:44:32 UTC
[[Someone set us up the Bonne!]]Evangeline would never say something like 'hope springs eternal' except as perhaps a sarcastic castigation, to her naive apprentice or one of his idiot friends. Yet somehow, despite a long line of disappointing conversations ever since she'd arrived here, she found herself looking for someone to bother the second she was finished making up her plate from the buffet ( ... )


no_barbarian January 15 2009, 05:37:40 UTC
Teisel looked up from his meal to see who was talking to him, and one. Looking a bit farther down, he saw a little girl. Weird. Judging from the voice, he'd expected a teenager at least. What was with all the kids here? It was creepy.

"I'm sorry...?" He gave her a mildly puzzled look. "Have we met, miss?" He didn't know anyone named Adam, that was for sure. She must have been mistaken.


bullygeneraleva January 15 2009, 06:50:01 UTC
At this point she wasn't even surprised. The reaction was completely typical of what she'd encountered up until now, which was people who were way too slow on the uptake. She didn't normally like to encourage back-talk, but right now she would have given an arm for some witty repartee.

Of course, that was easy to say when you could grow bits back.

She sighed and poked at her food, malicious glee disappearing behind the tattered drapes of resignation like a soon-to-be-stabbed royal adviser. "Do they put something in the food here? Am I going to be incapable of understanding when I'm being mocked in a week? Or is it just you?"

Technically slightly insulting, but the spirit had gone out it.


scalyfishman January 14 2009, 16:41:25 UTC
By all accounts, Depth Charge should have been, if not happy, then at least satisfied.

That made at least four people he'd asked to look out for X now- Lugnut, his roommate Matsuda, the man he'd met that night (Javert?) and now Arlene- with X himself possibly making himself known during the next shift. The net was tightening already, he could feel it, and he was going to be there when it closed on the mutant ( ... )


lossofface January 15 2009, 13:16:57 UTC
Talk about terrible timing - Blitzwing hadn't even caught the bald human's name before the nurses were rushing them both off again. Still, it couldn't complain; it shouldn't be that hard to contact the human over the bulletin board, if he learned anything new pertaining to explosives. And Blitzwing had every intention of learning as much as he could -- blowing this slagged place up wouldn't be nearly as satisfying as wrecking it with his own hands, but only just. Though, he reminded himself, it would be a bad idea do any lasting damage to the structure when he still didn't know where his body was stored. But that was all the more reason to keep an optic on the stranger! He could always sabotage the human if his plans got too grandiose...And in the meantime, a good explosion would go a long way to shaking up that smug slagger who kept making broadcasts on the intercom ( ... )


scalyfishman January 15 2009, 17:07:42 UTC
It was probably highly unfortunate for the Maximal in question that he couldn't scan Blitzwing's processor for peace of mind- without a doubt, the fact that the he was taking their meeting so lightly would've definitely cooled Depth Charge's jets a little. Pit, he was expecting some kind of inquisition.

As it was, however, when the sound of his name being spoken and the shadow falling across his (thus far untouched) plate caught his attention, Depth Charge felt an uncomfortable twist in his lower body. Not fear, of course, especially not over some jumped-up, spawn-of-Unicron 'con. Just... apprehension. He turned his head to get a look at the visitor. So. This was Blitzwing. Funny- the guy looked almost ordinary for a human. He wasn't sure why, but he'd been expecting something a little more dramatic from the resident Decepticon psychopath ( ... )


lossofface January 16 2009, 12:35:06 UTC
Undramatic? Blitzwing? If only Depth Charge could read minds, he'd soon see how wrong he was. Fortunately, he'd have the entire shift to learn better.

With a slight smirk at Depth Charge's attitude, Blitzwing sat, tearing into another one of his burritos. "So," he growled, and licked a stray bit of sauce off one of his fingers. "Too embarrassed to talk about your tragic past where people might see?"

So what if the Maximal was a potential ally? If he was too thin-plated to stand a little friendly heckling, then he was a waste of Blitzwing's time anyway. And yeah, this was Blitzwing's idea of friendly heckling.


yin_yang_fox January 14 2009, 17:27:58 UTC
Renamon had much on her mind when she came to the cafeteria, and it was safe to say that food was not one of them. She moved to a table near the wall and sat down, closing her eyes as she started a light meditation.

It wouldn't do very well if she was preoccupied when the person she was to interview showed up. She tried to focus her thoughts.

[Peter Petrelli =D]


human_sponge January 15 2009, 02:41:08 UTC
While Peter's talk with Roland hadn't left him feeling much better, at least he had been able to actually tell someone about last night without having to go into the gross details. After the shift in the library, however, he made sure to check his bulletin post, and he did end up having to deal with some prying questions.

Along with a few implications that Elle deserved what she got, which left him confused and upset. While she had acted strangely at times, and giving him small shocks was apparently her idea of fun, that didn't necessarily mean she was better off dead. But then what did merit that amount of ruthlessness? Would Peter have it in him to kill Sylar if it came to that? Someone had basically responded and volunteered to help him do the deed, but now Peter was just conflicted.

If possible, he'd prefer to prevent the man somehow, stop him from murder without actually taking his life. But at this point, he had come far enough to wonder if that was a bit naive of him. He'd been willing to tell Claire that she had to kill ( ... )


yin_yang_fox January 16 2009, 19:38:14 UTC
Renamon waited a moment before opening her eyes, giving the man in front of her a through once-over. Her contact had stated he had no distinguishable features, and while she disagreed, she supposed from a human's perspective, that was true. She bowed her head to him, motioning with her hand for him to sit.

"I am Renamon," she said by way of introduction. "And I'm assuming you're the one I'm meeting."


human_sponge January 16 2009, 23:03:23 UTC
That had worked out, then. Nodding, Peter took the seat, frowning just slightly when he heard the young woman's name. "Renamon" - while the pronunciation fit some Earth languages, it still wasn't something he'd heard before.

"Yeah, about the disappearances," he confirmed. "I'm Peter," he returned, figuring it was only right for them to exchange names even though all he was doing was answering a few of her questions.

He was curious about the girl's face markings, but now wasn't really the time to ask. Instead, Peter took a hold of his burrito and started on it, hoping that the good food would keep his mind off of everything that had been troubling him recently. It didn't work very well.


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