Nightshift 37 - M-A Block Hallway

Dec 08, 2008 13:37

[From hereIt became more obvious as he went down the hall that he'd been moved rooms: this wasn't the same room as it was the night before, he realized, shining his flashlight for a second on one of the room number plaques. Before, it'd been in the hundreds. Now he was passing M8, M9. Dean moved quietly, keeping up a good pace but not breaking into ( Read more... )

methos, ren, guy, kvothe, senna, usopp, peter petrelli, anise, elena (ffvii), claus, levi, yuffie, danny phantom, orihime, momo (xenosaga), wolfram, indiana jones, leon (so2), viewtiful joe, renamon, claude, kristoph, sylar, leon magnus, superboy, edgeworth, itachi, dean winchester, celes, phoenix, sanzo

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Comments 130

yin_yang_fox December 8 2008, 23:40:49 UTC
[from here]

Another hall and her destination would be close. She continued.


yin_yang_fox December 8 2008, 23:42:55 UTC

sir_savien December 9 2008, 02:07:36 UTC
[ from here]

Where the main hall began, Clark said. Kvothe looked around with his flashlight and moved on quickly, at least it wasn't far.


sir_savien December 9 2008, 02:16:17 UTC

for_marian December 9 2008, 03:14:09 UTC
[from here]

Nothing so far. That much was good. Hopefully being careful of the mirrors in the bathroom would help prevent anything from happening in there, either. Still, Leon was not looking forward to this experience--carrying enough metal on his own, not to mention prying it free in the first place--was going to be unpleasant.


theroadsofar December 9 2008, 04:05:55 UTC
Dean was about to move in when he heard the sound of footsteps. The hunter's fingers tightened around the flashlight and then he suddenly whirled around, the flashlight in his good hand angled at the newcomer's face. Dean peered at him and his shoulders sagged just a little. Some kid. Definitely no shapeshifter, his eyes looked pure human despite getting a face-full of light. Didn't mean he wasn't dangerous but at least "shifter" was one thing he could strike off the list. Dean closed the door behind him with his foot, still keeping his flashlight trained on the teenager.

"You takin' a walk for fun or what?" Dean asked. He kept his voice light but his guard up, as well as his distance. Last time he came too close to someone in Landels and he'd almost ended up with a friggen concussion, nevermind the busted arm. He needed to know what the kid was doing here before he could turn his back on him and enter the bathroom.


for_marian December 9 2008, 04:24:52 UTC
Leon scowled as the beam of light hit him full in the face, dazzling him briefly, and he brought up the tip of his makeshift spear in response. He twitched his head just out of the path of the light, blinking to try to clear the spots as quickly as possible. "Watch it!" Obviously that had been on purpose, but when no attack was forthcoming Leon had to wonder if the guy was just an asshole.

And what a stupid question. The guy had to be new, or else just being an ass on purpose. "There's really only one thing these bathrooms are useful for at night, so what do you think I'm doing here?"


theroadsofar December 9 2008, 04:39:44 UTC
Pissy little bitch, wasn't he? He would've almost thought Tokito and him were related.

Dean would've had a few choice words with him if it wasn't for the fact he just now saw the spear the kid was packing. Weird choice for a weapon but it was a hell of a lot better than he had right now and, most importantly, it had way more range: he was actually in a worse position than the kid was if he wanted to get skewered.

"Same thing I'm doin' here, I bet," Dean said, but he did lower the flashlight grudgingly. He could still move, busted arm or not, but this kid still had the range and maybe dodging the spear wasn't really good enough for him right now. "What's your name, kid? I'm Brian."

If they were both here for the metal, than fine, he could deal with that, it wasn't like he couldn't share. Just so long as he was clear this kid wasn't going to start trying to run him through with that spear; he still had no idea how he could even hide that thing in the cramped patient rooms and not have the nurses find it.


human_sponge December 9 2008, 04:15:40 UTC
[From here.]

With the hall empty except for a pair of patients who were talking slightly behind him, Peter couldn't help but glance in that direction for a moment out of curiosity. He was surprised to see Brian from earlier today chatting with someone Peter didn't know, and while he could have said something, the other man seemed busy and he had his own business to take care of.

At least the man was making sure to team up with someone for whatever he was attempting to do tonight. Adjusting his shovel, which he was leaning over his shoulder as usual, Peter nodded to himself and moved out of the block.


human_sponge December 9 2008, 04:21:37 UTC
[To here.]


7_to_midnight December 10 2008, 14:26:21 UTC
[ Following Peter. ]

Sylar made sure to stay in the darker part of the his room's hallway as Peter ventured out into the open space and checked around. As soon as he turned and began heading towards the door to the main corridor, Sylar began moving into the patient block's general hallway from a safe distance, thankful that no one he knew was around to slow him down. He came to the door Peter had passed through and waited for a few seconds before slowly opening it and passing through himself.

[ Still following. ]


maskedsunflower December 9 2008, 04:20:11 UTC
[from here]

There were other patients milling around, and he wondered where the promised monsters were. Everything else he'd been told so far had been true or at least hadn't been proven false, so he expected them. Maybe this area had fewer, and that was why it had been suggested for a meeting spot.

It felt strange to be holding a flashlight in his left hand and a radio in his right, when his sword and cannon should have been in and on each respectively. Even his vision was off, as he kept his thoughts alert for any unexpected attack but looked out at the world through nothing more than bangs.

But he wasn't completely broken, and his weapons couldn't all be taken. He would just have to take them back. Would radio clues help with that...?


lady_general December 13 2008, 03:36:51 UTC
[Huffily from here, forgive me, A!]

Celes was glad that she was an easily identifiable woman, some days. Though, the way she strode down the hall, a monster encountered now would feel the full brunt of her frustration, even if she needed to rent it limb from scaly, rotting or feathered limb. She stopped before a young boy (why were they always frightfully young?!) and frowned. He fit this so-called Commander's description, but...

"Are you the person I am to meet here?" she asked after an uncertain moment, crossing her arms under her coat again.


maskedsunflower December 13 2008, 04:03:11 UTC
At the arrival of a tall blonde woman, he looked up, expression serious but not surprised by her height in comparison to him. Almost all of his soldiers were taller than he was; it didn't matter. The fact that she was not wearing the standard uniform here was strange, but if there was a way to find other clothing, he would have changed as well. Wearing a uniform with someone else's symbol was wrong, even if he had no choice for now.

"I am the Commander. Are you Celes?" he asked, although it seemed likely. "I have a radio and a flashlight. Is anything else needed for radio clues?" He still wasn't sure he understood what they were supposed to do, but if nothing useful came from this, he'd do as he'd suggested to Junior and try a different group the next day.


lady_general December 13 2008, 04:30:49 UTC
"I am, a pleasure, sir." She was also a general, but, for now, chose to not introduce herself as such. One little step at at time. "So far as I know, we also attempt to find them. I know of no proper means of communication between us and the rest of the 'club'."

Celes pursed her lips irritably and threw her hair off of her shoulders. "I have a small knife, and some spells at my disposal. If we are prudent about our battles, we should do well tonight."


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