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Comments 143

M1 gottabetactile December 8 2008, 11:51:04 UTC
Kon looked up at the ceiling as the intercom came on again. "Sleep studies?" he mumbled. "Not sure I like the sound of that. I've had enough with people getting me naked while I'm out, definitely don't wanna know what else they might like to do to me when I'm sleeping ( ... )


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 8 2008, 11:56:48 UTC
Kurt raised his eyebrows when Kon started staring at him. His ears also twitched a little, nervous that he was going to be the victim of more unwarranted flirtation.

"What?" The mutant frowned and looked over his shoulder. "Is there a spider or something?"

Was that...? Oh God no. No no no...


Re: M1 gottabetactile December 8 2008, 12:00:38 UTC
Sliding off the bed Kon walked over towards Kurt. As soon as he got close to his roommate Kon reached out wanting to feel for himself if Kurt really was well, furry.

"What happened? You look- Wow!"


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 8 2008, 12:07:49 UTC
It was his tail. That hadn't been there a few hours ago. No, he had been normal. Normal! Four fingers, smooth skin, dark blue eyes... this couldn't be happening, it just couldn't happen.

But it was true. Kurt confirmed it by looking down at his hand. Two fingers, one thumb. He didn't have four fingers anymore. His hand was the one he remembered all too well. Memories of the realization that he couldn't dance with Amanda because she would feel only two fingers came back. Why couldn't he have four? Why couldn't he be normal?

He looked back, horrified at Kon who was reaching out to touch him. Touch him. He was a monster, a demon. He was going to attack Kurt, hurt him. No one else besides his parents and Amanda had ever touched his fur gently. Kurt snapped, instantly panicking.

"NO!!" He screamed, leaping over Kon and darting under his bed. Shuddering, he curled up in the corner, as far in as possible.


theroadsofar December 8 2008, 19:14:19 UTC
[In M2]

Dean remained seated until he was sure Angel was gone. Then he ransacked the room a second time, listening at the same time as some deluded bitch on the intercom replaced the Head Doctor's voice and dropped some more info. Something about caverns, then something about "parts" to play (not exactly volunteer-work, he knew), and the last bit, he couldn't quite make out. This "parts to play" thing really didn't make him feel any better - it definitely sounded like people were chosen here and he still didn't know what got you the first-class ticket to Crazyville. Much fun as it was to go on and on about what he didn't know, Dean knew he was wasting time. Find some metal in the bathrooms, then he could get that knife, then he could go on about the what-ifs.

By now his headache had gone down enough that it was easier to concentrate on what he needed to do and not the pounding in his head. It still left him without a flashlight. Turning over the room, Dean was relieved when he came up with a spare - well, maybe not a spare exactly ( ... )


theroadsofar December 9 2008, 07:07:21 UTC
[To here]


(The comment has been removed)

sir_savien December 9 2008, 02:08:34 UTC
Kvothe waved good bye as Tony rushed out and gathered up his own things, putting some of the materials he'd taken from the Arts and Crafts room in his pillowcase and turned on his flashlight as he headed out as well to meet up with Clark.

[ to here]


M7 mitase December 8 2008, 20:30:17 UTC
Finding the familiar clothing had managed to distract Hanatarou for a bit, but then came the intercom announcement that heralded the arrival of night and suddenly everything was immediate again. The healer swallowed hard, one hand finding and closing about the strap across his chest while the other tightened on the handle of his flashlight, trying to hide the way they were suddenly shaking.

"Are we r-ready to go?" he asked, glancing in Sora's direction. At least he had someone going along with him. He'd been relieved to have friends - or at least acquaintances, on the part of most of the shinigami - here when he'd arrived, but one by one they'd begun to disappear or die. He wasn't certain which made him more afraid: the idea that he might be the next one, or that everyone else would disappear and leave him here by himself.


Re: M7 scintillatingly December 8 2008, 23:09:02 UTC
The announcement was different tonight, but Sora remembered the head nurse doing this once before in the past. It was creepy, though, if only because it was a change from the other voice that he had begun to block out since he'd gotten so used to it.

Hanatarou's shaky tone didn't help much with that feeling of unease, but Sora realized that it meant he had to be the brave one. Tonight was just like any other night, right? And they had somewhere to be.

"Yeah, I'm ready!" Retrieving his flashlight (it was probably best if they both had one), Sora tried to turn it on and then frowned when nothing happened. It looked like the batteries had finally run out. Letting out a sigh, the boy unscrewed it, fished the spares out of his desk, and carefully replaced them.

"Guess I'll have to find more of those soon," he said with a half-nervous laugh. Still, now they were really ready and so he started for the door.


Re: M7 mitase December 9 2008, 00:45:40 UTC
Hanatarou drew in a deep breath and nodded, trying not to pay attention to the fact that Sora sounded a little nervous, too. If he did then he might feel more nervous and then things would just get worse, and that wasn't any good at all. Tonight was supposed to be for remembering Renji, not about his own worries.

Even if the two were kind of related.

But still, the healer headed toward the door along with his roommate, clinging to the strap for his bag as though he could somehow draw strength and confidence from that. Hitsugaya-taichou's room wasn't far from here, and he was familiar enough with this route, at least.

[hop skip and drop over to here]


M6 felled_hero December 8 2008, 21:36:45 UTC
Alright, tonight was the big night. Hughes gathered all of his knives, glad he had enough for everyone. At least everyone who'd expressed interest in learning how to use a knife.

Honestly, he didn't even know how many people were going to show up. He'd just have to see, and hope that everyone he'd sent out tonight did alright. He'd know in the morning.

And Ed! Ed was coming to make Claude's weapon, and Claude would be by for it...

It was almost like being back at the head of Internal Affairs again.


Re: M6 full_score December 9 2008, 22:33:57 UTC
((From here.))

Claude kept his beam on the room numbers as he made his way down the hall. M8, M7... And then there was M6. Well, that had been easy enough! Smiling to himself, Claude stopped at the door, then set down his pillowcase of metal long enough to give a light knock.

"It's Claude," the blond spoke up, though it was only then he realized that he wasn't entirely sure who he was supposed to be meeting with. Only one way to find out, though, right? He had to admit he was curious to know a little more about the folks who ran the Cooking Club. Ashton, Dias, Leon and Anise were all members, after all.


Re: M6 lost_metal December 10 2008, 02:11:14 UTC
[From here]

If he looked a little miserable when he arrived at Hughes' room, then it was just a trick of the light. Anyone else who said differently was obviously mistaken or lying or stupid. Possibly all three at once.

He knocked lightly at the door, calling out who it was before he stepped inside the room. "Oh..." he said, looking at the blond man already there before glancing at Hughes. "I didn't realise anyone was here."


Re: M6 heraldric December 10 2008, 05:06:45 UTC
[skipping like a mofo from here...]

"Ed!" Leon caught sight of the blond right as he turned into the hall. Ha! So coming back to this room had been a good idea. (Though he was sure Hughes would have been able to point him in the right direction even if he'd missed him.)

He waved at him, hurrying to reach the door as well. "Hey! I forgot to get your room number, so I'm lucky to have caught you!" Unless Ed had come here specifically for this reason, in which case this was a little embarrassing. Still, Ed was just as much at fault for not offering the room number as he was for not asking, right? Except that technically the young mage was the one that wanted the lessons...


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