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M1 gottabetactile December 8 2008, 11:51:04 UTC
Kon looked up at the ceiling as the intercom came on again. "Sleep studies?" he mumbled. "Not sure I like the sound of that. I've had enough with people getting me naked while I'm out, definitely don't wanna know what else they might like to do to me when I'm sleeping ( ... )


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 8 2008, 11:56:48 UTC
Kurt raised his eyebrows when Kon started staring at him. His ears also twitched a little, nervous that he was going to be the victim of more unwarranted flirtation.

"What?" The mutant frowned and looked over his shoulder. "Is there a spider or something?"

Was that...? Oh God no. No no no...


Re: M1 gottabetactile December 8 2008, 12:00:38 UTC
Sliding off the bed Kon walked over towards Kurt. As soon as he got close to his roommate Kon reached out wanting to feel for himself if Kurt really was well, furry.

"What happened? You look- Wow!"


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 8 2008, 12:07:49 UTC
It was his tail. That hadn't been there a few hours ago. No, he had been normal. Normal! Four fingers, smooth skin, dark blue eyes... this couldn't be happening, it just couldn't happen.

But it was true. Kurt confirmed it by looking down at his hand. Two fingers, one thumb. He didn't have four fingers anymore. His hand was the one he remembered all too well. Memories of the realization that he couldn't dance with Amanda because she would feel only two fingers came back. Why couldn't he have four? Why couldn't he be normal?

He looked back, horrified at Kon who was reaching out to touch him. Touch him. He was a monster, a demon. He was going to attack Kurt, hurt him. No one else besides his parents and Amanda had ever touched his fur gently. Kurt snapped, instantly panicking.

"NO!!" He screamed, leaping over Kon and darting under his bed. Shuddering, he curled up in the corner, as far in as possible.


Re: M1 gottabetactile December 8 2008, 12:19:17 UTC
Kon yelped as Kurt suddenly shrieked at him, stumbling backwards and falling heavily to the floor. Staring as his roommate dove under the bed like a frightened cat Kon just sat there gaping for way too long.

Kicking his brain into gear, Kon pulled himself together, twisting around to peer under the bed. Keeping his distance for now, just in case Kurt had sprouted claws or something to go with the tail and ears, he asked "Dude, what the hell was that about?"

It was really hard to see Kurt in the shadows under the bed. You wouldn't think a blue guy would blend in so well. Squinting Kon tried to figure out what he was up to under there. Was he shaking? What the hell was going on here? He'd looked like a normal human just a few minutes ago!


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 8 2008, 12:24:50 UTC
"Don't look...!" Kurt warned him, his voice thick with holding back angry tears. He'd been so happy, why was it taken away from him? Hadn't he suffered enough already? Kon had liked him, Ururu had liked him when he didn't look like... like a freak.

The mutant turned his back to Kon, curling into himself and trying to hide. Maybe Kon would just go away now. Call Kurt some name or other, leave the room, go about his business and Kurt would stay here... mourning.


Re: M1 gottabetactile December 8 2008, 12:35:58 UTC
"What? Don't look? At what?" Kon continued to peer under the bed, edging closer when Kurt failed to try and scratch his eyes out. Sticking his head under the bed Kon reached out to Kurt, trying to get him to turn around. He sounded really upset - no shit! He'd freaked and hidden under the bed! - but Kon honestly had no idea what had gotten to his roommate.

"Kurt, c'mon! What's wrong?" Stupid question Kid. Kurt had only freaked when he'd seen his changed appearance. "Do you know what happened to you? Why you look like this now? Maybe I can help. It's gotta be something they did to you here, it's gonna be OK I'll fix it!" Kon babbled desperately trying to reassure his friend.


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 8 2008, 12:41:51 UTC
As heartfelt as Kon's words were, all Kurt could do was shiver and cling to himself. He'd seen. Kon had seen, and as soon as he got a better look--not like he hadn't already--he would hate what he saw. He would be disgusted and never look at him the same way again. Everyone would. No one would go near him. And he wouldn't have his friends to stick by him when he was feeling especially cut-off and depressed.

"N-no..." Kurt managed, holding his head in his hands. "No, they didn't do this to me..." He paused, giving an almost pained sob. "...this... this is always what I look like," he whispered. "I always look like this."


Re: M1 gottabetactile December 8 2008, 12:50:28 UTC
That took Kon a moment to process. Kurt had always looked like this? But why was he freaking? That all became unimportant though when he heard Kurt sob. Worming his way further under the bed, Kon reached out again to stroke Kurt's back in a hopefully comforting manner. "I don't get it. If this is what you normally look like why are you upset now? Shouldn't you have freaked before when you saw they'd changed you?" He wished he was better at this whole making people feel better thing. Robin was better at this than him. Kon was good at flirting and hitting things. Comforting people didn't come easily for him.


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 8 2008, 20:17:26 UTC
Kurt flinched slightly when Kon touched him. But it was gentle enough to convince Kurt to at least face Kon again. The boy rolled over slowly.

"Look at me, Kon," Kurt's eyes shone yellow and lamplike in the darkness. "I'm a freak, a monster. I look like something out of hell. Do you know how many people recoiled in disgust when they saw me?

"No, waking up as a normal human was the best thing ever. No worrying about if people would find out, four fingers, no tucking my tail into my pants..." Kurt covered his face with his hands. "Being normal was like a dream."


Re: M1 gottabetactile December 8 2008, 21:05:26 UTC
Kurt hated the way he looked. Kon stared, trying to figure out just what was so bad about his appearance that it would cause people to pull away. Sure, some people were kinda freaked the first time they saw Dubbilex with his horns and seriously rocky complexion, but it wasn't like they tried to lynch him or something. Everyone he knew had gotten over it and realised that Dubbilex was a great guy.

Reaching out to tug Kurt's hands away from his face, Kon paused feeling the soft blue fur now covering his roommate's arms. That seriously had not been there before or he would've felt it. Trying to get him to look at him again, Kon said "I'm not seeing how anyone could call you a monster Kurt. Seriously, you look way cool.

"Can we get out from under the bed? It's not exactly comfortable down here," Gently pulling at Kurt's arm again Kon tried to draw him out from where he was hiding.


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 8 2008, 21:15:16 UTC
Kurt let Kon pull his hands away at the mention that he looked cool. He remembered that Kon's initial reaction hadn't been terror, just curiosity. Kurt expected curiosity. It was a normal reaction, after all. Even Amanda had been curious, despite Kurt's insistence that she wasn't going to like what she saw.

The mutant let Kon pull him out and he stood up, shoulders hunched. He awkwardly held one of his elbows, looking down at the floor. "Not so cool when you can see it clearly, huh?" he said, ears drooping a little.


Re: M1 gottabetactile December 9 2008, 03:08:58 UTC
The way Kurt stood there hunched, almost like he was still trying to hide even now, made Kon wonder just what the hell had happened to the guy. What could make Kurt, who'd been so cheerful before, act like he was some sort of freak? It was like he expected Kon to beat him up just for standing there.

"You're kidding right? You look awesome!" He was so going to beat the snot out of anyone who'd ever called Kurt a monster. No one should be acting like there something wrong with them just 'cause of how they looked, especially when they looked like that.

Kon peered around behind Kurt trying to get a good look at that tail. "Man! Seriously that is cool!" He wanted to get a better feel of the fur too, it had felt really soft before. "You're not going to freak on me if I try touching you again, are you?"


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 9 2008, 03:31:39 UTC
Kurt's tail twitched a little and swayed so that Kon could get a better look at it. He supposed it was cool to have a tail he had complete control over. And okay, maybe his yellow eyes were intriguing. But the fur? And the hands and feet? And the fact that he ran on all fours?

"...n-no, it's okay. You aren't going to hurt me," Kurt said, more for his own benefit than Kon's. When Kurt had mentioned mutants earlier, Kon hadn't made a big deal about it. He seemed more angry that they were treated so poorly. He could trust him. He could.


Re: M1 gottabetactile December 9 2008, 03:46:22 UTC
"Cool!" Even though Kurt had said he didn't mind Kon touching him he still sounded scared. And sure, Kon liked it when bad guys he went after were scared just to see him but Kurt wasn't a bad guy. Him being afraid of Kon hurting him just felt wrong. Still, no better way to fix that than by showing him Kon wasn't going to do anything to him. Well, anything painful.

Reaching out slowly in case Kurt changed his mind, Kon brushed his fingers over the fur covering Kurt's arms. Running his hand up Kurt's arm to his face he flicked at the tip of one pointed ear. "Now I know what you meant about chick's digging the 'fuzzy dude'. Man, and I was into you before! You are like, a thousand times hotter now!"


Re: M1 fuzzy_diablo December 9 2008, 03:55:58 UTC
"Was?!" Kurt exclaimed, looking a little overwhelmed again. And apparently, his slipping back into German temporarily conveyed his surprise and slight confusion. "I mean... what? You can't be serious! Why is... this isn't attractive at all," he muttered, rubbing the tip of his ear with his finger and thumb.

"People are scared of me. This isn't exactly the face of an angel. I guess you know why I was so happy to look the way I did, now."


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