Night 37: West Wing, South Hall 2-B

Dec 08, 2008 03:43

[from here]

The door had taken a bit to get open, but Falis was strong. She paused in the hallway, one hand out a little before her to keep herself from hitting walls again. Crouching down once no immediate threat was detected, Falis put two fingers to the ground and attempted to find any traces of someone's passage, even a bit of remaining dampness from when they'd dragged her up here with wet hair.

Nothing. This meant she needed to pick a direction. Left.

The bounty hunter moved down the hallway to the left, keeping low to the ground. It sucked she'd not spent more time on this floor. She'd seen a map, yes, but nothing familiarized Falis with the layout of an area more than walking it. Also, she usually had Namine along with her.

She came to a door at the end of the hallway, feeling its presence just before her hand made contact with it. She listened - no sounds. Finding the door locked, with a sharp kick and then taking her shoulder to it, Falis moved through into the next corridor.

grell, renamon, tsubaki, schuldig, superboy, leon kennedy, falis, rubedo, brainiac 5, wesker

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