Jan 26, 2007 16:32

[coming from here]Claire adjusted the radio so it now dangled from her wrist on the small string. She was still trying to work out everything the man on the other end had said. He obviously didn't want to be found, for whatever reason, but he was helping them? Did he really have a rivalry with the Intercom guy, or was this all a hoax ( Read more... )

naminé, renamon, alyssa, kairi, xigbar, claire bennet, luxord, hojo, zack, kiden, wesker

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Comments 66

no_side_effects January 26 2007, 21:42:49 UTC
[[Coming from here]]

Wesker made his way calmly and purposefully down the hallway. Needless to say, he was quite pleased when he spotted Claire emerging from the Female patient block.

Of course, she wouldn't be able to see him until he actually got much closer to her. He smiled briefly to himself. His enhanced vision was the only sense that hadn't been reduced to normal levels, and while he greatly valued his sense of hearing, sight was far more useful in general, even if he couldn't look in all directions at once.

"Claire." He said quietly as he approached her, adjusting his sunglasses.


claire_ity January 26 2007, 21:50:58 UTC
Claire jumped just slightly at the sound of her name. Okay, so she'd been a little paranoid of getting attacked, but who in her position wouldn't be? She turned around, relieved to see Wesker, but slightly annoyed.

"D-don't do that!" she whispered fiercely, more out of embarrassment from being caught off guard than anything. She sighed and straightened. To be honest, she was glad that at least now, she wasn't alone.


no_side_effects January 26 2007, 21:59:07 UTC
Wesker just smiled slightly at her when she jumped, and stuttered. He almost imagined he could hear her heart-rate jumping up.

"Well, shall we get moving?" Right down to business, no need to beat around the bush right now. The sooner they got into the kitchens, the sooner they could better arm themselves.

He had no problems fighting with his hands, but knives were simply so much more destructive now that his enhanced strength was gone.


claire_ity January 26 2007, 22:06:19 UTC
Claire nodded. RC was probably there or on his way by now, and she didn't like the idea of him by himself. Soldier or not.

"Alright, let's go." The sooner they got to the Sun Room, the better. Claire turned back and started walking.


class_one January 26 2007, 23:37:57 UTC
[ From here. ]

Judging by the fact that there was a girl nearby (rather pretty, too), Zack had to assume that he was going in the right direction. He always saw the female coming from this area of the building, so he found the door that seemed to be the counterpart to the one that led into the male block and headed inside.

F14, right? Hopefully everyone would be there on time.


class_one January 26 2007, 23:42:17 UTC
[ To here. ]


digi_renamon January 27 2007, 01:06:01 UTC
[coming from here]

Once she'd stepped out of her room, Renamon had gone off darting. She tried to calculate each swift footfall so it would land with the least noise possible. If possible, no noise at all. She was getting used to these human-dulled senses. Slowly, but if she didn't concentrate too hard on what she lost and focused instead on what was still remaining, she could focus them well enough.

Like that, she was out on the hallway the nurse had used to lead her out in the morning. Turn to the right, then to the left, and keep going forward...there would be an open door further down, if she remembered correctly, and once inside-- that's where the library had been, one of the doors, and another of the doors was the music room...


digi_renamon January 27 2007, 01:37:01 UTC
[going to here]


numberii January 27 2007, 02:33:19 UTC
((From here. ))

"So, how do you like the place?" It seemed like the place was mostly vacant, which was rather saddening; he'd expected a little more activity at this time. At least he had the scientist to drag along, to say nothing of his own brilliant self to consider.

"By the way, dude; you never did answer my question. If you know someone's gonna be betraying you, but they haven't done so yet, what would you do?"


walking_complex January 27 2007, 02:39:54 UTC
Hojo frowned a little; he hadn't gotten a chance to answer the question before they'd been herded out of the cafeteria. "I suppose it depends on the situation. If you're reacting because that's what you're supposed to do, then it would be better to wait so that there's actually an action to respond to. If you're trying to protect yourself, though, then it's better to get rid of the person as soon as possible." He shrugged. "Of course, if you know what's going to happen you might be better off getting rid of them anyway just to be safe, regardless of when it's supposed to happen."


clockmongler January 27 2007, 03:54:38 UTC

"Perhaps you should take to the advice you ask for, II, as an alternative to merely shrugging it off?"

It didn't take that much for the Gambler to find the other Nobody, but the lanky looking scientist accompanying him was a bit of a surprise. No matter.

Luxord crossed his arms, offering a grin. "Where are we going tonight, ladies?"


numberii January 27 2007, 04:09:18 UTC
He'd been expecting the blonde, but man was that a shock. Luxord had appeared out of nowhere, and that meant only one thing.


Without thinking, the sniper pulled out his pokeball, activated it, and flung it right at Luxord's face. While the thing was a hollow metal ball it was, nevertheless, a metal ball. Aimed directly between the Gambler's eyes.

It was only after the ball had been thrown, and that annoying obnoxious British accent had been taken into account, that Xigbar realized who he had just brained.

Ah well... at least the pokeball returned to his hand. He'd have hated to waste a perfectly good weapon on Luxord.


heartcrown February 2 2007, 00:21:34 UTC
( Coming from here. )

Kairi hadn't walked all that far. She had passed a few rooms, yet all of them had looked exactly the same. For a moment, she wondered if perhaps there was someone else hiding away behind the doors, yet she didn't stop long enough to actually check into it. After all, she had to keep moving! Couldn't leave Roxas or Na--

Wait, what was that?

Farther down the hall, Kairi heard something .. that sounded like screaming. Screaming and banging, to be exact. She froze in her spot, thinking to herself. Here she stood, without a weapon ( pen? ), and alone. She couldn't risk getting caught by a monster. She knew she could run away, but ... she also didn't know what Landels looked like. Knowing her luck, she would probably run into a dead end and be hurt. No, she couldn't risk that.

And then she realized her only options were to either turn around, or continue ahead.

She didn't know what to pick.


angels_inflight February 5 2007, 23:14:36 UTC
(( from here))


Naminé quickly grabbed the girl's arm as she approached, trying to keep her voice hushed so the monsters wouldn't follow them. Hopwfully, the monsters would be distracted long enough for Kairi and herself to escape out into the hall. She wasn't sure how safe the rest of the building would be, but for now, Naminé decided to take Kairi near the Sun Room. If need be, she supposed they could run some more.

It wouldn't be the first time they were running for their lives.

"Don't worry, I know my way around. I'll take you somewhere safer."

She hoped.


heartcrown February 5 2007, 23:31:54 UTC

Hearing her name in a rather familiar voice, Kairi spun around, holding her flashlight close to herself. When Naminé appeared, the redhead was overjoyed -- until her arm was suddenly grabbed, and she was practically dragged down a hallway. "Naminé! What happened? I heard yelling and --"

But she didn't have time to finish, because she heard namine say the words "somewhere safer." Just what was going on?

"Are you okay?"


angels_inflight February 6 2007, 22:27:52 UTC
"I'm... I'm alright," Naminé nodded. "But there's... monsters down that hall. Luxord and Xigbar and a few other people are fighting them, so I'm going to make sure we go somewhere safe. I wanted to help but... I can't fight," Naminé tried to explain, feeling even more useless than before. But no, she had to focus on protecting who she could.

At the very least, Naminé knew where to go.

"We're going..." Where could they go? "... Well, we'll just go past the monsters and see what's over there. Do you know where Roxas is?"


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