Jan 26, 2007 16:32

[coming from here]Claire adjusted the radio so it now dangled from her wrist on the small string. She was still trying to work out everything the man on the other end had said. He obviously didn't want to be found, for whatever reason, but he was helping them? Did he really have a rivalry with the Intercom guy, or was this all a hoax ( Read more... )

naminé, renamon, alyssa, kairi, xigbar, claire bennet, luxord, hojo, zack, kiden, wesker

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numberii January 27 2007, 02:33:19 UTC
((From here. ))

"So, how do you like the place?" It seemed like the place was mostly vacant, which was rather saddening; he'd expected a little more activity at this time. At least he had the scientist to drag along, to say nothing of his own brilliant self to consider.

"By the way, dude; you never did answer my question. If you know someone's gonna be betraying you, but they haven't done so yet, what would you do?"


walking_complex January 27 2007, 02:39:54 UTC
Hojo frowned a little; he hadn't gotten a chance to answer the question before they'd been herded out of the cafeteria. "I suppose it depends on the situation. If you're reacting because that's what you're supposed to do, then it would be better to wait so that there's actually an action to respond to. If you're trying to protect yourself, though, then it's better to get rid of the person as soon as possible." He shrugged. "Of course, if you know what's going to happen you might be better off getting rid of them anyway just to be safe, regardless of when it's supposed to happen."


clockmongler January 27 2007, 03:54:38 UTC

"Perhaps you should take to the advice you ask for, II, as an alternative to merely shrugging it off?"

It didn't take that much for the Gambler to find the other Nobody, but the lanky looking scientist accompanying him was a bit of a surprise. No matter.

Luxord crossed his arms, offering a grin. "Where are we going tonight, ladies?"


numberii January 27 2007, 04:09:18 UTC
He'd been expecting the blonde, but man was that a shock. Luxord had appeared out of nowhere, and that meant only one thing.


Without thinking, the sniper pulled out his pokeball, activated it, and flung it right at Luxord's face. While the thing was a hollow metal ball it was, nevertheless, a metal ball. Aimed directly between the Gambler's eyes.

It was only after the ball had been thrown, and that annoying obnoxious British accent had been taken into account, that Xigbar realized who he had just brained.

Ah well... at least the pokeball returned to his hand. He'd have hated to waste a perfectly good weapon on Luxord.


walking_complex January 27 2007, 04:22:34 UTC
Given how often he snuck up on people, Hojo really should have been less startled by the voice behind them.

He spun, stepping back instinctively before his brain processed exactly what had just happened and told him that no, he wasn't actually in any danger. By that point the pokéball was returning to Xigbar's hand.

He supposed that travelling with a group wasn't necessarily the safer choice.


clockmongler January 27 2007, 04:44:19 UTC
Aww, how cute. Luxord grinned at the men's surprise. Perhaps his stealth was too much for thish9ihdifb

Oww! Oww, okay, oww!

The force of the blow was enough to propel him backwards slightly, pain instantly making him flinch and becoming off balance. The blond no e after that, so shut it staggered backwards, turning his back to the other two to hiss as red filled his vision.

Goddamn, did II have an arm on him. Aaaaugh, pain!


numberii January 27 2007, 04:57:36 UTC
...huh. Well. He should have known that Luxord would be the one to be the first victim of friendly fire casualties. And who was it who had warned him fifty million times about the monsters here, and then had jumped out like that? Come on!

Which meant that Xigbar grabbed Hojo by the wrist and started hauling him past the staggering Nobody. If they moved real fast, X might be distracted by something shiny and they wouldn't have a fist-brawl in the middle of the hallway.

But Xigbar being Xigbar, he couldn't resist a Parthinian shot. "So sorry shoulda used a slipper you'll be fine in a coupla days hope I didn't break anything be sure to put some ice on that catcha later duuuuuuude~!"

He hoped Hojo could run, because when Luxord was at that time of the month upset, bad things could happen. And Xiggy didn't have any potions handy, either.


walking_complex January 27 2007, 05:07:06 UTC
Hojo yelped when he was dragged past the blond, stumbling in surprise but regaining his footing quickly enough. His stride was long, and he kept up with II easily.

The entire sequence of events was rather baffling, though. "Why are we running?" he asked, perplexed. He recognized the blond from the night before as being X, the person he'd informed about Xigbar's whereabouts. Presumably they were friends, so bolting was the last thing Hojo expected to be doing.


clockmongler January 27 2007, 05:19:37 UTC
Friends or no, that was just uncalled for! And now the bastard was hauling it without even a serious apology?

Oh no. Luxord did not take that sort of thing.

Glaring with hate as the other Nobody dragged off the scientist, Luxord reached into his pocket, aimed at the back of the two men, and flung his weapons at them. Without his powers, they would not do much damage, but he still knew how to throw them right.

And when cards were in Luxord's hands, people knew it would hurt.


numberii January 27 2007, 05:28:54 UTC
Aw damn, now things were getting all serious! The only thing that saved Hojo was a combination of Xigbar's reflexes and his sharp hearing; there was the oh-so-soft whisper of the cards as they'd been drawn, and when Luxord was in the Organization, Xigbar had learned to distinguish that sound no matter what.

And it wasn't like X had any room to complain about that apology part!

As he had parsed Hojo as being roughly useless in every way imaginable, and more importantly knew what Luxord could do with those cards, he yanked Hojo forward as he stepped back, the cards impacting into his bare back.

Ow ow ow ow ow!

"Damn it, Number Ten!" He turned around and glared at the Neophyte, trying to force down the anger so he didn't waste all his energy beating the younger one into submission. Though he really wanted to. "Cease fire unless you really want me to give it to you! We're all friends here for now!"


walking_complex January 27 2007, 05:39:11 UTC
...That was why they were running.

The scientist was not at all used to people actually trying to keep him from getting hurt; more often than not it was the opposite. It made him feel pointedly useless, but a bit of uselessness was far preferable to getting wounded, so he kept quiet.


clockmongler January 27 2007, 05:59:14 UTC
Of course, by the time Xigbar began speaking again, X had already been distracted. Despite the original idea being to harm II, now the blond realized that if he stabbed the other Nobody with his cards, he would have to get them back for more protective purposes. Which meant either ripping them out by hand, or…

He was a bit too happy when he rushed over to the elder Nobody's side, grasping the man on the shoulder with a command of "Stay still, I can pull them out," and tugging the other to face away from him. He needed to assess the damage.

Hm… If he just held his hand there and tugged on the invisible pull between him and his cards, it should work. Last time completely wiped him out, but there had been quite a bit of distance between himself and the cards in that case. This should go smoother.


numberii January 27 2007, 06:11:13 UTC
"Tell Number One-One I love her~!" Xigbar dramatically put his hand to his forehead, but inwardly he was extremely relieved. A Luxord who wasn't flailing was a Luxord who wasn't going to put more cards into Xigbar's body.

Though, when Luxord touched him? No no no. He immediately started flailing, as he still remembered the last night. "Friend zone, dude, friend zone! Gimme some space!"

...but of course, nothing could get between Luxord and his cards. Not even Xigbar. Ergo he was promptly spun around and stared at Hojo, realizing just how humiliating this entire spectacle was and more importantly that Luxord was going to try something that he had just said earlier had wiped him out.


"First of all, you'd better not of hit anything vital. Second of all, that had better not cut the hair. And third of all, I'm not going to drag you back to your room if you collapse."

Hypocrisy was good for you~!


walking_complex January 27 2007, 06:16:57 UTC
Hojo blinked at Xigbar, looking at first baffled and then very amused.

"Do this often?" he asked, grinning just a bit. It occurred to him that X was probably one of the blondes that Xigbar had been talking about, though the scientist wasn't entirely sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing at the moment.


clockmongler January 27 2007, 06:33:28 UTC
The hand that wasn't already on II's shoulder wrapped around the man's arm, his face leaning in to look the other in eyes. Luxord made a face, almost pouting. "But, II..." He leaned in closer, uncomfortably so. "I thought we had something special together."

After staring almost dejectedly at the other for a few seconds, X pushed himself away again, one hand letting go to place it near the elder Nobody's back. He grinned, fingers warping around the space between them and his cards. He had to concentrate now.

A frown. "Why are you never wearing your damn shirt at night? Is it truly such a hard thing to have some decency?"


numberii January 27 2007, 06:41:48 UTC

"Hands off the merchandise!" Friend zone, friend zone! Why didn't the Gambler understand that some things just weren't allowed!?

...nevermind that he'd been giving that treatment to Hojo just a few minutes earlier. That was different! (Mostly insofar as it had been Xigbar giving the teasing.)

"Decency? Dude, you're the one infringing on my personal space, you can't talk about it. Besides, if I had been wearing a shirt, it'd be ripped to shreds because of your little hissy fit." Not that he would have minded, but still.

When Hojo asked that question, Xigbar just nodded with a put-upon sigh. "Yeah, it's like this all the time. All. The freaking. Time."


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