Day 36: Intercom, Evening

Oct 25, 2008 03:05

The intercom's jingle rang out and the somewhat uninhibited movement that was going on between the main activity rooms halted as the Head Doctor made one of his usual announcements.

"Good evening everyone, and I'm very pleased to see so many of you in such high spirits after meeting with your loved ones! However, like with all good things, it can't last forever, so I ask now for nurses to escort our patients in the waiting rooms and in the main areas back to their rooms, where they will be treated with a special Sunday... steak! That's right: today, we'll be serving juicy, delicious steak with fries and cooked vegetables on the side - simple enough for everyone to like and good enough for everyone to thoroughly enjoy! (Our patients with specialized diets will receive their alternate meals, of course.) Our usual beverages are available, and for dessert, we'll be serving warm slices of apple pie.

"After all, patients, t's always wonderful to see all of you cooperating with the staff even when given so much freedom, so I'd like to personally thank and congratulate all of you for helping us, your family, and more importantly, yourselves. Hopefully, we can help you to a speedy recovery so that you can see your loved ones more often, but first... dinner! I hope to speak with you all again soon."

The intercom clicked off.

[ All room threads go in response to this post; please post your character's room number as the subject line of the initial post. Thank you!

On an added note, just wanted to clarify to players of characters who are canonly vegetarians and the like that you get to decide (within reasonable and realistic limits) what kind of diet your character gets from the staff. :3 ]

qui-gon jinn, edward elric, intercom, tsubaki, anise, rude, skuld, melissa, tony castaway, wolfram, forte, seiya, demyx, clark kent, zex, zelnick, leon kennedy, mikami, the flash, ken, usopp, xellos, yohji, elena (ffvii), archer, matt, farfarello, okita, tyki, lia, sanji, tony stark, shito, homura, senna, elle, johnny c., leon (so2), renamon, claude, ami, joshua, roland, javert, harry osborn, ren, kenren, guy, hinamori momo, reid, soubi, vlad, allelujah, frey, callisto, tokito, jamie, leon magnus, sai, sasuke, yue, sheena, beatrix, falis, kaoru, brooklyn, scar (tlk), subaru

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