Nightshift 35: Courtyard

Sep 23, 2008 09:28

[from here] Lucivar paused at the bottom of the wall, waiting for the others to cross. It was the first time he'd been here during the evening and he took a moment to look around him. The area was quiet but not the strange stillness that felt as though everything was waiting for something to happen. Lucivar had no desire to be around when that ( Read more... )

chopper, sanji, ren, lucivar, usopp, archer, rangiku, brook, renji, celes, matt

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Comments 89

tonytonydoctor September 24 2008, 04:30:10 UTC
He had caught the scent of the patients long before he saw them come over the wall, before he heard one of them speak to the others. They were out of their rooms, and out where they shouldn't have been. They were all sick, and they wouldn't get better if they were out here. They needed to be resting ( ... )


stray_shinigami September 25 2008, 12:51:00 UTC
"Right across that way..." Renji started answering Lucivar's question, but was interrupted by a bizarre sounding voice. He turned toward it, looking at the person coming toward them.

Sure, maybe it was some kind of innocent mistake. But he very much doubted it. He sighed. "Fucking great," he muttered.

He wasn't familiar with the guy coming toward them, but he had seen him around, he was fairly sure. He hadn't immediately attacked, but then again, neither had Daemon. Maybe he could pull off lying more convincingly to this guy. "That so?" he asked. "We're not looking for trouble, you know. Guess we should go back to our rooms. But considerin' what's on the other side of that well, that way'll be faster." He pointed at the door to the cafeteria.


eyrien_prick September 27 2008, 13:20:26 UTC
Lucivar didn't like the look of the creature coming toward them and he was smart enough to take Renji's lead. As much as he'd love to get into a battle, the basement was more important then a minor scuffle. "Come on," he whispered to them, inching towards the door.

"We'll be leaving now," he announced, walking towards the door but keeping an eye on the creature. The last thing he wanted was to be attacked with his back turned.


tonytonydoctor September 27 2008, 22:18:18 UTC
Chopper was glad to hear that they would go back to their rooms, but he knew enough to know that the door they were trying to head for was the longer way around.

He shook his head firmly. "I can't let you go that way," he insisted. "You have to go back the way you came; it'll definitely be the faster way to go back to your rooms. I... I can take you there, to make sure you get back."

He had caught the scent of someone else in the courtyard, but that scent had faded quickly. There hadn't been too much activity beyond that, however, so he could probably make sure that these patients went back to rest in their rooms and be back before any others tried to defy doctors' orders...


whohitreset September 25 2008, 06:46:49 UTC
[from here - and I really hope it's okay to run through since he's on the other side of the yard and all on his lonesome.. :x]

Again, there was something going on further out into the yard. Matt couldn't spare it too much of a glance, though. He had to move. The entrance to the cafeteria wasn't far now.

Using the shack to climb over meant that he was a bit further from his goal than he would have been if he'd managed to scale the wall, but he couldn't do anything about that now. He ran, but stuck close to the wall to stay in shadow and avoid his feet crunching on the path.

[to here - Sanji is coming!]


usoppsenchou September 28 2008, 00:32:15 UTC
[from here]

Usopp took his time easing over the wall, crouching on top a few moments before sliding down the other side. The last thing he wanted was to get a sprained ankle or something.

Besides, some of the stuff in his bag was delicate, Usopp was worried things might break open if they were jostled around too much. As soon as he landed, he looked back, to wait for Sanji to leap over the wall in the flash of an eye or something impressive like that.


misterprince September 28 2008, 18:32:20 UTC
Well it wasn't quite in the flash of an eye, nor was it exactly with a leap, but Sanji did arrive at the top of the wall soon nonetheless. Once up there, he took a moment to get a look around at his surroundings, or as good a look as he could in the limited light.

Something he saw made him frown, and he was still frowning when he landed on the other side with Usopp.

"Looks like there's some others out here," he commented to the sniper. One figure in particular had been terribly familiar, but that didn't make sense given how he'd appeared in Landel's so far.


tonytonydoctor September 30 2008, 02:34:49 UTC
[Coming from here, after it's over.]

There were more people in the Courtyard now, and their scents were much more familiar than those of the previous patients. Maybe they would be cooperative... They should listen to their doctor.

Unlike the previous patients, as well, Chopper didn't need to worry about his form when he approached them. Brain Point would be perfectly fine; he didn't need to pretend that he was a human in order to speak with them.

He reached up to readjust his hat, running towards the wall the two had climbed over. He had to get them to go back to their rooms... "You can't be out here!"


usoppsenchou September 30 2008, 02:48:17 UTC
"Oh, Chopper!" Startled by the familiar voice, Usopp turned. At first he was happy, since it meant Chopper didn't have to go by his room, but why was he running? "What's wrong? What are you running from?" Was the triangle-head guy out again? Usopp braced himself, glancing around into the darkness with a squint. He didn't see anything else...

And then something dawned on him, taking far more time to register than when Sai had attacked in the kitchen. "Chopper--you can change back again. You're a normal reindeer monster again instead of a human!"

Normal was relative, anyway. Usopp backed up quickly, raising his open, empty hands. "Don't worry! Everything'll be fine, Chopper!" He wasn't sure what he was saying, but it was pretty hard to hear his own voice over the alarm bells going off in the back of his head anyway. "Sanji-kun and I just came to, uh, visit you!"


spirit_forge September 30 2008, 01:07:58 UTC
[from here]

Archer slowly descended from the wall, checking for any danger. Finding none, he silently motioned for his team to follow, giving them the all clear signal.


littlestrawdoll September 30 2008, 01:57:21 UTC
So there was Archer, a guy with particularly curious hair himself, Brook, an insanely tall foreigner, and a nameless young woman.

Interesting group.

"Nice to meet you two," he said in response to Brook, but directing it at the other stranger as well. "Uh, I hope not."

He took a look at where they were headed, grabbing a handful of vines as he did so. Guess that meant some physical exertion to get over the wall. The doll's human form was fairly tall, but nowhere near as tall as Brook, who could probably jump the whole thing if he really tried. Man. At least he was brushing up on some more awkward sleuthing skills?

Pulling himself up without any major difficulty--well, other than having to climb and keep a hold on his flashlight, anyway--Ren paused on the lip of the wall between soccer field and courtyard to take a look at what was going on down there. He didn't smell an excess of blood like he had inside, at least. And there were no explosions or supernatural fistfights.

He slid down after Archer, brushing himself off.


lady_general September 30 2008, 02:27:04 UTC
"And you," Celes followed Ren up the wall, already becoming quite tired of this climbing routine. But their goal was close at hand, and it was enough to satisfy the general for now. She landed on the other side, and kept her watchful gaze across the yard.

So far, so good. Or at least, that was what the modicum of hope in her Pandora's box believed. Their trip had been surprisingly mundane and quiet, with the departure of that silver-haired fool (and again, Celes wondered if there was a genetic flaw in people with white hair. Setzer was certainly a fine example of Something Wrong).


promisedawhale September 30 2008, 02:56:08 UTC
"Good good! No disappearing this time ( ... )


traitors_smile October 3 2008, 18:54:49 UTC
[[from here]]

Gin climb the fence easily, peering up over the top first to see if the others had cleared the area yet. They were stalled by a strange looking creature, but didn't stick around to fight it. Smarter than he'd given them credit for.

He waited for the thing to occupy itself with another pack of travelers before he slipped over the other side of the fence and crept along the perimeter of the courtyard. It didn't take him long to reach the door that lead back inside.

[[sneaking past with permission to here]]


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