Nightshift 35: Cafeteria

Sep 20, 2008 20:40

[From here]

There wasn't any hiding the small smirk at Goku's comment. Occasionally he did something right now and again, by pointing out the obvious like that. Callisto could bitch all she wanted.

"No one gives a shit if you agreed to it or not," he couldn't resist throwing back at her. "And the monkey's right, for once."

So was Qui-Gon. Sanzo had no interest in seeing if there'd be a repeat of that man earlier. It didn't matter if they had numbers; if Callisto was right, that son of a bitch couldn't be killed.

It was time to move on.

The cafeteria was still, dark and silent like last night. Sanzo's eyes flicked down to the spot where he'd sprawled against the table leg the night before. There wasn't any sign of the bleeding from earlier, or bloody foot prints. Just a spotless floor, as if he hadn't nearly bled to death here.

callisto, ren, goku, qui-gon jinn, obi-wan kenobi, matt, sanzo

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