Nightshift 34 - Entry Room

Aug 14, 2008 20:39

[From hereClark stepped inside the Entry Room. The last time he remembered being here, he'd been fresh off from running out of the Doyleton buses with TK, Wesker, and Claire. Everyone had been injured, TK and himself covered in ashes and soot from the burning bus and covered with the stench of burning flesh. Remembering that night made Clark ( Read more... )

rhode, rainier, clark kent, albel, anise, luxord, max, the flash, celes, alice cullen

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Comments 36

scarletspeedstr August 15 2008, 03:59:30 UTC
[ from here]

Wally sped into the Entry Room, the beam from his flashlight skittering around the walls and floor. Really not good while running, but it was difficult to keep it focused on the ground in front of him. Which was why he'd already almost had a few close encounters with other patients and, once, the doorway. But he was here now and he could just make out the general shape of the front doors.

Pouring on as much speed as he could muster, Wally raced towards them, only to be brought to a sudden stop when he ran into something. Hard.

"Oof!" was about all he could muster as the impact forced the breath out of him and he bounced off to land in a sprawl on the floor.


son_ofkrypton August 15 2008, 04:05:55 UTC
The doors banged open.

Clark whirled around. And that was all he did, for something suddenly bowled into him hard, far faster than a person, and it was almost like running into himself as full speed. Clark crashed to the ground with a thud, wheezing for breath; he could hear whoever ran into him struggling to do the same. Groaning, the farmboy rolled over and tried to sit up, feeling as if his whole body was one entire bruise, even though he was pretty sure he still couldn't bruise, even in Landels.

What was that? He knew it was no monster, otherwise he'd be fighting for his life right now. In fact, it sounded like a patient. And that "oof", now that he he thought about it, sounded awfully familiar.

Grimacing with pain, the teenager sat up, his foot nudging his fallen flashlight. It spun on its side, the beam falling on the person who'd run into him...



scarletspeedstr August 15 2008, 04:18:48 UTC
Wally rubbed his forehead where he was sure he was going to be sporting a bruise shaped exactly like not-Clark's chin in the morning. "Geez, what are you made out of? Steel?" he complained, missing the suprised tone of the kid. "Why're you lurking here in the dark anyway?"

He pushed himself to his feet, retrieved his flashlight from where it had rolled, and gave his clothes a quick brush over. They were looking a little worse for wear from the run, which was something else to add to his collection of weird. Normally his aura should have protected them as well as himself, but his slippers were on the verge of disintergration and he hurt all over from hitting Kal. Maybe it was a good thing he hadn't been able to reach his old speeds; if his aura wasn't working properly, he could have gotten himself killed.


son_ofkrypton August 15 2008, 04:26:33 UTC
Clark grunted. "Maybe you should watch where you're going," he retorted, feeling sore and wondering how fast this guy could really go. He'd only caught a glimpse, but it'd been faster than any human he'd seen move before.

He pushed himself to his feet - not without another pained wheeze - and straightened up, unable to help glaring a little at Wally. This was the guy who'd been hassling him in the courtyard, asking all kinds of questions he wasn't willing to answer and convinced he wasn't Clark Kent. Honestly, who would even want to impersonate him? As far as everyone else was concerned, he was just a farmboy from Smallville, not some...well, not some supposed ace reporter for the Daily Planet.

"How did you do that?" Clark asked. It was more of a demand, but he thought he had a right to know, considering Wally had run into him headlong like an out of control train.


lady_general August 15 2008, 09:07:12 UTC
[From here]

Celes risked a smile, "Well, I do enjoy a challenge." The large room was empty and noiseless, as though whatever had sped past them had quite simply vanished. The door was just clicking close. Celes sighed. "Well, I suppose they've at least made walking out easy enough. I hope they don't disappoint."

It would appear that they were being allowed to pass freely, even though the Head Doctor continued to childly preen about experimentation. Honestly, he was no Cid Del Norte Márquez. "What do you suppose they'll be hiding outside for us? Potions?" she mused as they walked towards the door.


clockmongler August 16 2008, 03:30:22 UTC
"Indeed," he replied, a few cards sliding out and into his right hand. Hm... that reminded him.

Luxord reached into the pocket of his coat with his left hand and pulled out the switchblade he had stolen from that insolent thief. Flicking the switch open proved it was still in good shape, though... it was still flaked with his own blood (he admitted, dislodging an enemy's weapon by stabbing it into his hand had not been his brightest idea, but at least he was healed now). He cast the woman beside him an almost questioning look, then closed the blade back into the handle and slid the weapon into Celes' hand.

"Think of it as a present," he explained before opening the doors.

[To here]


sugarsweetblood August 20 2008, 02:46:21 UTC
[from here]

Yes, this looked right. However right it could for how dark it was. It had been mostly dark then, but Rhode had been borrowing that dead girl's flashlight when she'd gone along with Diva. Maybe Diva was around, still looking for those children of hers. It didn't look like it either though.


deathandfudge August 20 2008, 02:56:46 UTC
"Big birds?" Rainier asked, curious to know more about the monsters of this place. He was used to the Demon Dead (or as used at it was possible to be when they came after you like they had in the Spooky House) and the Kindred, but these monsters aounded like something else entirely.


sugarsweetblood August 20 2008, 03:31:42 UTC
"Yup. Bigger than me! I don't think bigger than you, but we can check when we get outside." They'd go after him, she was convinced, so getting away would be pretty easy. Just for him, she'd be sure to look back and see the size comparison, granted the birds hadn't ripped his legs off by that time.

[gone here]


0bnoxious August 20 2008, 20:20:44 UTC
[From here]

Albel had only been here once, which was right after that silly little trip to that town a week ago. He didn't exactly have the time to check it out back then, but there wasn't so much interesting things to see anyway. He knew the doors to the side led to the waiting rooms, as he had encountered that fake old man in one of them during 'visiting day'. The doors up ahead led outside, which was exactly where the Elicoorian was heading.


0bnoxious August 21 2008, 11:58:40 UTC
[To here]


transgenix August 28 2008, 01:12:04 UTC
[ Coming from here.]

"In here," Max murmured to Citan as she glanced around her, making sure the room was empty. It looked as if others had gotten here before her, but that was alright. If there were things out there waiting to pounce, they'd found earlier targets.


reanalyze August 28 2008, 06:44:39 UTC
"You seem to know your way around quite well," Citan commented, following behind. Very well. Clearly a veteran, clearly a young woman with some experience.


transgenix August 28 2008, 12:18:23 UTC
"I've been here quite a while," Max replied wryly, heading across the room towards the door. The lock was already broken, which made things considerably easier. "And I've broken out of tougher places than this before. Just without this brand of security."


reanalyze August 28 2008, 19:06:58 UTC
"Ah, have you?" Citan followed behind, not surprised that they weren't the first ones out here. "Yes, I have noticed that the security in this establishment is quite high." On par with Solaris. Which was a frightening thought.

And still not a single monster. This was almost ridiculous!


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