Nightshift 34: M61-M70 Hallway

Aug 14, 2008 19:51

Both nightshift and his Noah kicked in after what seemed like forever. Tyki slicked his hair back and grabbed his things before stepping into the hallway. It seemed he was pretty early considering no one was around just yet, but that would mean no one would beat him to the kitchen, right ( Read more... )

tokito, subzero, jamie, claude, guy, okita, siegfried, reid, tyki, alexander conklin, peony, jade, hijikata

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Comments 81

icy_demise August 14 2008, 20:44:28 UTC
Tonight, SubZero was determined to make progress. He was out of his room shortly after his room mate.

This time he wasn't going to wait for HK and end up wasting time, and possibly not getting to do anything at all. He glanced at the other assassin's door for a few moments, as if daring it to open.

After a few seconds passed and there was no sign of activity, SubZero continued on his way. He wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do tonight, but anything would be better than just sitting around.


icy_demise August 14 2008, 20:48:53 UTC
[Going here]


razing_phoenix August 14 2008, 22:48:47 UTC
Glad to know that someone would be watching over Okita for the night, Guy bid farewell to his roommate before heading out into the hallway with his flashlight and his new-found meat cleaver. He still owed Jade one for that, and maybe he could give proper thanks if the colonel really did decide to drop by.

Luckily he didn't need to carry his maps, since they already knew where they were headed. Even though his injured arm still smarted from time to time, he was able to ignore it so long as he didn't move it around too much. (Which he would need to do when he got into a fight, but he could worry about that later.)

He wasn't quite sure if Claude would be dropping by or not, though he knew where the younger man's room was so he and Peony could always go and pick him up if that was what they decided on. He just needed to get the emperor's thoughts on that matter, and hopefully that would be cleared up soon enough.

He stood outside of M62, hoping that Peony wouldn't keep him waiting for too long. He wanted to actually get somewhere


haikudemon August 15 2008, 04:47:50 UTC
[from here]

This hallway, too, was quiet; good enough. The pain of his wounds was growing worse, but was still something he could set aside. He doubted the movement was doing him any damage, at least. It wasn't far to 63.

Hijikata raised an eyebrow at the young man waiting near Souji's room, granting him a slight nod of greeting. Roommate? He looked a little familiar. No matter. Hijikata still wasn't sure how you were supposed to tell all these foreign faces apart, except for the variety in their hair color, style, and body shape. Slender blond fighters were common enough.

He rapped on the door.


razing_phoenix August 15 2008, 04:53:05 UTC
Guy glanced over when a stranger came down the hallway and paused in front of his room. Well, the room he shared with Okita. It wasn't too hard to guess who it might be, and he might have said nothing if the man hadn't acknowledged him.

Once the other patient had knocked on the door, Guy pushed off of the wall slightly and turned to half-face him. "You're Okita's friend?" he asked, though he got the feeling that this man might know his roommate by a different name.

He didn't think it would come off as rude to strike up a conversation, and he was curious. Besides, Peony hadn't shown up yet, and this would be a brief distraction until he did.


haikudemon August 15 2008, 05:00:02 UTC
Looking curiously at the other man, Hijikata nodded. Well, Souji had trusted this blond stranger well enough to give him his real name; something he'd otherwise done only with their allies.

"I am," he replied. "...And you're his roommate?" It would explain the blond's familiarity, though he wouldn't put it past Souji to have known the names and habits of everyone on the hall.


M70 wild_right_hand August 15 2008, 05:04:11 UTC
The two announcements in a row, with such very, very different tones to them, pretty much drove home that this place was really just as weird as people had been hinting it was all day. Tokito still wasn't sure about "monsters" as such--maybe they were just regular animals that Bridget hadn't seen before, or something--but the Head Doctor definitely didn't have good things planned. That laughter was just creepy.

Tokito looked over at Jamie and raised an eyebrow, trying to look calmer than he really was. "Still believe this place is really about helping us get better?"


Re: M70 wildunderstress August 15 2008, 05:21:35 UTC
Jamie, staring with obvious alarm at the speaker from which the announcements had issued, startled a bit when Tokito addressed him. "What - was that about?" he asked nervously, pointing numbly at the speaker. Had the guy on the intercom just called them his pets? That...sounded bad. Creepily bad.


Re: M70 wild_right_hand August 15 2008, 05:24:08 UTC
"How the hell should I know? Obviously it's not good for us, whatever it is." Tokito got up and started moving around the room, opening drawers and throwing anything he found in them onto the bed. Mostly he was finding clothes, but that didn't mean there was nothing in here--people wrote stuff on the board with something, right? He'd had to borrow a pen from a nurse, but most people seemed to have their own.


Re: M70 wildunderstress August 15 2008, 05:28:35 UTC
Jamie watched him a little dazedly. "...what're you doing?"


rappigs August 15 2008, 22:25:28 UTC
Dinner was something of a trifle; it always seemed to be the same thing, and, once again, Peony couldn't wait to get outside, where the real fun was. Even though his shoulder still smarted a bit from last night's injury, he felt rested from his earlier nap, and he certainly felt ready to go.

Peeking outside the door with his flashlight, he noticed that there was a little crowd in the hallway, one of whom was Gailardia. Welly welly well, Peony was famous for crashing parties, and he was quite tempted to drop in on their little conversation, but instead he sidled up to it, relaxing against the doorframe of his own room.

And he listened. Why not, right? One of them seemed to be a very cute girl, and he was always up for listening in on what was going on in the world of Landel's Institute's cute girls.

He hoped Guy was ready for tonight's big imperial surprise, too. Not that it should come as much of a surprise, but...


razing_phoenix August 16 2008, 02:52:04 UTC
[From up above.]

It wasn't too long before Guy came dutifully to his emperor's side, not that it was much all that much distance to cover. "Hey, sorry for the wait," he said, even though it hadn't been much time at all. He looked the other man over - even though Peony had been injured last night, he seemed to be dealing with it well enough.

"You gonna be okay for tonight?" he asked, just to make sure, though he got the feeling Peony would just brush it off. "I guess we're waiting for Jade, right?" He also needed to ask about Claude, though that could wait for the moment. Maybe he could go and pick up his friend while Peony waited for Jade? That would probably be the most efficient way to go about it, though he still wasn't sure if Haseo was coming along tonight or not.


visualize August 16 2008, 04:42:39 UTC
[From here.]

There was no doubt that there were many benefits with having both Guy and his Majesty in the same hallway as one another. It insured him that the swordsman would keep Peony put if need be, which ultimately meant he wasn't the one that had to deal with his friend if he had other matters to attend to. These thoughts were enough to entice a small chuckle as he strolled down the hallway, catching sight of both blonds without much difficulty.

It was easy to see that the colonel had no intention of venturing out tonight, having brought nothing more than a single pipe that he held loosely in his hand. Usually he would've taken the time to use the contamination effect to temporarily store the makeshift weapon, but he couldn't risk wasting any energy for what he was already planning for tonight.

"I hope you don't intend to kill yourselves tonight," Jade greeted the two with a smile before turning his attention towards Peony. "How's your shoulder?"


rappigs August 17 2008, 19:10:05 UTC
"Oh, yeah!" Peony chuckled lightly. Were they waiting for Jade? Peony wasn't aware of that little chink in the plan... and he wasn't really aware that Gailardia already knew that he wanted to go to the basement again. Oh well, so much for his big surprise. It was kind of dangerous when even his servants found him predictable. He'd have to mix it up a little bit, wouldn't it ( ... )


M61 mukuchi August 16 2008, 05:17:02 UTC
Mori had been quiet, as usual, throughout dinner. The salmon was a welcome change, even if it was far below the quality he was used to eating. It was fish and fish was good. Also good was the cup of ice cream, which he quickly squirreled away for Mitsukuni later. Reid was quiet, too, but Mori was at a loss as to why. A few times, the blond had looked over, but nothing had been said, leaving them both to a quiet dinner.

As soon as night ended, Mori grabbed his flashlight, the broken closet rod and the bowl of ice cream. Balancing the closet rod on his left shoulder, he bid his roommate goodbye and headed out into the night.


Re: M61 mukuchi August 16 2008, 05:23:47 UTC
[going here]


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