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Comments 46

ditched_again August 14 2008, 18:19:42 UTC
He had seen the Dawn Rune bearer’s note on the board earlier that day, and while he could understand Frey’s other commitments, the Star Dragon Sword found it unfortunate. It was of no matter though, and he would continue on with his plans for the night. He had to meet up with Kagura after all.

Pulling the knife out from beneath his mattress, the Night Rune stealthily made his way out of his assigned room and down through the hallway.

[ To here.]


secret_orchard August 14 2008, 19:27:04 UTC
Dinner was quiet, but as soon as the nurse took their trays away Armand hurried to inspect his night clothes. Undamaged. Not even bloodstained. He ran his fingers over the coat, which should be ripped across the left shoulder. Strange. Then he dressed in them as best he could. The bandages remained, but he'd forgo the sling for now. It wasn't necessary just for torn muscles so long as he was careful how he moved his arm. The sling would only make it nearly impossible to use his left arm ( ... )


M71 violent_varmint August 14 2008, 19:31:02 UTC
Tanaka was distracted from his growing suspicion of his roommate by the Head Doctor, whose megalomaniacal announcement inspired both hatred and derision in the Shofixti's mind; for a deranged, incredibly technologically advanced alien, the man certainly sounded like he had something to prove. With a snort of laughter at the intercom and a last sideways glance at Manticore, Tanaka slipped out the door and into the outer cell-block.


Re: M71 lone_arrow August 14 2008, 20:49:18 UTC
Manticore noticed his roommate leave. Well then, the archer would keep both weapons he was working on until he found something better. He ripped two long, thin strips out of his sheets and wove them into tight, makeshift hilts on the wooden shards. Another, smaller section of splintered wood came into use, turning his pillowcase and more shreds of sheet into an impromptu knapsack. He wasn't impressed that the thing had to be white, but it was better than nothing. One thing was for certain: the standard Landel's clothing, especially the robe, had more storage space than a superhero outfit, but Manticore wasn't about to trade.

He really had no idea if the things he was destroying would be replaced, nor did he care. This was about survival. Should this end up being illusion, the body tended to die when the mind was convinced it was dead. Based on the copious warnings on the message board, he was about to break one of the main rules here: Never travel alone at night.The keyring went in his utility belt. The radio, a few pens, the ( ... )


Re: M71 lone_arrow August 15 2008, 00:54:29 UTC
[Out to here.]


Re: M71 violent_varmint August 15 2008, 08:45:21 UTC
[ to here ]


M75 damnrudecock August 14 2008, 22:26:54 UTC
It wasn't until somewhere between the dinner announcements and the doors unlocking that Sanosuke remembered one minor detail he'd forgotten before: telling Kenshin where they were meeting. Which wouldn't have been too big a deal, except for the flack he was going to get from all of them for it.

That sucked.

"Yeah, uh." Sanosuke watched as Cloud went through his preparations, then grabbed the only two things he ever carried at night: his flashlight and his pillowcase. "Listen. That guy that's coming with us? I kind of have to go get him. So if you want to go ahead, you can. We won't be long though."

Sanosuke flashed Cloud a grin, then moved past him, taking up a run as he headed down the hall. Shit. He didn't know which was going to be worse. The flack Kenshin would give him for forgetting to tell him, the flack Yuffie would give him for being late, or the flack Kenshin would give him all over again about Yuffie.

Though considering the nurses weren't there to sedate them all, Sanosuke had a way to respond too.


Re: M75 damnrudecock August 14 2008, 22:31:10 UTC
Re: M75 1mperturbable August 14 2008, 22:44:55 UTC
Cloud nodded his head, but decided that trailing along behind Sanosuke would not be all that productive. It would be better if he went out to check if Yuffie had met at their designated spot and wait in small groups. There was no guarantee that she was not going to get attacked out in the Recreational Field... or cause trouble.

"I will meet you in the Recreational Field then," he called after Sanosuke as he stepped into the hallway as well. "Take care of yourself."

With that, he headed off.

[To Here]


M79 scarletspeedstr August 15 2008, 00:16:32 UTC
Wally looked up in surprise at the sound of the Head Doctor's voice. "Okay, not too creepy," he muttered to himself. Though, in one way it was kinda reassuring. He'd heard more than enough maniacal, I've-got-you-now speeches in his time; they were something he knew how to deal with. One: find whoever was making them, two: punch a few hundred times at superspeed, three: if they were still standing, see step two. Sure it didn't have much flair to it, but it had always served him well ( ... )


Re: M79 scarletspeedstr August 15 2008, 00:46:50 UTC
Re: M79 i_dont_paint August 15 2008, 03:47:40 UTC
Although Tony had been told in advance what the nights held, he had not truly expected the doors to open. It just didn't make sense to allow captives to roam under cover of darkness. Pitch darkness, he realized irritably. He wouldn't even be able to see his hand if he held it before his face. The first order of business would be to find a light source, one that wouldn't expose him as a walking target with a lit-up bullseye for anyone with ill intentions. He recalled Logan mentioning a flashlight. It had to be somewhere in the room, easily accessible ( ... )


Re: M79 i_dont_paint August 15 2008, 11:27:58 UTC
[to here]


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