Day 34: Lunch

Aug 06, 2008 12:07

Yuffie bounced all the way through collecting her lunch, all the way to a good seat- one with a nice view of the whole cafeteria, which was something she'd been missing out on during the past day or so that she'd been stuck in the Institute- and hell, she even bounced into her seat.

A good mood? No, really?

Despite the occasional blip, talking to Sagara had been awesome. He was a fun guy; he wasn't a prude, didn't have a stick shoved so far up his ass it was poking out his eyeballs, and he'd actually had a conversation with her. One that hadn't revolved around doom, gloom or how much life sucked. If she could find other people like that and keep in touch with Sagara, maybe there was a little hope for this place.

After a quick gulp of pink lemonade, Yuffie settled to munching through her food and keeping an eye on the door.

[Waiting for Dean, I think? :x]

naruto, axel, kagura, donna, kaiji, anise, goku, yuuri, the doctor, tony castaway, winry, ken amada, wolfram, jade, mason, seiya, demyx, miku, matsuda, clark kent, zex, tamaki, angel, claire bennet, peter parker, luxord, artemis, zim, hikaru, mikami, the flash, silabus, xellos, usopp, eileen, heiji, peter petrelli, archer, yuffie, rose tyler, honey, farfarello, shiki, mozenrath, yukari, tyki, kratos, lia, haseo, rubedo, tanaka, tony stark, rainier, shito, glados, homura, kenshin, nami, elincia, dias, kaito, gumshoe, willy wonka, johnny c., hanatarou, elle, karla, sora, momo (xenosaga), luffy, ashton, reno, renamon, claude, keman, kristoph, alkaid, rukia, edgeworth, itachi, harley, dean winchester, celes, von karma, kenren, guy, kairi, armand, hinamori momo, vlad, wash, allelujah, roy, naomi, frey, valyn, tokito, lyta, cloud, fai, sylar, leon magnus, sheena, yue, sasuke, daemon, aidou, falis, beatrix, kaoru, eddie brock, shadow, omi, gin, rangiku, scar (tlk), toph, subaru, sanzo

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