Day 34: Intercom, Afternoon

Aug 09, 2008 03:54

The intercom clicked on amongst the usual sound of people eating and of forks hitting empty plates.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" The Head Doctor's voice was cheery and somewhat rushed, nothing out of the ordinary for such a busy and duplicitous man. "I hope you all enjoyed our delicious lunch and salads! Next up this shift, our adult patients will be heading to the male and female showers-respectively-while our younger patients may enjoy themselves either in the Courtyard or the Sun Room. We only have a couple more patients we're bringing out this shift, but that doesn't make them any less important, yes? Please give a warm welcome to them, as they and the other new arrivals will be joining the younger patients while the rest of the adults shower-er, speaking of which, orderlies will be watching over everyone very closely, so please keep to yourselves! No funny stuff!"

The Head Doctor paused, as if he'd realized he'd said just a little too much. He cleared his throat and sighed.

"In any case, I hope you all get something out of the next shift, whether it be cleanliness or relaxation. I'll talk to you all before dinner!"

The intercom clicked off.

[ All introduction posts for this shift's group of new characters should be made in response to this post. (You can find your character's room assignment here.) Since we know it's probably really weird for new characters to get thrown in the showers on their first day: it is MANDATORY for brand new patients (and new patients ONLY) to hang in the Sun Room with whoever else wants to go there or if they end up in the Courtyard with the other age group. (The nurses will say that they were already cleaned up upon their arrival.) Thanks! ]

manticore, simon, senna, intercom

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