Nightshift 33: East Wing, Hall A

Jul 12, 2008 11:38

(( from here))On the one hand, the lack of people in the dark hallway almost allowed Omi to relax. This, he was used to, working alone or nearly so in the dark, avoiding notice. On the other, of course, there was the constant fear of the unknown that was inevitable in a place like Landel's. You could never plan or prepare enough for something you ( Read more... )

rhode, alkaid, badou, yohji, tyki, danny phantom, vlad, omi

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Comments 46

never_learns July 12 2008, 17:30:15 UTC
Yohji remained behind Omi as he shone the flashlight across the doors, keeping his eyes on the end of the corridor, listening out for any telltale sounds that might give away an attack. He still remembered the creature that he, Ken, Cliff and Kurama had encountered in this hallway that time, the one which seemed like every kind of happiness was being sucked out of him, but at least that had made the air cold before it appeared, so there was that to look out for.

It felt oddly normal to be working like this with Omi, watching his back, and he was glad to know that they could at least still work together. It made him feel reassured a little.


daddyslilkiller July 12 2008, 18:04:57 UTC
He stopped in front of the door he wanted, shining his flashlight down the far end of the hallway for a long minute, looking for any movement. Nothing. For once, he thought he might almost manage to accomplish what he wanted tonight.

"Yohji." He dropped to one knee in front of the door, pulling the syringe out and eyeing the lock. "Hold the flashlight here, for me?"


never_learns July 12 2008, 18:56:49 UTC
Yohji moved up to beside Omi quickly once he heard him call, looking warily over his shoulder at the end of the corridor before turning to his teammate. "Sure thing." He took the flashlight and held it steady so the beam fell onto the lock, giving Omi enough light to be able to work by.


daddyslilkiller July 13 2008, 01:09:46 UTC
Omi gave him another quick smile before focusing on the lock. Not for the first time, he wished he'd spent more time learning how to get through a lock that involved neither hacking nor explosives.

He missed his explosives.

And really, come on. How much worse could the place have been with a few doors blown off their hinges? Not like he was going to blow up everything but Weiss was a lethal unit. All the sneaking around without any gains was starting to get to him.

He grumbled softly at the lock as it stuck. Stupid lock.


broken_exorcist July 14 2008, 01:41:07 UTC
[[from here]]

Allen rounded the corner with Rhode still clinging to his back and Tyki no doubt following close behind. Even if he was able to distract the Noahs, he knew they'd start hurting people. There really wasn't a way out, was there? He had to stay alert, stay on his toes and hope for some kind of miracle. He wasn't sure what else he could do.


sugarsweetblood July 14 2008, 05:56:18 UTC
Rhode was drug along glued to Allen as though she were getting a piggy back ride. She didn't mind it at all. "Hide and seek's no fun," she whined, though was amused that Allen Walker had suggested anything at all. And no, she wasn't that simple, just inclined to play along. "Pick something else!"


tyki_pon July 14 2008, 07:09:36 UTC
Tyki indeed followed closely behind the pair, letting out an amused snort at the boy's suggestion. Hide and seek? Yeah, like any sane person would fall for that.

"Hey, aren't we close to the doctor offices?" Tyki announced after taking a look at their surroundings. "I've heard the doctors have some smokes." Now that was a nice coincidence, he was planning to head here in the first place. He might as well find what he was searching for while he was here.


broken_exorcist July 14 2008, 16:13:54 UTC
He supposed he should be grateful that Rhode was letting him choose at all. If it was one of her games, it was more likely to end painfully. They didn't have marbles or jump ropes or even sticks to play with, so their options were a little bit limited. Besides that, he was used to entertaining others, not actively taking part in their games.

"U-um... I don't really know many children's games. We could play hopscotch or... or tag... or cards?" he offered.

He wasn't sure if Tyki was talking to him or to Rhode, but he shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He'd passed this hallway before, but never gone down it himself. As far as he knew, they hadn't given him a doctor. He wasn't terribly disappointed.


cigarettes_plz July 14 2008, 05:12:09 UTC
[from here]

Badou grinned, pleased to find his first victory of the night.

All of these doors belonged to doctors offices. Inside at least one of them, some man or woman must be an angel sent from heaven because they left their cigarettes around and made it common knowledge. Bless their immortal soul, he was going to rob them blind.

Judging from the first door, it looked like someone had already beaten them to the first office. That was fine. Nine more to go. "Anyway, I know I saved your life and touched another man's ass for you and all, so if you're feeling all emotional about it you can help me dig for cigarettes. It's the least you can do. Pick a door."


constellates July 14 2008, 20:33:57 UTC
"You and I...? Lunch? Uhh... okay. No promises about the laughing, though," Alkaid said a little more cheerfully than she had before. She was looking forward to this work of art.

Actually, on closer inspection, Badou did have his face all messed up. Hey, it was dark as hell, she had an excuse not to have noticed yet! And, well, she'd been nearly passing out last night. She'd only heard yelling and stuff, she hadn't seen the vampire thing bean Badou in the face.

"What, you can't sniff out your precious cigarettes with that nose of yours?" She grinned at him, not really meaning to rub his injury in his face, but before he could respond she turned to a door at random. Six - Doctor Wilson, it looked like..?

A quick turn of the knob proved that it was locked, but she jiggled it. Maybe she could bust it open? "Well, no pain, no gain." Now it was time to see what this body could do! She raised her hand high and brought it down onto the knob, like a karate chop.

Daaaamn. It had hurt like hell, but the door popped open a couple inches ( ... )


tender_cruelty July 15 2008, 14:00:21 UTC
[From here]

It was unfamiliar territory now, halls that they hadn't walked during the daytime, although they'd seen patients being guided along here earlier. Hallelujah wandered along the hall, looking up at the name plates on the doors and sneering. Doctors. All of them were doctors. Well, he would probably find some kind of weapon in here. Didn't doctors always have painful things with them?

A couple of the doors were open already and he could hear voices coming from within. He scorned those and picked a door at random instead. Doctor Sohma. That would do. Who cared which one as long as it had something interesting inside. He tried the door, found it locked loosely as the cafeteria door had been, and growled softly. He kicked it, once, twice, and finally, on the third hard kick, it flew open and he could step inside.


tender_cruelty July 15 2008, 16:33:41 UTC
[To here]


tender_cruelty July 22 2008, 22:43:40 UTC
[From here]

Hallelujah walked out of the office and closed the door behind himself. Couldn't do anything to make the lock not broken but at least it sort of looked like he hadn't been inside to the casual observer. Sometimes appearances were very important. It gave him a little while longer before the break in was realised anyway. He could hear the sounds of fighting in one of the others rooms and ignored that one, instead heading back the way that he'd come. Breaking down doors was boring.

[To here]


neutral_jing July 15 2008, 23:19:31 UTC
[From here.]

One step inside revealed an empty hallway, but Toph wasted no time considering the consequences as she and Renamon had other places to be. They continued down the hall.


neutral_jing July 15 2008, 23:24:59 UTC
[To here.]


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