Nightshift 30: Greenhouse Yard

Mar 05, 2008 13:26

[ From here.]Tyler burst out into the darkened yard, waiting for Reid to clear the doorway before slamming the door shut and slumping against it, gasping for breath. He felt dizzy and weak, sliding down the back of the door to land on the ground, trying to catch his breath ( Read more... )

reid, tyler, scar (tlk), mason, pyramid head

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Comments 40

willhexabitch March 5 2008, 18:47:03 UTC
The door didn’t have a lock, for which Reid might have been grateful for if he were trying to get through it. As it was, he reached for Tyler’s slumped form, juggling his flashlight at the same time. Not a good place to take a break. "Are you sure they only slipped you some hospital-friendly tranqs?" he managed to ask.

He could hear Tyler panting like the fat kid in gym class, and if there’d been light enough for a good look, Reid might have been more worried. A little sprinting wouldn't normally wind any of them.


shyboyblue March 5 2008, 22:54:52 UTC
"I don't know what they slipped me," Tyler admitted, hating how weak and exhausted he felt. "All I felt was the needle and then I woke up in my room, but now..."

This wasn't right. This hadn't happened last night. What if they had slipped him something? But what?


willhexabitch March 6 2008, 00:40:41 UTC
"We're good for now. Don't hear anything, do you? Then we can take a quick break from the carnival of horrors."

He stepped out of the way of the door, indicating Tyler should at least move his ass to the wall. Reid didn't know what else to do aside from that. He couldn't do much of anything, except aim the face of his flashlight into the surrounding gloom and try to get a feel for the place. Didn't stop him from having to bite his lip on a frustrated swear.

About all the damn productivity he could muster was just making sure baby boy didn't croak on him.


shyboyblue March 6 2008, 03:49:02 UTC
Tyler snorted in exasperation. "I don't think there is a break until we get out of here and back home," he replied, pushing himself to his feet. He shined his flashlight around the open area they were now in, trying to get his bearings.

"That looks like it should be the greenhouse," he spoke after a long moment, illuminating the building ahead. He'd seen it before from the windows of the cafeteria. We can check in there for anything useful, otherwise the COurtyard's just on the other side of this wall."


vintage_brit March 6 2008, 01:39:32 UTC
[from here]

Mason tip-toed outside, but the shrieking vulture attack of death didn't come.

There appeared to be a couple of other people in the yard, but that was none of Mason's concern. He was on the hunt for waffles. There were a couple of bushes and a bench blocking the way to the cafeteria door, but the reaper leaped over those with little difficulty onto the next path.

"Fucking hell," he breathed. That small exertion had made him feel almost... well... dizzy. He shouldn't be tired from just jumping over a bench. "Bloody fuck," he mumbled, trying the cafeteria door. It was locked.

Mustering up what strength he could, the reaper gave the door as solid a kick as he could manage. It didn't budge. "Fucking fuckety fuck," he grumbled to himself, giving the door another kick.

"You mind, mate?" he asked his companion. "Can't seem to fucking do anything." He leaned against the wall to support himself, waiting for Scar to bust the door in.


longlivetehking March 6 2008, 19:16:57 UTC
Scar looked at the building further ahead with mild curiosity, wondering where it was used for. He was soon forced to return his attention to the task at hand, which happened to be climbing over the bench. The feline wasn't quite used to his human limbs, which meant climbing was quite the challenge.

Eventually, he managed and caught up with Mason as he tried to open the door in front of them. Scar observed silently as the man gave the door another kick, but it appeared to be stuck.

"You wish for me to open the door?" Scar answered, tone implying that Mason had just asked a very dumb question. The feline glanced to Mason, back to the door, and then back to Mason, and concluded this man happened to be lacking severely in the usefulness department. Must he do everything?!

"Hn...fine. Because I am such a nice person." He supposed he could make an exception, considering his companion proved to be so utterly useless as of now. Thankfully, he had brought the blunt item he had found a night or two ago. It was of solid material, so ( ... )


vintage_brit March 7 2008, 05:23:17 UTC
Mason tried to steady his breathing. This was so not fucking good. He raised one hand to his forehead to wipe away the sweat.

"Fuck," he mumbled to himself. All he wanted was waffles. Waffles and Daisy. Life... rather afterlife, should not be this fucking difficult.

Peering cautiously into the gloom, Mason scratched one ear, a sure sign some thought was passing through his brain. In case this, it was along the lines of 'holy fuck, it's dark in there.' As quietly as he could, the reaper stepped inside.

[to here]


full_score March 7 2008, 13:23:52 UTC
((From here.))

Fortunately, even in the dark, it was pretty hard to miss the greenhouse.

Just from the outside, Claude could tell it wasn't as high-tech or fancy as the ones from his own time, but, if the directions he'd received were anything to go by, this had to be the place. Then he could triumphantly write Greenhouse! in that blank space on his map.

Hey, it made him feel good to do something productive ( ... )


longlivetehking March 9 2008, 18:52:18 UTC
[From here]

As Scar returned to the yard near the greenhouse, the feline couldn't help but notice that something was amiss within this area. He could not quite place it, but his instinct was rarely wrong.

He hurried on, tracing the steps he had taken earlier. As long as he was back inside, he hoped he could collect his bearings and decide what to do next.

[To here]


part1of3 March 23 2008, 07:14:02 UTC
[ from here ]

"There's... nothing I can do to save you," Ashton hissed as he carried a bloodied and nearly-catatonic Claude out the door of the greenhouse. His foot hurt from the scorpion's claw, even though it would surely pale in comparison to the pain Claude must have been feeling. "You'll be okay! You.. you have to be. Don't.. don't ever go out alone like that again, okay?!"

There was something out here, though. Ashton looked around for the door to the institute. He'd be taking a different way in this time - no way he could get over the wall with Claude like this.


full_score March 23 2008, 16:01:55 UTC
Claude was faintly aware of the air hitting his face as he was carried, which was a sharp contrast to the sticky, humid air he'd felt a moment ago. They were...outside? He tried to open his eyes again, but the effort didn't seem worth it, and he let his head fall back as he struggled to breathe.

Don't ever go out alone like that again..."I'm...sorry," he choked. "I...had to get..." If he'd been in his right mind, he might have called Ashton out on being just as alone, but as it was, all he could do was try to give some kind of explanation, which wound up only half-said in the end, his thoughts slipping away like water through his fingers ( ... )


part1of3 March 25 2008, 22:40:20 UTC
Input code D243-8136?

Ashton's throat went a little dry. What, exactly, did he mean by that? Input code? Like - a rune code? But the Rune Codes didn't have letters and numbers.. Oh, oh my, this was really worrisome. Claude had seriously been injured. Was he beginning to go delirious?

"What? I don't know what you're - Claude!" His best friend's hands were going limp. No, Ashton couldn't carry Claude back like this right now. Taking him back now would be risking jostling some of Claude's wounds and making them even worse. At least here was some fresh air, or at least as fresh as Landel's air could be ( ... )


full_score March 26 2008, 16:50:17 UTC
Claude wasn't really sure what the problem was -- he heard someone say something to him, and then suddenly he was on the hard ground. Blades of dewy grass came into his line of blurred vision as his head lolled off to the side. For a moment, his clammy fingers twitched when he realized he couldn't feel any of it, but the thought was lost between his pained gasps, the beads of sweat rolling down at his brow, and his heart's furious pounding.

A calloused, yet oddly cared for hand brushed against his face, and his attention was brought upward, and to the anxious face hovering over him. Hey, Claude...please, Claude...hey, Claude... He tried to swim through the fog that clogged his senses, tried to get a grasp on the person who was saying his name like his life depended on it, and, for a moment, his glazed eyes focused.

Brown hair. Green eyes.

Ashton. Right here.Suddenly it was apparent to Claude, and all the things he'd been so hung up on didn't seem nearly as important -- and in a shocking moment of clarity that he'd forget as ( ... )


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