Nightshift 30: Greenhouse

Mar 07, 2008 22:24

((From here.))


Claude practically tumbled into the greenhouse, the door having flown open a little more forcefully than he'd expected. He heard the flashlight clatter onto the floor before it rolled a couple of feet away from him. Gritting his teeth, he sharply reached out for it, and was a little dismayed to find it was flickering a little.

"Oh, come on," he hissed, giving it a good smack with his hand. It glowed a tad brighter than before, but the beam was still considerably dimmer than he was used to.

Well, all the more reason to make this quick. Gripping his bat and light, Claude stood up and gazed around as he became more aware of his surroundings, and just how stuffy and humid this place was. And just how daunting his task was going to be.

Really, greenhouses were not a foreign concept to Claude. He'd visited some during field trips to school, and he had some memories of seeing one with his mother when he was small child. Most people who toured through them had been like Claude, though -- wide-eyed spectators who marveled over the natural beauty that simply couldn't be found in the polluted cities of Earth, over the fact that their loss had greatly attributed to the disasters that plagued the planet.

It was kind of depressing to think about, but in the end, he was just grateful he'd handled herbs enough to know some of their uses. No doubt his Expellian friends would know a good deal as well -- the formulas originated from their planet, after all.

Of course, that was if he actually found anything to use. Claude hurried through the rows of greenery, passing his light over each plant. He abruptly stopped when he saw a moderate-sized bunch of lavender flowers, and he began ripping them from the soil. Once they were out, he dropped them into his pillow case, and hurriedly moved on.

He knew he couldn't be picky. He reached out and plucked different flowers and plants from their places -- ripe rose hips, some sun flowers, various orchids he found, wolfsbane, some daisies...Claude knew they probably wouldn't be able to use some of it, but it was better to have more than they needed, even if he hated ripping out more flowers than necessary.

He paused when he spot a familiar-looking plant poking out of the soil. Better to dig that up, too, while he was at it. After dropped to his knees, he dug his hands into the moist soil, intent on digging out the roots as well. Too bad he didn't have a shovel for this stuff...

ashton, claude

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