Nightshift 30: F1-F10 Hallway.

Feb 26, 2008 10:40

[ inside f7]“What?” Kairi had been in the middle of getting off of the bed when she heard the announcement the head doctor made, surprise overtaking her face. Hadn’t the man on the radio been well known? Hadn’t he helped all kinds of people ( Read more... )

naminé, miku, hanyuu, lyta, axel, amelia, kairi, lust, rukia, shana, luxord, ururu, max, fox, rena

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Comments 153

F8 ontheabyss February 27 2008, 00:42:01 UTC
Once again, Lyta found herself waiting in her room when night came. It seemed like she was always waiting now. God, she hated waiting.

She wasn't entirely surprised by the announcement of death and murder over the intercom. She'd seen too many personal battles like that before, and almost each and everyone had ended in messy death. It was just how the world worked.

Still, she supposed it sucked.

Sighing, the telepath stretched out on her bed with her hands behind her head, waiting for Fox.


Re: F8 prisonerofdeath February 27 2008, 01:49:23 UTC
[[From here]]

Fox paused for a moment at Lyta's door to knock out of habit before letting himself in. He did not want to be attacked by a monster right outside her door, and he'd been ambushed in such locations before.


He was unusually tired, and the bed looked tempting... but there was work to be done tonight.


Re: F8 ontheabyss February 27 2008, 01:55:31 UTC
"Hey." Lyta just lifted her head for a moment before letting it fall back, not eager to leave the comfort of the narrow cot.

"So what's on the agenda tonight?"


Re: F8 prisonerofdeath February 28 2008, 01:28:25 UTC
"Staying in sounds like a good idea to me, how about you?" Fox had decided that he was in no condition to go out and fight tonight. It was one thing to start getting tired and sluggish in the middle of a fight and keep going despite it, going into a potential fight like that was another matter entirely.

But if Lyta wanted to go out, he would follow her to keep her safe. Fox refused to lose anyone else.


meironohosoku February 27 2008, 01:15:28 UTC
Once back in her room, Hanyuu sat on her bed and anxiously awaited night to fall. It seemed strange to be taken back to the patient blocks when they were just going to be let out again a few minutes later, but there wasn't much she could do about that. At least she'd be able to get her flashlight before going back out into the halls ( ... )


meironohosoku February 27 2008, 01:34:35 UTC
[to here]


F6 hamenleai February 27 2008, 01:44:58 UTC
Shana felt Valyn's magelight flicker to life the moment darkness fell over the institute. Grabbing her torch and her crystal to tuck in her robe pocket, she headed for the door, slipping out in the hall beyond and following the melody of Valyn's magic.


Re: F6 hamenleai February 27 2008, 01:46:55 UTC

F10 transgenix February 27 2008, 01:56:23 UTC
The man on the radio is dead. I killed him - stabbed him six times in the chest.

Max stood frozen in the middle of her room, having been halfway to the door. Her crowbar was in one hand, her radio tucked in one pocket of her robe, the flashlight in the other.

Jack was dead.

She'd only met him in person the once, but last night's encounter was still so vivid in her memory. Unconsciously, she raised her hand to brush her fingertips against her lips, feeling the sudden pang of loss. So quickly, and stated so bluntly, and just like that, the man was gone.

"Dammit!" she cursed angrily, her expression twisting into one of fury and frustration at the loss. She slammed her crowbar against the wall, denting the plaster and sending white powder and particles showering outwards.

Then her expression hardened, her jaw clenching. She started towards the door once again, steely resolution in her dark gaze. If she hadn't had enough reason to want to seek the head doctor out before, she had more than enough now.


Re: F10 transgenix March 4 2008, 13:20:17 UTC

F1 rope_victim February 27 2008, 02:08:10 UTC
Miku decided she really needed to stop listening to the feeling in her chest. She sat in the dark after Lust left without saying anything (as per their usual, Miku hadn't said anything either), thumbing the shutter of her camera.

"The man on the radio is dead. I killed him - stabbed him six times in the chest." The words chilled Miku; she'd just met him. She'd kissed him (which was a bigger deal to her than it would be to some), and now ( ... )


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 27 2008, 06:28:39 UTC
[ Running in from here.]

Sousuke sprinted full-out, ignoring the shadows he could have hid in in favor of speed, and ran down the hallway. F10, F9, F8...

If you don't use it, they'll catch me, play with my body, and kill me! Do you want that?!

"No... I don't...!" Sousuke gasped, gripping his head.

Lambda Driver? What is that?!

Unable to answer.

Al! Answer!

Unable to answer.

Sousuke put his shoulder to the door and it burst open. Miku was on her bed, motionless.

"HINASAKI!" Sousuke shouted, running over to her and gripping her shoulders. "Get a hold of yourself! Wake up, wake UP!" He shook her.


Re: F1 rope_victim February 27 2008, 06:44:48 UTC
Sleep brought with it the snow-covered mansion. She was still far away, but the backs of her loved ones were closer than they had been.


And then, she was jolted violently awake by someone screaming her name and shaking her. Instinct took over and she flailed at her attacker's face. "Let me go! Let me go!" It made her hands hurt more, but she wasn't going to be killed in her own bed!


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 27 2008, 07:03:01 UTC
"Hinasaki! Hinasaki, it's Sagara!" He grabbed her forearms and pinned them easily above her head. The relief he felt at her being alive was clear in his voice, but her marks were back. Just like his was, probably. So many people were screaming in his head, but he had to hang on to Miku's voice. She needed him now.


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