Nightshift 30: F1-F10 Hallway.

Feb 26, 2008 10:40

[ inside f7]“What?” Kairi had been in the middle of getting off of the bed when she heard the announcement the head doctor made, surprise overtaking her face. Hadn’t the man on the radio been well known? Hadn’t he helped all kinds of people ( Read more... )

naminé, miku, hanyuu, lyta, axel, amelia, kairi, lust, rukia, shana, luxord, ururu, max, fox, rena

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F1 rope_victim February 27 2008, 02:08:10 UTC
Miku decided she really needed to stop listening to the feeling in her chest. She sat in the dark after Lust left without saying anything (as per their usual, Miku hadn't said anything either), thumbing the shutter of her camera.

"The man on the radio is dead. I killed him - stabbed him six times in the chest." The words chilled Miku; she'd just met him. She'd kissed him (which was a bigger deal to her than it would be to some), and now...

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea that Sagara and Alfons and Ritsuka were her friends. What if her bad luck rubbed off on them (more than it had) and they died too?

Worse yet, the tattoos had bloomed across her skin with the same kind of terrible spiking pain that had come with their original touch. Miku doubled over and clutched at her bedsheets, keeping her cry of pain muffled as best she could. This was the worse, it really was! Miku sat up after a long moment and took a picture of herself.

The red marks were just as painful looking as they felt. The sudden burst of light from the flash made Technicolor dots dance in before her eyes. Beside her, she flicked on her flashlight. It was dim, but. It would do, for now.

With nothing better than to await the appearance of Sousuke or her other friends, Miku fell asleep.


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 27 2008, 06:28:39 UTC
[ Running in from here.]

Sousuke sprinted full-out, ignoring the shadows he could have hid in in favor of speed, and ran down the hallway. F10, F9, F8...

If you don't use it, they'll catch me, play with my body, and kill me! Do you want that?!

"No... I don't...!" Sousuke gasped, gripping his head.

Lambda Driver? What is that?!

Unable to answer.

Al! Answer!

Unable to answer.

Sousuke put his shoulder to the door and it burst open. Miku was on her bed, motionless.

"HINASAKI!" Sousuke shouted, running over to her and gripping her shoulders. "Get a hold of yourself! Wake up, wake UP!" He shook her.


Re: F1 rope_victim February 27 2008, 06:44:48 UTC
Sleep brought with it the snow-covered mansion. She was still far away, but the backs of her loved ones were closer than they had been.


And then, she was jolted violently awake by someone screaming her name and shaking her. Instinct took over and she flailed at her attacker's face. "Let me go! Let me go!" It made her hands hurt more, but she wasn't going to be killed in her own bed!


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 27 2008, 07:03:01 UTC
"Hinasaki! Hinasaki, it's Sagara!" He grabbed her forearms and pinned them easily above her head. The relief he felt at her being alive was clear in his voice, but her marks were back. Just like his was, probably. So many people were screaming in his head, but he had to hang on to Miku's voice. She needed him now.


Re: F1 rope_victim February 27 2008, 07:23:13 UTC
Miku opened her eyes and blinked at the dim light that her flashlight had provided. "S-Sagara?" she repeated dumbly. He was close, leaning over her worriedly, and she couldn't figure out exactly why it seemed so awkward.

"I'm awake, now, you... you don't have to pin me down..." she murmured, embarrassed. He wasn't even trying, was he? Miku's manpride deflated a little.


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 27 2008, 07:31:58 UTC
"O-oh. Affirmative," Sousuke said awkwardly and removed himself from her personal space. "I'm sorry, you looked..."


"I was disquieted by your sleeping state. You should try to keep awake, Hinasaki," Sousuke stared at her, concerned. He seemed to be saying that a lot recently.

He looked down, not exactly sure how to phrase this. His bedside manner was horrible, after all. "Doyle... I believe the Head Doctor has killed him."


Re: F1 rope_victim February 27 2008, 08:32:49 UTC
Miku swallowed and nodded. "I fell asleep after I heard..." Miku didn't want to believe that the charming man from the night before was gone. They weren't friends, but no one deserved to die in this place, especially not at the hands of the Head Doctor.

"I'll try hard to stay awake, Sagara-san, don't worry." Miku offered him a smile, even though it hurt. "I didn't get to tell my friends about my condition today, they're younger than I am, so we're split up a lot..." she frowned. "It would be impossible to find them now though, wouldn't it? We should... should get more information about this place."


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 28 2008, 05:22:24 UTC
Sousuke sat next to her on the bed, "I'm sorry. He was a good man, I think." He folded his hands and stared at them intently. After Jack would come the patients connected with him--which included Miku. He had to keep her from danger.

"Putting that aside," He continued. "If you wish to find your friends, I would be willing to seek them out with you. But if that is the case, we will have to move quickly. Do you know their room numbers?"


Re: F1 rope_victim February 28 2008, 06:21:46 UTC
"Ritsuka-kun's and Alfons-kun..." Miku paused. She didn't remember! "I don't know... I... I went looking for them once, but, it didn't work very well for me." She dipped her head, embarrassed.

"If we came across someone who knows them, then maybe. I remember faces, but no one's name." There were people she only met once, after all, but... "Ed-san! Ed-san might know where he is." Even if the air was strained between Alfons and Ed entirely on one side. "Maybe he'll be at the clinic?"


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 28 2008, 06:26:16 UTC
"It's fine," Sousuke said, trying to be as encouraging as possible. So her friends were named Ritsuka and Alfons.


Younger than her?

"Hinasaki," Sousuke started, completely ignoring social norms and the golden rule 'never ask a lady her age'. "How old are you?"


Re: F1 rope_victim February 28 2008, 06:33:11 UTC
Miku looked up at him and blinked. "Nineteen," she replied. "You're the same, aren't you?" He looked older than her, but she supposed it was the scar on his face talking.

Talking about something as innocuous as their ages made her momentarily forget the pain in her face and hands.


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 28 2008, 06:36:35 UTC
"I am... seventeen years old," Sousuke looked like he could have been knocked over with a feather. Miku looked like she was barely pushing 16. Maybe 17 on a bad day. But nineteen?! He never would have guessed. She was so small and fragile...


Re: F1 rope_victim February 28 2008, 06:45:44 UTC
Miku swallowed nervously. "Does it surprise you? I don't age very well, I guess..." He was seventeen? What kind of food were they feeding him?! Ever-curious, Miku stood up before Sousuke and peered at him. "It does, doesn't it? A lot of people mistake me for someone younger. Sorry, Sagara-san..."

She patted his hand gently, as the minor pressure ached her so, and continued, "We should probably head outside..."


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 28 2008, 07:10:08 UTC
"It's not a problem," Sousuke replied automatically, but he still felt a little floored. Well, he didn't exactly look his age either, apparently. "You look very young and nubile, which is rather attractive to many males. There is no need to apologize."

Sousuke stood up--it was mission time now, and he had to focus on that. "Yes, let's try to find your friends."


Re: F1 uruz_vii February 28 2008, 07:25:49 UTC
The sergeant walked to Miku's door, making sure she was following him, and walked out into the hallway.

[ To here.]


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