Nov 28, 2007 00:54

( From here.)

"And as for you, Farfarello," He said, turning the corner and striding down the hall, "If you and Hinamori don't care for my strategy, do not discount me. Do not dismiss me, do not treat me as though I do not know what I am doing--because I have been here long enough to understand both the danger and the risks, and do NOT handle me as though I am something that will shut up and stand meekly in a corner while the world passes by--because you will be VERY surprised.

"Where I came from, I WAS my own chain of command. Intellectually, I still am. So get off your high horse and look me in the eye--because while I may not be able to break someone's neck in three seconds, I can come up with a winning strategy in two."

artemis, farfarello, hokuto, hinamori momo

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