Nov 28, 2007 00:48

( From here.)

Why was everyone trying to convince him he was wrong tonight? It was very irritating, and wasn't helping Artemis' steadily worsening mood. Normally being treated as a child made him laugh, or at his worst, reply with a biting comment. He could only blame his earlier emotional outburst and all this ridiculous talk of feelings for this heightened reaction. It struck him that he was probably also disappointed at having the chance to prove himself snatched away by everyone around him. If he never got the chance to redeem himself, how would he ever survive this place? The frustration had been building long since this incident--but at least now he didn't deserve to be treated so poorly by people he considered his allies.

"Yes, Miss Sumeragi, but if I am denied using even those talents which I do possess, I tend to get slightly irate. You'd think I had suggested leading an army of infants into the basement," He hissed under his breath. "Instead of a simple castling."


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