Nightshift 28: Main Hallway, 1-Center

Nov 27, 2007 20:12

[[From here]]

Allen struggled to keep Sanji from falling over as they walked further into the institute. The halls were so dark without the portable lanterns, it was difficult to see much going on in front of them. He didn't like it, but there wasn't much he could do about it for the time being.

"Whatever is close I guess," Allen replied to Sanji ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, sanji, rhode, nami, saber, anise, gumshoe, duo, usagi, saetan, allen, luffy, seishirou, leon (so2), birkin, kikyo, mark, hokuto, rukia, artemis, max, aya, ren, yuber, guy, anthy, usopp, gilgamesh, armand, heiji, hinamori momo, yohji, katou, phibrizzo, roy, farfarello, zoro, cloud, leon magnus, scar (tlk), omi, subaru, renji, captain jack

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Comments 179

misterprince November 28 2007, 04:06:44 UTC
"I'm in M65," Sanji said as though that answered everything. He didn't know what room the kid was in, so how was he supposed to know which one was closer? If it was insisted that he lay down then he'd do so, as it didn't sound like a bad idea, really. He just needed to find his friends after. That was all.

"Jus' go wherever."


broken_exorcist November 28 2007, 04:51:22 UTC
Well, if Sanji didn't mind which room it was, then one was as good as another, wasn't it? "Alright," Allen consented. Had he really done the right thing in taking the man all this way? Maybe he should've just found his friends. It was too late now though, he might as well see it through to the end.

"It's not too much further."


misterprince November 28 2007, 05:28:43 UTC
"Oh? Tha's good." Walking was too much of a hassle right then anyway.

If his mind had been a bit clearer he would have found the whole situation embarrassing, being dragged around by a boy like that. Magic claw thing or no magic claw thing. Zoro would have laughed at him for sure.

For the moment, though, he was just glad for the support. "Yer a good kid," he mumbled. "I'll cook y'somethin' nice later."


broken_exorcist November 28 2007, 05:41:10 UTC
Sanji's last statement almost stopped Allen dead in his tracks, "Y-you cook?!" he stammered. If he was anything like Jerry, Allen would be thrilled. Of course, it was difficult to get to the kitchens to get food, but... but if Sanji could cook really well, it'd be worth it!

"That would be wonderful!" he added. The food they served here was good, but they never gave him enough to fill his endless appetite.

[to here]


byname_bynature November 28 2007, 05:31:11 UTC
(From here!)

Artemis practically stomped down the hallway, not caring to look back to see if anyone was following him. He would be perfectly content to stay in his room and beat at the walls with his desk chair at this point. He was so angry. Words probably couldn't describe how frustrated Artemis had become--with everything. With the institute, with his situation, with all the people he'd met. Everyone was always saying 'no'. He didn't answer to 'no'. At home, when he spoke, people listened. When he told his colleagues to trust him, they did. They knew. They understood. Why couldn't anyone in this hellhole realize that he was a fucking genius? Why did everyone have to treat him like he was a goddamn kid?! He'd done plenty to prove otherwise!

He needed to hit something. Or play Minesweeper with Beethoven's 5th turned all the way up.


akarusa November 28 2007, 05:59:31 UTC
Hokuto couldn't miss how angry Artemis was, but letting him lead the way alone still wasn't the greatest idea. She ran to catch up but then simply kept pace; she was here to protect him, not lecture.

So he was furious about being treated like a child? No matter how smart you are, kiddo, you're still the youngest one here. "Nobody here likes admitting weakness," she finally said. She doubted he'd meant to, but saying Momo wasn't their best line of defense had apparently touched a nerve with the shinigami. What Hokuto didn't say was that she was sure Artemis didn't like admitting anything either; he seemed used to people listening to him, but this wasn't home and to be blunt, he hadn't proved himself yet. Worse, in a combat situation he really couldn't do much.

She was wondering about the company he kept, to say the least, but while this wasn't the time... what was Farfarello? He looked human, but something about the look in his eye... said otherwise. Sei-chan's eyes went cold sometimes, but not like that. And she wasn't sure she ( ... )


hajike_tobiume November 28 2007, 06:16:09 UTC
Momo was well over a hundred years old. She could see a child's temper tantrum coming a mile away. She was unphased when Artemis exploded on her. Her eyes softened just enough to convey to the boy that she did understand his tirade. Unfortunately, when it came to battle, even moreso Hitsugaya now, she didn't care what Artemis' pride said. She stood her ground and kept her silence until the boy was done and had stomped off. He'd get over it once he calmed down. Probably ( ... )


jei November 28 2007, 06:23:26 UTC
Farfarello grinned at Artemis' back, but kept his amusement largely to himself. Artemis really was like a kitten, all hiss and bared claws, and never mind that he could be snapped like a twig if Farfarello took it into his head to do so. Fortunately for Artemis, Farfarello had no such intention.

Turning his attention to Momo, he chuckled softly and commented, "I'm sure the captain here will be completely confused to find out I carried him to safety. He doesn't like me much." Based on third-hand rumours and ignorance, from what Schuldig had said, but Farfarello very much doubted that knowing him better would change matters. He hated 99.9% of the population and the feeling was typically mutual, all of which was fine by him.


the_clown_king November 28 2007, 06:14:03 UTC
( from here)

There were some people about, but Tamaki couldn't waste any time even determining who they were. He had to get Shana to his room. And he needed to see to his own wounds. There was blood all over his face, from the gash beneath his eye.

"Just hold on!" he urged.

( to here)


stray_shinigami November 28 2007, 19:23:29 UTC
[from here]

The entryway was empty, and the sun room doors shut. Renji wasn't all that surprised; with the current mess, he doubted anyone had gotten that far.

He bore left and kept going.


stray_shinigami November 28 2007, 19:31:22 UTC
[to here


face_of_chaos November 29 2007, 00:57:57 UTC
[ From here.]

Glancing up and down each end of the hallway, Yuber found nothing of importance to delay their movements. He didn’t bother looking back over his shoulder to see if Cloud was following, but instead, allowed his long legs to take him quickly down the hallway until he turned the next corner.

[ Through to here.]


1mperturbable November 29 2007, 01:00:25 UTC
Keeping his attention on his surrounding, Cloud simply walked a few feet behind Yuber as they moved down the darkened hallways.

[Still following Here]


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