Nightshift 26: M31-40 Hallway

Aug 24, 2007 21:33

[ From Here]He’d walked past the bathroom Usopp had introduced him to on the first night, before heading directly towards the last hallway in this particular block. It was rather fortunate that he was placed so close to his ally’s location, and he found it more of just a matter of playing a waiting game as he silently marched down the hallway ( Read more... )

jack horner, caim, kenren, carnage, kyon, yuber, usopp, ravi, wesker, luffy, farfarello, roland, sousuke, omi, aya, kurama

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Comments 60

daddyslilkiller August 24 2007, 15:24:00 UTC
Omi was ready and out the door as soon as the locks clicked. Something about the intercom's warning unsettled him, although that was hardly new. He settled the bat against the wall next to his flashlight and started some quick stretches just to pass the time while he waited for Aya.

Hopefully he wouldn't have to wait too long.


seiran314 August 25 2007, 21:38:10 UTC
It didn't take Aya long to gather whatever he thought he needed and step out of his room either. Seeing Omi right now wasn't high on his list of things he wanted to do, but that hardly was surprising after today.

Nonetheless, he made his way through the few meters separating their doors to the boy, who was already waiting for him and stopped beside him.

"You have some kind of job to do tonight?" It was as good as a hello, not nearly as good as an apology but unlike Yohji, he had not learned to apologize quite yet.


daddyslilkiller August 25 2007, 22:08:45 UTC
He stopped his stretches when Aya appeared, nodding to the bat while he grabbed his flashlight. "Mmhm, and they're probably waiting. It's best to start as soon as possible when you never know how long you'll have."

He stepped back, waiting for Aya to grab the bat before he left. He wasn't any too keen on talking to Aya, either, but since he didn't really think Aya had anything to apologize for, the lack of an apology (even something as good as one) wasn't really noticed.


seiran314 August 25 2007, 22:26:41 UTC
Nodding, Aya considered Omi for a moment. He didn't make any gestures towards the bat. The whole concept of taking it felt wrong, but he couldn't just leave it. Not this time.

"Omi," he started a bit hesitantly, his voice lacking any other emotions. "You saw the man I hit today during lunch?" Of course he had seen, considering Omi had asked about the punch as well. And so he continued without waiting for an answer. "Stay away from him."

Aya knew there was plenty of dangerous people in here, and he didn't bother warning Omi of all of them. But Kikyo was different somehow.

That said, he stepped aside, waiting for Omi to hurry away to his other meetings.


jei August 24 2007, 16:57:49 UTC
The air felt different, tonight, and it made Farfarello deeply curious. He stood outside his door for a few moments, to see if Caim made an appearance, but it looked like the other man was going to be late to the party. With a one-shoulder shrug, Farfarello ducked back into his room and scrawled a quick, left-handed note for Caim, explaining that he was going to go look for the source of the heaviness in the air, and could Caim catch up with him instead of meeting in the hall?

[heading here.]


voiceless_rage August 25 2007, 16:14:53 UTC
It took Caim a little while to finally rouse himself, but when he was completely awake (he'd fallen asleep against his better judgement), he opened the door and saw the note tacked there almost immediately. A heaviness in the air ... ? Yes, now that he thought about it, there certainly was something there. Something generally ... not right.

Quickly, Caim looked around and slipped out of his room, heading for the nearest hallway so he could try and track Farfarello down.

((Going to here.))


no_side_effects August 24 2007, 17:04:51 UTC
Wesker was quite glad to be away from his new room mate. Unfortunately he would have to deal with him again tomorrow at dinner, but for the time being he could get away from him.

He had not made any plans with anyone, but he was confident it would not be too difficult to locate them, so Wesker set out to find his team.

Funny, how he had already come to think of them in such terms.


no_side_effects August 24 2007, 22:52:25 UTC
[[Going here]]


usoppsenchou August 24 2007, 17:38:47 UTC
Usopp cautiously poked his head out of the door, hoping his roommate wouldn't notice and think him terribly odd. Finally he came out.

The sense of dread in the air had only reinforced what he'd already planned for tonight. Like his first night, he wore two shirts and his coat, not to mention two pairs of pants--hell if monster leeches were going to be biting him that easily again! Which was a confident thought, but he was feeling rather shaky as he spotted Yuber and quickened his steps over. He was carrying only his frying pan as a weapon right now ( ... )


face_of_chaos August 24 2007, 22:58:13 UTC
There was a certain chill in the air around him while he waited for Usopp to emerge, and it distracted the knight enough to attempt to draw his attention to its source. It was definitely a heavy feeling weighing down the atmosphere around him, and it left Yuber pondering just what was behind the cause - although it was a rather refreshing change to feel such a negative energy after the boredom of the daytime ( ... )


usoppsenchou August 24 2007, 23:13:00 UTC
"It's probably just nerves," Usopp agreed, though he felt secretly reassured that Yuber also felt 'something' odd in the air. Not going crazy, then, that's good news. If every nightshift feels this depressing from now on, I'm going to just start hiding in my room. He might anyway, once he got some more supplies and the soldering iron to work with.

"Listen, there's something else." Usopp kept his voice down. "The guy I'm rooming with is really... um..." How to put this-- "Orderly. Really orderly. And I somehow convinced him I'm the same way. I even got him to work on some stuff for me." That Usopp had also given said 'stuff' to the roommate for his night explorations wasn't something he thought Yuber would be too impressed with, and so he conveniently edited it out. "Anyway, if you see me around a guy who is calling me 'sir,' you mind playing along?"

Usopp leaned back, his little confession done. "So, what're the blades for?" He had a feeling he knew, but he still wondered if Yuber had anything in particular in mind for


face_of_chaos August 24 2007, 23:36:16 UTC
When Usopp seemed to accept his answer, Yuber found no reason to continue on with that question. There was little either of them could do about the situation either way, unless his ally ordered him to enhance it by creating further Chaos ( ... )


M37 rubbermancan August 24 2007, 18:11:06 UTC
Well, dinner hadn't been anything too special, but Luffy was fine with that, since he'd gotten to eat at all. Still, that didn't mean his stomach was completely full, and he couldn't help but be pretty excited that they were going to make a trip to the kitchen tonight!

To get supplies, of course. And food. But supplies, too! Though that food was sounding pretty good!

He didn't waste much time getting ready. With his hat on his head, he pulled his trusty frying pan out of the closet before gingerly removing the treasured soldiering iron right after it. For a gleeful moment, the pirate debated on going outside to try and find Usopp, but then he remembered that he had a special treasure that needed protecting, and, in a shockingly rare moment of foresight, decided that maybe it'd be better for him to stay in one spot while he looked after it. Usopp knew where he was, so he'd come find him ( ... )


Re: M37 usoppsenchou August 25 2007, 02:15:30 UTC
[from upthread]

"Luffy!" Usopp knocked once before coming in, figuring Luffy wasn't the kind of person who felt his privacy was too important. "You ready for tonight's kitchen adventure?" He was grinning, although it felt a little manic, the weird rush of thrill at secrecy from his meeting with Yuber combining with the odd and unnerving atmosphere tonight. Maybe he should get a second opinion...

"And do you get a really awful feeling about tonight? Like something horrible's going to happen, maybe?" The grin faltered.


Re: M37 rubbermancan August 25 2007, 17:17:06 UTC
The pirate's eyes lit up as soon as Usopp entered, and he easily mirrored his friend's grin. "Yeah, I'm pumped!" he replied, swiftly sitting up. The frying pan and treasure were still at his side.

"Like something horrible's going to happen?" he echoed, folding his arms over his chest. "I don't know, maybe. The air feels really bad for some reason, though, if you ask me." It give him a terrible, almost suffocating feeling, and he wished whatever it was would just go away.


Re: M37 usoppsenchou August 25 2007, 23:08:39 UTC
If even Luffy felt it...

"We'll just go straight to the kitchen, get what we want, and come back to the rooms," Usopp announced, as much to reassure himself as to set out their plan for the evening. He reached out for the treasure, and began to investigate it more closely than he'd been able to last night. "We'll come back with food and drinks, and we can have a party while I work on some new weapons. You can get to know Sai better too." If Sai were still waiting in his room for them, at least. Usopp hoped so--the bandanna he'd made for Sai was tucked in his coat, along with the spare bandannas/possible facemasks.

After looking over the device for some time, Usopp unscrewed the gas cap. The astringent scent from inside was a bit intoxicating, for reasons beyond the brain-killing fumes. Gasoline was powerful. Even if he had no use for soldering--and oh, did he have uses for soldering--the gasoline would be wonderful to have. But for now, he screwed the cap back on ( ... )


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