Day 26: Cafeteria, Lunch

Aug 14, 2007 00:56

Scar felt cold and sick, though more the latter than the former. As he rose from his bed, he didn't quite know which way was up, and the artificial light coming from overhead seemed as hot and as blinding as the Ishbal sun.

His head hurt, but that was nothing new. After all, the last thing he remembered from the night before was fighting a homunculus off of Lust and then having a conversation about events best left forgotten. The man hadn't been his brother. He just hadn't. And if what Lust had said they'd done to her was true...

Scar stood with shakiness that he wanted to attribute more to a bizarrely weakened physical state than a mental one. Had he been knocked out by some kind of lurking monster before the morning had come? He felt as if he had been out for days, being a veteran of such circumstances, though as he took the practiced role of being an obedient follower behind the nurse and orderlies that came for him, it didn't seem as if much had changed.

This place was probably just playing tricks on him again, and he was tired of being the man left out of the loop. He grabbed some food he didn't really care for and sat down, not seeing anyone he knew already seated. On one hand, he wished he had someone to talk to, and on the other, it scared him that he was no longer used to being alone.

He dug his fork into his food and tried to block out any related thought.

naruto, kyon, axel, edward elric, anise, goku, kougaiji, suigintou, waka, sam winchester, jade, naoya, scar, allen, larxene, rufus, mewtwo, asch, light, demyx, miku, amaterasu, tsuzuki, tamaki, ginji, hakkai, hiei, peter parker, luxord, artemis, rena, hikaru, xemnas, aya, sparda, matsumoto, caim, riddick, usopp, quatre, lord recluse, yohji, phibrizzo, yuffie, fox, chloe, farfarello, cliff, masaru, kurikara, hitsugaya, gabranth, kadaj, haku, barret, wolverine, alec, l, bridget, renji, kurama, rhode, dairine, obi-wan kenobi, homura, haruhi suzumiya, siegfried, adelheid, dias, larsa, naoe, duo, momo (xenosaga), sora, excel, luffy, ashton, zakharov, river, birkin, keman, claude, reno, albel, ami, kikyo, elfangor, mion, sousuke, max, javert, dean winchester, raven, byakko, celes, hk-47, ren, kenren, yuber, guy, armand, kairi, roy, wesker, cid, valyn, riku, cloud, leon magnus, relena, sasuke, daemon, aidou, kaoru, ashe, eddie brock, hisoka, gin, omi, tatsumi, sanzo

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