Nightshift 25; M30 Hallway

Jul 15, 2007 13:54

Clicking the flashlight he had found in his room to life, Kyon surveyed over the contents in the room he woke up in. He was glad for the flashlight, because he couldn't seem to find a damned lightswitch. This told Kyon two things: He wasn't in his room, and, thanks to earlier experience, he was probably not in his reality ( Read more... )

kyon, tamaki, gabranth, wesker

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the_clown_king July 15 2007, 19:35:50 UTC
Tamaki was feeling good about tonight. Maybe it was because Adel had treated him like a friend in the Sun Room. Maybe he'd just recovered from the horror of last night. Whatever it was, despite his injured arm and leg, there was something of a bounce in Tamaki's step as he entered the hallway, flashlight tied awkwardly to his hip with a pair of pants and sword held in his left hand.

"Hello?" he called out, realizing there was a bobbing light just a few doors down the hallway. Was it another one of the Club, maybe? "Kyou-kun? Is that you? Hikaru? Kaoru?"


the_clown_king July 15 2007, 23:47:21 UTC
"No, I can't say I do." Tamaki shook his head. "Is that a friend of yours? It's really best if your friends don't show up here." Not that it stopped happening. It really was so very awful.


bored_narrator July 16 2007, 00:02:39 UTC
"Yeah, you could say he's a friend," Or something. I was really hard to place a guy like Koizumi. He didn't exactly trust him, but, at the same time he kinda had to. Hard to explain. For Tamaki's benifet he decided to agree with him and nod.

Still walking, he asked him another question, "So, you're not an esper either, right?" He hoped that Tamaki wouldn't get to annoyed with his questions but, he really needed to get a feel for what was going on around him.

The lack of familiarity was starting to get to him a little.


the_clown_king July 16 2007, 00:03:56 UTC
"A what?" Tamaki blinked. "Er, no? I'm a...well, I'm heir to the noble family of Suou..." And that was about it. "Oh! And I'm King of the Ouran Host Club!" But he wasn't an esper.

"What's an esper?"


bored_narrator July 16 2007, 00:13:15 UTC
Kyon sighed. Oh well, so far nothing about this place rang to the same pitch as any of the other times he'd been caught in a situation that required the world to be saved.

It was his turn to blink. He didn't know what an esper was? Bizarre. Maybe nobles didn't have time to watch TV. "Uh, an esper is like's a person with supernatural powers." That was the best explanation he had for him, though it left it a bit broad. "My friend's an esper, so if he were here, maybe he could shed some light on the situation. I asked if you were an esper because ...well, wishful thinking."

Feeling much like his friend for the lengthy speech, he paused before asking a question of his own. "Host club?"


the_clown_king July 16 2007, 16:36:10 UTC
"Oh. Well, I'm sure there are people like that around." Not that any of them had ever introduced themselves as espers. Maybe it was just something from Kyon's world.

"No one can shed any light on the situation," he explained. "No one really knows why we've been taken, or why they pretend to be a mental home during the day or anything. It's really all very strange, like one of those scary video games." And then Kyon asked about the Host Club.

"Oh yes! Well, we nobles often get very bored, and so we formed a club with the sole purpose of entertaining young ladies. But not like that!" he was quick to add.


bored_narrator July 16 2007, 18:25:55 UTC
It was a good thing that Tamaki added the 'Not like that' because Kyon's mind almost went down that road. Shaking his head he took in the blonde's words. It gave him a bit of hope that maybe there was an esper around, but deep down he didn't really hold his breathe. He was on his own.

"Video game..." Yeah, from the way that he'd put it, it deffinatly sounded like some demented survival horror. Kyon wanted to groan. All he played were roleplaying games.

Ridding those thoughts from his head he said, "I've never heard of a club like that, but I shouldn't talk. The club I got dragged into is about finding the paranormal and having fun with it ...or something like that."


the_clown_king July 16 2007, 18:35:51 UTC
"I don't think there are any other clubs like it," Tamaki said, nodding. "But it's very fun!" And he missed it. He missed it so badly. Everything was normal then. Now everything was a mess.

"Ah, that sounds like fun, too! Where do you go to school?"


bored_narrator July 16 2007, 18:45:17 UTC
Kyon nodded. A club where you're surrounded by tons of girls sounded like a paradise. He found himself somewhat jealous. Seeing how he got stuck with the club that required him to chase after the crazed chief and keep her from destroying reality.

Was this tha rule about blondes having more fun? He thought it only applied to girls. Hm.

Kyon shrugged. In all honesty, despite his complaining, he liked how his life was. He didn't mind the crap he had to go through because it meant he was apart of something. He was sure Tamaki felt the same way about his Host Club.

"No where special. It's called North High. You probably haven't heard of it."


the_clown_king July 16 2007, 19:21:23 UTC
"Ah, no, I haven't heard of it." Tamaki shook his head. But then again, he didn't pay much attention to commoner schools.

"I attend Ouran Academy," he went on. "If you're from my Japan, I'm sure you've heard of it." Everyone from his Japan had heard of it. It was almost sad to think there were Japan's where Ouran didn't exist.


bored_narrator July 16 2007, 20:19:45 UTC
Kyon shrugged, he wasn't surprised. North High was smack dab in the middle of Decent and Run Down. One room could bright fresh walls, the next could have the paint peeling off. It was a school of character! Poorly funded character. Whatever.

"No, I don't think I've heard of Ouran," Kyon looked thoughtful for a moment. No, it didn't ring any bells. "But I don't really pay attention to any other schools it that big of a deal?"

Kyon glanced down for a moment. Damn, his feet were cold, they didn't even give him indoor shoes.


stray_shinigami July 17 2007, 18:47:05 UTC
[from here]

Stopping to simply listen had accomplished a good deal. Renji immediately zeroed in on Tamaki's voice, though he wasn't quite sure who the boy might be talking to. Not someone he recognized. He headed in that direction on silent feet. He decided to leave his flashlight on, temporarily; it'd keep him from surprising anyone too badly.

As he approached the boy and his new friend, Renji said, "Suou," to get his attention.

The scratches and bite marks on his arms hurt, throbbing in time with his heartbeat. It was probably for the best that they'd be returning to Ed's room soon so he could examine the wounds in decent light, particularly the one on his upper arm, which was starting to hurt worse than the others, annoyingly enough.


the_clown_king July 17 2007, 21:52:50 UTC

Tamaki waved in return, heading over towards the older man. "Ah! This is Kyon-san," he said, introducing the other boy. Well, this made things much easier! Instead of having to deal with lots of introductions at once, and explaining that his new friend was new to the institute, he could get it out of the way with Renji now.

"He's new," he went on. But it didn't matter, as Kyon seemed to be handling everything very well.


bored_narrator July 17 2007, 22:06:33 UTC
Kyon didn't hear the other coming so when he heard a rather gruff voice, he barely restrained his jump.

Oh, so this was the Renji he was talking about seeing. This guy was huge, it was no wonder he was teaching others how to fight. Looks like he got a little imapatient. As Tamaki went a head with the introductions Kyon gave the taller red-head a nod and a, "Yo."

Kyon kept a fairly indifferent face on until his eyes trailed down to the injuries on Renji's arm. Eyebrows going up some, Kyon commented, "You okay?"


stray_shinigami July 17 2007, 22:26:24 UTC
Renji sort of bowed when Suou introduced Kyon; it was more a nod. He wasn't in the mood for pleasantries, and he was just going to assume the new kid was only human until he learned otherwise.

"Thought I'd see what was takin' you so long," Renji said. "I left Fowl in Elric's room. Let's go." He also wanted to take care of the bleeding before they headed out. The wounds probably weren't much but no need to leave a blood trail for something to follow.

He glanced at Kyon, frown darkening slightly. "It's fine," he said. He was getting really fucking tired of that question.

Obviously expecting the boys to follow, he turned and headed back toward Ed's room, though he kept his pace to something Suou could stick with. He held his knife at the ready, just in case more necrits showed up.


the_clown_king July 19 2007, 01:06:40 UTC
Tamaki just nodded and followed after Renji, his slow and limping gate the only real indication that he hadn't actually recovered from the night before. He supposed it would be worse when the pain pills he'd had with dinner wore off. Hopefully, that was a long ways away.


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