Nightshift 25; M30 Hallway

Jul 15, 2007 13:54

Clicking the flashlight he had found in his room to life, Kyon surveyed over the contents in the room he woke up in. He was glad for the flashlight, because he couldn't seem to find a damned lightswitch. This told Kyon two things: He wasn't in his room, and, thanks to earlier experience, he was probably not in his reality ( Read more... )

kyon, tamaki, gabranth, wesker

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Comments 38

the_clown_king July 15 2007, 19:35:50 UTC
Tamaki was feeling good about tonight. Maybe it was because Adel had treated him like a friend in the Sun Room. Maybe he'd just recovered from the horror of last night. Whatever it was, despite his injured arm and leg, there was something of a bounce in Tamaki's step as he entered the hallway, flashlight tied awkwardly to his hip with a pair of pants and sword held in his left hand.

"Hello?" he called out, realizing there was a bobbing light just a few doors down the hallway. Was it another one of the Club, maybe? "Kyou-kun? Is that you? Hikaru? Kaoru?"


bored_narrator July 15 2007, 19:47:57 UTC
Kyon was somewhat lost in thought when he heard a voice down the hall call out. Quickily turning his head, not so much that he looked startled just surprised, and flashed his light.

There were other people here, as well. That was strange thing number three. Last time he was completely alone (save for Haruhi of course) and the time before that it was just Kiozumi and his esper pals. Maybe that's who he was. He was an esper!

"Ah, not quite, sorry," Kyon answered the man a few doors down. "You know where we are?"


the_clown_king July 15 2007, 19:52:39 UTC
"Oh." Tamaki's face fell for a moment, and then realized exactly what had been said.

"Oh no!" Now his face did really fall. "You... you must be new!" How awful. "And I know as much as anyone. This is an awful, horrible place! And you shouldn't be out alone!" He closed the distance between them, his bandaged arm hanging limply on his right side now clearly visible. As was the sword in his left.

"I'm afraid you've been kidnapped by horrible people from another dimension!"


bored_narrator July 15 2007, 20:06:27 UTC
Well then. If that didn't make things perfectly clear.

This wasn't any closed space known to him, this guy was probably not an esper, since he was carrying a sword. Call him niave but he didn't see energy wielding super beings doing that sort of thing. It appeared he'd had that run in with the Slider he'd been wondering about not long ago.

Kyon gave him a sort of dry look and said, "Oh." After a moment he added, "So there's others besides us?"


(Specificially M22) judgemagister July 15 2007, 23:14:24 UTC
The most the judge could hope for tonight was not tramping along half of the institute again after his young master.

After a more-than-usual quiet meal, Noah had left, leaving his sick roommate to his own devices. He more than knew the way to Larsa's room, and ignored the only two others in the hallway, tapping the rapier against his left leg with every other step. He picked up a trace of the conversation -

"He's an alchemist. Ed made me my sword!" -

But it went through one ear and out the other. Stopping at M22, he knocked politely as he had two nights ago, seeing the door was closed again and there was less than the usual commotion.


Re: (Specificially M22) judgemagister July 16 2007, 02:15:42 UTC
[Moving here.]


no_side_effects July 16 2007, 14:40:27 UTC
Dinner had been as uneventful as usual, with his room-mate sleeping, Wesker had finished his dinner and decided to rest while he could as well. Which was, unfortunately not as long as he would have liked, but it was better than nothing.

He headed out into the hallway, armed with both his own knife and the knife that Claire had dropped. Hopefully he gould get outside the F block before they showed up.


no_side_effects July 16 2007, 14:47:18 UTC
[[Going here]]


forgot_it_all July 17 2007, 22:43:30 UTC
[ from here]

There were three people outside when he emerged from his room - one of them his roommate. He knew he should stop and ask them for help, but the tall one with red hair was bleeding and that meant Tamaki would have his hands full. Instead, he slipped past them as quickly as he could while they were distracted and fled down the hallway. Every time he'd gone out, he'd gotten attacked - the black shadow, the spider and those horrible creatures last night. It was like he was some sort of magnet, and the last thing other people needed was someone who attracted monsters. With his flashlight turned off, Ritsuka headed out of the hall and toward the stairs, hoping he wouldn't get stopped along the way.

[ going here]


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