Nightshift 25: Stairway near nurse station & waiting room 1

Jul 15, 2007 16:35

[From here]Xemnas briefly paused as he reached the staircase, his orange eyes slightly narrowing as he gazed upwards, trying to determine whether something above waited, or not ( Read more... )

jack horner, kenshin, kougaiji, ravi, momo (xenosaga), balthier, usagi, allen, larxene, asch, luke fon fabre, leon (so2), reno, albel, yazoo, rukia, claire bennet, ichigo, javert, hughes, xemnas, aya, greed, rabastan, yuber, fuu, xellos, lord recluse, yohji, elena (ffvii), yuffie, simon, ritsuka, fox, roy, wesker, farfarello, riku, okita, relena, schuldig, masaru, aidou, haku, gluttony, alec, gin, brad, krauser, sanzo, captain jack

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Comments 103

radiant_howl July 18 2007, 02:22:02 UTC
[from here]

Luke wanted to facepalm as Masaru just threw the door open. Didn't he at least want to check for danger?!

Following after Masaru, the redhead looked around nervously. Thankfully, there were no monsters like that weird creature they ran into the night before. Just a kid talking to someone else.

"Good, no monsters. Didn't want a repeat of last time," Luke grinned. It seemed like the night was going well for them for once (despite the fact it was only their second night)!


charredashes July 18 2007, 06:06:07 UTC
Asch resisted the urge to sigh, though he did shake his head as Masaru carelessly lead the way. Luck seemed to be on their side-- at least for the moment, since there didn't seem to be any dangers in the immediate area.

"Last time?" Asch glanced to his replica momentarily. "Are you saying this is where you got attacked last night?"


burningdigisoul July 18 2007, 16:04:23 UTC
[vamos aquí]


untime July 19 2007, 01:17:33 UTC
After taking a few brief steps down the hall, Riku came to a familiar set of stairs. Once before he'd been through this path, though he'd gone momentarily past the other one as well. He didn't go very far through either one, something that meant... he could go one way or the other and it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Never one to stay indecisive for long, Riku decided on his course. For now, he'd follow the instincts from the night before. Besides, he'd gone through portions of the first floor during the day. What he'd seen there was enough to provide a basic outline, which he couldn't say the same went for the second floor.

Recalling the 'monster' that had lurked in the stairwell the previous night, Riku refrained from immediately proceeding. That particular creature had seemed more a plague than a menace, but he'd prefer not to run into it if it could be avoided.

When nothing seemed out of the ordinary, Riku headed up.


barium_bullet July 19 2007, 02:11:43 UTC
[[From here.]]

Yazoo glanced warily around the area as he finally came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. Not seeing anything unusual, he glanced upwards toward the second floor and squinted as he tried to see into the darkness.

Again, nothing was there. At least, not that he could see.

Still keeping his right hand on the wall, he went to put his left foot on the bottom stair before pausing and looking toward the Sun Room. More than once, he had thought about following his brother there, but whoever had challenged Kadaj to the fight had said to come alone. It wouldn’t look good for him to suddenly show up.

Completely unaware that the fight between Kadaj and River was no longer taking place, Yazoo turned his attention back to the staircase and began his ascent, the thought of finding some metal for Sephiroth running through his mind.


rabastlestrange July 19 2007, 03:05:39 UTC
"Little Bunny Bastie hopping through the forest..."

Quietly singing under his breath, Rabastan peered down the hallway before heading for the stairs himself. For once, he was trying to be quiet, especially after how upset Aya had been with him last night for yelling up and down the halls. He missed Aya and Severus, unable to find either of them after night had come. Bugger.

Wand lit, Bast glanced up the stairs before starting to bounce up them, his whispering singing still having that same note of good cheer. Radio tucked securely against his side, Bast nearly fell over when he saw Yazoo.



barium_bullet July 19 2007, 04:35:19 UTC
There were only a few more steps to go until Yazoo reached the second floor landing, and he mentally sighed in relief that he only had a little more ways to go. However, someone had just gotten close enough for him to hear them whispering to themselves, the sound oddly echoed throughout the eerily quiet stairwell. He didn’t turn around just yet, instead keeping very still and listening closely to whatever it was the person was quietly singing.

“Little Bunny Bastie…”

If that’s a monster, it’s the worst one in the whole of Landel’s, he thought to himself with a wrinkle of his nose. Light suddenly flooded the stairwell and Yazoo had to blink a couple of times until his eyes adjusted. He whirled around where he stood and was surprised to see that someone and not something had actually been doing the singing ( ... )


rabastlestrange July 19 2007, 05:01:14 UTC
"My name is Bast! Who are you?"

There was a bit of disappointment in Rabastan as he headed up the last few stairs to stop just below Yazoo. He'd heard all about the monsters here, and he'd been sure that he'd finally see one! This man didn't look much like a monster, but one never could be sure. He did have the most interesting eyes though! That counted for something, right?

Even if they had been on the same level standing ground, Yazoo would have been taller than Bast's 5'2 height. Being a stair or two below the remnant, the Death Eater was roughly at belly button height. Instead of a flashlight, Bast did carry his wand, a bluish-white light shining from the tip of the piece of wood. For a delicate piece of magical equipment, Bast treated it pretty badly, using it to scratch at his head (and light up all his white hair) before bringing it in front of him again to study Yazoo.

"You have kitty eyes!"

Yazoo might start wishing he'd met a monster instead of Rabastan.


floraltempest July 20 2007, 08:24:52 UTC
[From here]

She still had no idea where she was going. MOMO sighed as the thought occured to her. It was difficult to accomplish anything, without a decent plan in mind. Maybe she really should have stayed in her room...

The realian sighed once more, before blinking a couple times as she saw a stairway not to far ahead. Well, she had never gone to the second floor before; maybe she could find something helpful there!

MOMO brightened slightly at the thought and quickly hurried to the bottom of the stairs. She pointed her flashlight up the stairs first to make sure there weren't any monsters. And, when she saw it was clear, she clicked the light off again and headed up.


floraltempest July 20 2007, 08:53:47 UTC
[Hurrying up here]


he_never_dies July 22 2007, 19:19:59 UTC
[[From here.]]

Balthier found the stairs to be quiet, and moved up them cautiously. Luckily nothing reacted to his passage upstairs and it seemed just as devoid of guards as the rest of the institution.

[[To here.]]


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