Night 60: Recreational Field

Dec 20, 2011 08:35

[from here]To be honest, it was colder than he had expected. It very well hadn't been the middle of winter in Makai, so Kurama cited that as the reason why he would be so unaccustomed to the sudden climate change now ( Read more... )

edgar, kurama

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Comments 12

fuukaenbujin December 20 2011, 16:50:45 UTC
If he remembered correctly, to the east lay the courtyard. He had definitely spotted various plants there during the day. In particular, there had been vines on the walls surrounding it. Those would suit Kurama just fine. They certainly wouldn't work as well as his Rose Whip had, but they would do the job for now ( ... )


fuukaenbujin December 22 2011, 16:49:33 UTC
[to here]


fuukaenbujin December 22 2011, 16:54:55 UTC
[back from here]

As soon as he got over the wall, Kurama made quickly for the door he had come through. There was no need to stay in the cold weather any longer than necessary and he had no intention of doing so. Sometimes, the pros of having fur almost outweighed the pros of having opposable thumbs...


fuukaenbujin December 22 2011, 16:55:39 UTC
[to here]


girlsandgadgets December 28 2011, 09:59:45 UTC
[From here.]

Through the hallways and out the doors, Edgar reached the recreational field without trouble. The air outside chilled him, stifling that heat that burned in his chest nightly- it seemed he'd picked a good night to test out his magic.

Not here, though- though he'd been to the field several times at night, he had yet to see anything worthy of note out there; however, he'd seen the reports on the board, and was not about to test his luck within the grounds of the institute. He looked to the north, and to the wall that surrounded the building. That was an option he preferred.

Keeping close to the wall for cover, Edgar readied his shovel and began making his way toward the shed that sat in the corner of the field. If nothing else, the crossing was bound to be easier than when he'd gone over with Gren and torn his stitches. It seemed so long ago- how time did fly when one was preoccupied.


girlsandgadgets December 31 2011, 10:37:31 UTC
Reaching the shed, Edgar stepped behind it, opting to use the building to cover his back as he scaled the wall. Though he hadn't seen anything in the field, he wasn't in the habit of taking risks. His tall frame helped him reach the top, snow biting his skin as he gripped the surface. With little effort, he was up and over.

[To here.]


bodhiandspirit December 31 2011, 22:48:58 UTC
[from here]

The instant Rita stepped outside, a cold gust of wind blew her hair over her face. She grimaced, not being particularly tolerant of freezing temperatures. She'd dealt with worse, however, and keeping that in mind allowed her to ignore the cold air and push forward through the snow.

Not wanting to attract monsters if she could help it, Rita followed the wall to the west, then north. She noticed another set of footprints following the same path, and stepped inside them, allowing her to move quickly to the far corner of the field.

The tracks led behind the shed, where there was cover that would allow her to climb without fear of being attacked. Smart, she had to admit in regards to whoever came before her.

She climbed the cold, slippery wall with caution, gripping the vines that crept along it to pull herself up.


bodhiandspirit January 2 2012, 00:53:59 UTC
[to here]


sasuke_of_sound January 2 2012, 01:18:10 UTC
[[from here]]

Sasuke had chosen to head outdoors in a rush of Sharingan-borne strength last night, but the same path tonight was a calculation. There were the caverns beyond the basement chambers that had opened to them after Sai's death, but it had been fairly obvious that Aidou was in a snit through the bulletin board -- and equally obvious through the same medium that Sakura still wanted to work with Sasuke, for whatever reason. How much did she know, of the Institute and of Konoha, and how much would she prove useful?

They were questions that needed answers in order to make progress here smoother, and with any luck tonight would provide them. Sasuke stepped through the quiet gloom, different in nearly every way from the chakra-lit gore of last night. Cold grass slid against his bare feet: no spatter of blood this time, yet.


antiheroed January 7 2012, 23:03:34 UTC
[ from here]

Once they stepped out, the shed wasn't too far away. The most surprising thing for Riku was how lifeless it was out here. Maybe he was getting used to it, but the last few times he'd been out here, there were a lot of people. Maybe all the chances to try and make a break for it the previous night had left people tired. There seemed to be a good chance of that.

All the same, he held his blade forward, as if it was a threat, and pointed it toward the shed. "That's where we're going. Looks like we're in the clear for now." Then again, the time they went here with Kairi, it was much the same. Who knew what could change?


complicatedliar January 8 2012, 14:26:56 UTC
Loki considered pointing out that if he didn't know what guns were, it wasn't very likely that he'd know what bullets were either, but that seemed a bit too glib and overtly antagonistic for now. He was still doing his best to play along, after all. The information that followed about the monsters was so nonspecific as to be almost entirely useless, though it seemed more likely that there was just a wide and fascinating variety of things that could go utterly wrong.

Either way, he just took in the information, nodded, and followed Riku.

As Riku pointed toward the shed, Loki paused and sniffed delicately at the air, then just listened for a moment. His breath frosted. It was cold, but nothing like the freezing chill of Jotunheim, nothing that he needed to worry might have untoward effect. There was still that strange heaviness to everything that he was beginning to dislike intensely.

"All right," he said, voice pitched low. With quiet competence he moved toward the shed, his pace slow and measured as he waited to see if an attack


antiheroed January 13 2012, 19:49:16 UTC
Riku didn't like the cold much, either, but he ignored his breath on the air. There were enough nights out here like this that he was getting used to it. For him, even if there was a chill that ran over his skin, it wasn't any different from being somewhere he didn't want to be; rain, sand, sun, whatever-it wasn't the conditions that mattered to him by now so much as the fact that it was distinctly not home. By now, his mind had been well-trained into dealing with any conditions to the contrary of that. He didn't like it, especially as he was sure it was one of the things his friends noticed ( ... )


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