Night 60: M41-M50 Hallway

Dec 18, 2011 17:58

Even as dinner had passed, Lunge hadn't budged. Harvey knew that that couldn't be a good thing, but it wasn't his business to babysit the guy anyway. It was going to be a hassle if Lunge ended up disappearing, seeing how he'd have to go through the same old song and dance of meeting a new roommate, but he'd make sure that people knew if it happened ( Read more... )

byrne, two-face, claude

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Comments 18

M41 corvus_veritas December 20 2011, 05:39:25 UTC
Ohh, man. Byrne really shouldn't have eaten so many waffles so damn quickly this morning... Maybe then he wouldn't have spent all of fourth shift lying miserably on a couch with a stomachache that had decided to wait until just then to strike. (Unless it had been caused by lunch for who knows what reason, but hell, whatever caused it, that didn't change the fact that it happened and it sucked.) Thankfully, the stomachache was long gone by now and had even been merciful enough to let him have the appetite to eat a bit of his dinner, too. Goodness knows what he would have done running around starving another night.

Well, he did have those snacks he'd pilfered from Doyleton, he supposed...which the staff had actually returned to him, surprisingly. But he would save those for another day ( ... )


Re: M41 tasteoftruth December 22 2011, 20:09:26 UTC
[ From here.]

Badd didn't bother to knock. If Byrne happened to be changing it was nothing Badd hadn't seen before--if Byrne happened to be changing into a monstrous bleeding goat, that also wasn't anything he hadn't seen before.

He had a lollipop stick poking out of the corner of his mouth and his trenchcoat was hanging around his shoulders. Minus the smiley face shift and sweatpants he almost looked as good as the old says.

"...hey." Suddenly his previous haste felt a bit immature. Badd dug in his pocket and offered up another lollipop with the slightest, most awkward of smiles.


Re: M41 corvus_veritas December 25 2011, 22:05:58 UTC
Ahaha w-whoops, maybe Byrne had been taking a little too long with the journal. By the time he'd started writing his last paragraph (third in a series of 'this will be my last paragraph's he'd sworn to himself earlier), Badd had already entered the room unannounced, half surprising the prosecutor in the process. Oh well, this was more convenient, right? At least he didn't have to worry about hunting his partner down anymore.

But Badd - woah, what? He had his trenchcoat back? And--oh, hello lollipop, taking that offered treat now and eating it, thank you very much. B-but yeah, since when was this? How was this? Byrne stood from his chair, slipping his journal into the desk drawer as he did so, and stared at his partner with a very confused expression.

"Uh--" Gack. Wait wait, hold on, gotta take the sucker out of his mouth for a second. Unlike Badd, Byrne hadn't mastered the art of talking with candy in his mouth yet. (He could have made that sound so much worse, but he didn't want Badd to question any awkward trying-not-to-laugh ( ... )


tasteoftruth December 26 2011, 20:59:46 UTC
Badd shrugged, looking sheepish. "It appeared in my box, same as the gun did before it. I don't know if it's Landel taunting us or someone on our side trying to give us a little moral support, but it's the real deal."

He took the coat by the edge and held it out, exposing the span of worn grey fabric pockmarked with bullet holes. Byrne knew them almost as well as he that one in the hem. The one he'd taken while chasing down Calisto Yew.

Badd dragged his thoughts away from that moment. Lingering on Byrne's murder had already cost him too much precious time with his best friend. If he kept focusing on past failings he'd ruin what moments they had left together.


scalyfishman December 20 2011, 16:46:04 UTC
Depth Charge gave a sparkfelt groan and turned over in his sleep for what might as well have been the thousandth time in the last few weeks. Even in his dreams he knew what he would awaken to, imprisoned in his human body: cold sweat on his back, a churning stomach and, if he were unfortunate enough to stop off in the bathroom before heading out, green to the gills he didn't have anymore. Just went to show that however far and fast he ran, the nightmares would still catch up to him.

It was kind of pathetic, if he thought about it. He'd gotten up late, sleep-sick from not waking up in time for the night, and sloped irritably into the Sun Room to find... well. First a message from S.T. and the others, suggesting a Round Two- crazy talk, but he hadn't been sane in a long time- and then, nestled in the back, a short, sweet note informing him that Inspector Javert was dead.

The blow was low and hit the Maximal harder than he realised for a long few nanokliks as he read the note again, silent and stonefaced. Was gonna get the old goat ( ... )


scarefaux December 23 2011, 11:20:04 UTC
Despite his desire to talk to Depth Charge, the Scarecrow hadn't found the words when the time came. Dinner and the start of night had passed in complete silence, and when his roommate had finally pulled himself from his sleep, he was gone without a word. Scarecrow just stared at the door as it closed behind Depth Charge, feeling that emptiness in his chest again. He couldn't fully grasp what it was- there were times when he could hear his own heartbeat as it thundered away in him; however, this was almost the opposite. It was as though he'd been hollowed out somehow, left without his stuffing as nothing more than a helpless shell ( ... )


scarefaux December 26 2011, 22:05:50 UTC
[To here.]


M44 full_score December 20 2011, 19:06:37 UTC
With the transition into night underway, Claude had half expected the military to announce themselves again. Instead, he was treated to yet another one of Dr. Landel's dramatic speeches. While Claude had zero desire to ever hear that bastard's voice again, even he couldn't deny that it sounded like the Head Doctor was back for good. What that meant, exactly, he couldn't say for sure, but at the very least he guessed he ought to be thankful the other captives got to eat well now. Then again, no one had asked to come here, so it was only right they were fed proper meals ( ... )


bitpartgod December 27 2011, 20:02:11 UTC
Kibitoshin felt sick. It started in his head as he sat up, then moved down through his chest in a hollow ring and into the pit of his stomach, where it churned and wriggled as though he'd swallowed a mugful of eels. The body around it felt tired and used, and uncomfortably devoid of strength; for a moment he wondered if he would have the energy to get up before remembering that this was the way he'd been for almost his entire stay here. Almost.

Last night, he'd been given a chance- a little hope spot wherein he could move mountains and conquer demons, or so it seemed. He'd been given some power, and some time, and some wonderful allies. But all he'd managed to do with any of that was get one of them killed.

He'd seen so many people die in his life, so many good people, that it struck the Kaioshin that it didn't quite make him reel in the way it had when he was younger. What got him this time was the shame of it all. He'd been right there, right next to Peter with all the power he needed, and he'd managed to mess it up completely. He ( ... )


bitpartgod December 27 2011, 20:03:21 UTC
[to here]


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