Night 60: M61-M70 Hallway

Dec 18, 2011 13:41

Having a more or less normal conversation with Okita again was nice, Guy had to admit. It meant that even though both of them had been through some pretty horrific stuff, they could still bounce back and deal with things as they came. He could only hope that now that both of them had died and come back to life that they were pretty much off of Landel's radar.

Landel, who was now taking his time to rub his return into their faces. The only sign of Guy's anger was a slight tightening of his jaw as he abandoned his plate of food and moved over to his closet in search of his outfit. Part of him wanted to block out all of the words and focus on what he was doing, but he realized that he couldn't afford to do that.

The mention of a "her" reminded him of his conversation with Tear, for instance. The fact that Landel had lost Lydia hopefully meant that she was out there somewhere, free of his control. If she could get away -- and she had been kept on such a shorter leash than the rest of them -- then that meant there was hope that they could follow in her footsteps.

Guy decided to hold onto that thought rather than dwelling on the rest of it. Landel said that they would never get their powers back again, but he'd been wrong before. The military had thrown him out, which meant that he wasn't infallible.

Guy wasn't looking forward to what Landel might have in store for them, but there was no point on worrying too much about it. Once he had changed, he grabbed for his flashlight, sword, and the bracelet that he would need to get back to the basement. With any luck, they would get further in their reckless journey this time. Once he was ready, Guy nodded to Okita, wished him luck, and headed out the door and down the hall.

[To here.]

seishin, guy, hijikata

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