Nightshift 60: F01-F10 Hallway

Dec 18, 2011 14:24

Taura felt like herself again. Her skin fit over her bones, and while her shoulder had fresh bandages and wounds that still reached into muscle and restricted motion, it was hersWhich was kind of unnerving if she thought about it too much. This body might have belonged to a young woman who hadn't asked to be replaced -- or it might not have, and ( Read more... )

ramona, rei, yomi, rainbow dash, taura, aidou

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Comments 29

madeinthehrl December 19 2011, 00:46:37 UTC

She'd thought Landel's voice couldn't get any more irritating than it had been. Absence hadn't exactly made the heart grow fonder. Those stupid, pompous announcements--did people really prefer life under his rule to Aguilar? She could hardly believe it.

But there were snippets of information buried amidst the gloating, and on an impulse, she pulled out her unused journal and jotted down a few notes for later. So Landel hadn't known about the attack last night until it had happened, from the sounds of it--proof that Thayer and Prescott had been telling the truth when they'd denied involvement with him. And Aguilar had asked him to return ( ... )


madeinthehrl December 19 2011, 03:47:43 UTC
[to here]


lustful_thing December 19 2011, 16:19:10 UTC
So that had been a day in this place. It had been...informative, she supposed ( ... )


inconstancy December 19 2011, 16:52:01 UTC
The reality of the situation was this: she was lazy. Okay, give her a break, she couldn't help that she had her off days and her off days included being caught in a crazy mental asylum with a guy with creepy as hell warnings. And she hadn't even gotten there. If anyone asked her why she was lazy, she wouldn't tell them it was because it was creepy. But once upon a time, she had a horrible thing happen in a Walmart and her new outfit gave her terrible PTSD.

The thing was, Ramona wouldn't be surprised if such a thing could actually happen in her life. She just wished it happened to Sneaky Dee's before they went there for the billionth time just so Scott and his friends could scribble on the bathroom walls. Again. Would that dive have been such a terrible sacrifice for the greater good and an interesting anecdote ( ... )


lustful_thing December 20 2011, 15:03:36 UTC

she_is_ruin December 20 2011, 23:13:58 UTC
It been a long day of doing nothing of substance again. The only thing Yomi had confirmed was that a) others had experienced what her group had last night, and b) everyone was confused and in the dark about what it meant. Nothing she couldn’t have pieced together herself.

The problem was that she, too, was one of the ones in the dark about the finer aspects of last night’s little revolt.

She didn’t hate Landel for his sadism and his disdain. But she did hate him for what he’d turned her into (after she’d gotten what she’d wanted, her life back, followed by the death she deserved), which was a puppet, salivating at every hint he dropped regarding her reason for being here. She could forgive him and his fellows a lot, could even understand them if given the chance, but not for keeping her in this limbo. It was a test of her restraint not to break free from the pattern she had set herself in, if not the maze itself. To screw the human façade once and for all, and let the dying ember in her finally go out ( ... )


[F10] no_dont_go December 24 2011, 07:52:51 UTC
[from here]

The first room was unoccupied and looked to be unused as well. Lucky, or perhaps unlucky for her. Nevertheless there was no going back now.

Aigis turned to the vampire and took the smallest of breathes to calm herself. "I am prepared to give you my partial solution to your hunger issue. It is still not the solution I was hoping to give, but it was the only one that I have been able to accomplish so far."

She steeled herself. This would be easier to say then to actually go through with but Aigis had little choice. "Please, I beg you to drink from me tonight. Do not go after another."


Re: [F10] blood_and_pocky December 24 2011, 08:40:58 UTC
So she could sense him--the night he’d attacked her hadn’t just been a fluke, then. That was annoying. Life was easier without Guardians, and yet even without an Academy around, he’d seemingly found one all the same.

His eyes narrowed, unhappy when she turned and pinpointed his position in the dark enough to address him. He could hear her, of course, but that didn’t mean he was delighted to accede to her request. Ironic, though, that she was asking for privacy with a creature that, as it seemed, made her…

… nervous?

Aidou stopped in the doorway to F10 a couple of seconds behind the girl. The smell of the prisoners’ leftover dinner still permeated the air, and he appraised the cell before finally bringing his gaze to rest on Aigis. What was the solution she had been hoping to give?

“Listen, you--” But then she blurted out her suggestion, drowning him out, and for a moment Aidou forgot that he was supposed to be angry. When one connected the dots, her ‘solution’ wasn’t so surprising, but really? He wouldn’t have expected that to ( ... )


Re: [F10] no_dont_go December 24 2011, 09:09:38 UTC
She had expected his usual reproaches full of proud cynicism and verbal barbs. She hadn't expected to ruffle him with her suggestion. That it did seem to cause him enough discomfort to at least keep him from his generally well-groomed coherence gave her a moment of pause ( ... )


Re: [F10] blood_and_pocky December 24 2011, 22:06:08 UTC
Her plan was still the same the second time she explained it, making him narrow his eyes further.This was what she had wanted to tell him all day?

“You don’t have the slightest clue what you’re saying.”

Sasuke was not fundamentally opposed to donating his blood, that much was clear. But the one time Aidou had seriously needed it for himself had been due to dire straits, not because he was relying on Sasuke to keep him fed. He wasn’t relying on any one person to keep him fed! He was not… he was not like the ex-humans. Like Kiryu, or Alucard, or Kyon. His repulsion was instinctive, because Aigis’ suggestion put him in league with them, and that…

No. He could be a lot of things, but not that.

She moved toward him and Aidou’s first thought was to step away from her, but he bottled that urge and held his ground. Her “solution” was so absurd given all that he had done to ensure his livelihood up until now that he didn’t immediately know how to combat it logically. He didn’t need anyone to pity him.“I refuse!” the noble shot back, ( ... )


F2 rainboompow December 24 2011, 11:07:24 UTC
I knew he sounded too fake to be true!This was the thought that ran through Rainbow Dash's head as "Doc Landel" carried his evening announcement past lights out and did a complete personality 180. In place of the sickly cheerful man from earlier, there now was an over the top evil mastermind - sounded exactly like who Rainbow was looking for. Maybe he sounded more easily angered than Discord, but who knew? That could still be part of the cover. Or however it was this all worked... Whatever was going on, she refused to believe it wasn't Discord, anyway. There was just no way he couldn't be involved, even with all the stuff that nagged at her to think otherwise. No way in the universe ( ... )


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