here]Even the main hall was deserted. S.T. switched on his flashlight and took a look around. Yeah, it was empty. No roadkill, no other patients. If he ever made it home, he was never bitching at any of the girls who didn't want to do night ops alone again. It was different when you knew there were things out there in the darkness.
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Depth Charge shifted from one foot to the other uneasily, feeling his grip tighten. S.T. might have made it sound more like an inconvenience than anything, but the possibilities that implied ground his gears. If he had been taken he was either above their heads and strapped to a chair or Primus only knew where and ready to tear their spines out. And, rescue teams or not, there was nothing they could do about either of those.
Thing was, regardless of how pointless a rescue mission would have been... "Whatever. So long as we don't just head out there without him." Stupid, really, but that was what teamwork did to you. Turned you soft.
"Awww I knew you cared somewhere in that robot-y heart of yours."
Scott flashed an apologetic grin at Depth Charge, and then at the rest of the group. With a little wave, he added: "Sorry for the late, guys. Had to stop and give out some important advice on how to avoid Freddy Kreuger, among other things. You know how it goes." Though, Scott admitted in his own mind, he wouldn't have been opposed to Ramona going back to her room to sleep. Even if Freddy Kreuger were around, he would probably have been as safe a bet to take as travelling around the rest of the Institute.
Joining up with the rest of the circle, he looked around at everyone, marvelling a little that it really was... well, everyone. Even Peter had shown up, and without the Spider-man getup (Scott just barely stopped himself gawking in surprise). That alone gave him a little bit of hope, even has his stomach did a freaking Cirque-du-Soleil-worthy set of flips and twists at the thought of where they were all headed.
"So... Are we all set?"
The left hand held the ring, stone set between his molars. Once everyone was in on the pow-wow, he bit down.
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