Nightshift 60: Main Hallway, 1-West

Dec 18, 2011 12:07

[from here]Even the main hall was deserted. S.T. switched on his flashlight and took a look around. Yeah, it was empty. No roadkill, no other patients. If he ever made it home, he was never bitching at any of the girls who didn't want to do night ops alone again. It was different when you knew there were things out there in the darkness. ( Read more... )

seishin, sonia, zero, byrne, s.t., guy, donna, badd, anise, gumshoe, nigredo, tear, erika, sora, the scarecrow, indiana jones, jesse, mikado, celty, woody, yomi, claude, taura, hakkai, daemon, aidou, peter parker, loki, kratos, renji

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Comments 116

ninelivesonce December 18 2011, 19:39:15 UTC
[from here]

Someone else was out, but not anyone she recognized, so Taura gave a polite nod and loped over to the stairwell door.

[to here]


scintillatingly December 18 2011, 20:48:55 UTC
[From here.]

There was just one other person in this hall, which was strange since it got packed pretty fast most nights. Sora wondered if he was making good time or if people were being more cautious about heading out after Landel's warnings. Sora himself wasn't scared of him. He'd been here long enough to at least have some idea of how bad it could get. If he'd made it through so far, then he'd continue to do so.

The one person who was around was actually whistling something, though, which made Sora smile. That was one way to pass the time when you were waiting for teammates to show up. Sora couldn't help directing his smile at the man for a second before he moved on into the next hall.

[To here.]


(The comment has been removed)

its_the_mileage December 19 2011, 01:17:18 UTC
[from here]

"I've had worse," Indy commented as he rounded the corner and stopped by Taylor and an un-costumed Peter. That made half the group here, nice and fast.

Taylor's flashlight gave them just enough light to see by, but even so, Peter seemed somehow subdued. Indy hoped he was still just recovering from the last trauma and not a victim of some fresh one. "Listen--if you're not feeling up to it..." he offered, careful to keep his voice neutral and make it clear he wasn't implying anything about the kid's toughness.


unheroed December 19 2011, 03:23:24 UTC
[From here.]

Harvey had been right about spotting Jones a few steps ahead of him. The man was already there and situated by the time that Harvey reached the group. As it turned out, he was the fourth to get there, beating only Scott and Depth Charge.

Jones he had just been with last night and Sangamon he'd talked to earlier in the day, but Peter... well, for one thing it seemed odd that the kid was out of costume when he'd always insisted on wearing it before. Maybe he'd cast it off since it was what he'd worn that night. It didn't really matter, but they hadn't talked to each other, let alone made eye contact, since the coliseum fight.

Harvey decided not to make a thing of it. He just looked the kid up and down, taking in his haggard expression. The past few days and Jones' return obviously hadn't just magically made things better for him. He'd still felt someone die due to his own actions.

"Yeah, pretty sure we don't really need six people to pull this off," he said, piggybacking on Jones' statement.


toxicspiderman December 20 2011, 04:51:30 UTC
"All we're doing tonight is recon, right?" They hadn't bothered with that the first three times. The whole doors locking behind them trick had made it impossible, but he was hoping Peter was too weirded out to notice. He was still in civvies, or he was expecting a convenient phone booth to materialize in the basement. For once he looked like the teenager that he was. Fidgeting and twitching and worried about his clothing more than saving the world. Or their own asses, which was all they could really count on right now.

"But if you want to bail, we'll be fine. I mean it." He put on his best sincere face. A real one, which had the downside of making him look less honest than if he'd faked it. Which he knew, and he scowled. "Look, your call. Not like we're not all going to be stranded here tomorrow, too.


complicatedliar December 19 2011, 01:26:14 UTC
[From here]

Loki stepped out into the much larger hallway. He took a moment to examine the immediate area, then stepped back and to the side. He put his back against the wall a comfortable distance from where the hallways joined. This seemed the best place to wait. And hopefully this was the correct place, since that had sounded to him what Riku was referring to.

After a moment of consideration, he flipped off his flashlight. While it would be useful in indicating his location to Riku, it might also attract unwanted attention. He could turn it on easily enough when he heard someone approach.

Loki leaned back comfortably, and listened.

[Waiting for Riku!]


antiheroed December 19 2011, 16:36:31 UTC
from here]As he hit the final leg of his stop, Riku saw two faces: a girl and a guy. It was clear right away that it wasn't the girl who was the one waiting for him, so he headed over to the guy. Maybe they should have set this up better, but he wasn't sure about that. If this was the wrong one, if he wasn't waiting for Riku, then he could let him know and Riku would just go find who he was actually looking for ( ... )


complicatedliar December 19 2011, 17:41:45 UTC
If this was Riku, he was both much shorter and much younger than Loki had been expecting. Well, and who else would be looking for him? For a moment his eyebrows went up, but that was the only break from the utterly pleasant mask of his expression.

Well, really, almost anyone in this place was likely to be far younger than Loki. A few years in either direction likely didn't make that much of a difference for short-lived mortals. And he also had to admit that at this point even the youngest child likely had a better idea of what was going on than Loki did himself, and thus there was most definitely use to be had.

He stepped away from the wall and even gave the young man a proper bow, if not a very deep one. "I am he." Riku's pronunciation was close enough and not worth correcting. "You must be Riku, then." He smiled. "I am at your disposal for the night."


antiheroed December 24 2011, 07:12:31 UTC
"Just like that, huh?" Riku returned. This guy was pretty pliant if he could just do whatever Riku wanted. Their brief introductions weren't met with this guy giving him the usual once-over. Or, at least, he couldn't perceive one. That put some points into his book for now. It got tiring when that kind of thing happened. At times, he thought he knew more than half the people stuck in this place, and that happened before he arrived. Last night was proof it was true at least to set a contrast between him and Sora; their experiences, their moralities, were informed by far different experiences. "I think this can work if you're really at my 'disposal'," he joked ( ... )


madeinthehrl December 19 2011, 03:49:58 UTC
[from here]

No sign of Kratos yet, and nobody who might be Sonia. Lingormr was leaning against the wall a short distance away, no doubt waiting for his own Arts and Crafts team, and Soma gave him a small smile and a wave as she, too, settled back to wait.


spandexorgtfo December 20 2011, 06:40:26 UTC
[from here]

Without his flashlight and the help of a myriad others in the hall, it was a little harder than usual to locate Soma, but eventually, Kratos picked her out standing against the wall. He headed over briskly, nodding in greeting.

"Evening." No sign of their third team member yet, but hopefully, she wouldn't take long. He held up his radio. "It will be interesting to see if Marc chooses to greet us over this tonight."


madeinthehrl December 21 2011, 22:41:37 UTC
Soma offered an inclination of her own head in response as Kratos approached. Her own radio was tucked in her belt, silent for the moment.

"I wonder what happened to him after Landel returned to power," she mused. "He seems like the sort who would prefer to dispose of allies who are no longer useful to him."


spandexorgtfo December 22 2011, 08:11:01 UTC
"If he's alive, it would be in his nature to reassure us," Kratos said. "But if he's been disposed of, I'm surprised Landel hasn't mentioned that yet. It would be in his nature to boast about his victories." Perhaps the head doctor was trying to give them some sort of false hope, although he and probably many other patients still had reservations about the usefulness of Marc. He'd let Landel slip away and regain his position, for one thing.

He sighed as he settled next to Soma to wait for their final team member, the mysterious Sonia. "In any case, you were with Castiel for the entirety of last night? He told me he attempted to see how far the barrier extended."


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