Day 60: Sun Room (Third Shift)

Dec 07, 2011 21:52

> Rose: Be the magic girl

You are the magic girl. It's you. Except that she could not be the magic girl she was looking for, since she was already herself, also magic, albeit reluctantly. Sometimes. When she wasn't so busy doing ridiculously cool things with magic that she didn't stop to think about the part where the world ended and the ( Read more... )

nigredo, albedo, rita, yomi, kurama, rose lalonde

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Comments 33

bodhiandspirit December 8 2011, 03:04:30 UTC
Shockingly, Rita's effort to build a magic-centered information network over the bulletin was actually a success. Communication and socialization weren't her favorite methods of gathering information, and with her history as a hermit, she didn't have a lot of faith in their efficacy. But the replies had poured in, and she now had a full schedule of people to talk to ( ... )


lovecrafty December 8 2011, 03:19:53 UTC
"Yes. Shall we adjourn to somewhere a little less conspicuous?" It wasn't as if she planned to start setting things on fire right at the bulletin board. In fact, she wasn't sure she could do so at all; her strife specibus had vanished with the dawn, as usual.

Still, she walked away from the bulletin board as she spoke, and lowered her voice.

"I once believed magic to be the realm of film directors and wistful thinking. Now I depend on it to survive. It's elegant, but not always logical." The horrorterrors had whispered secrets in her sleeping ears for a long time; waking into her powers was, in some sense, no surprise. In the sense that she'd always considered her fondness for the beastially strange and fictitious to be, in fact, for the beastially strange and fictitious, however, finding out that her dreams had been a how-to in navigating space, magic, and the realms of the gods was still a bit of a shock ( ... )


bodhiandspirit December 8 2011, 08:31:04 UTC
Rita nodded at the suggestion to move and followed Rose's lead until they reached a section of chairs. There, they could speak comfortably without eavesdroppers ( ... )


lovecrafty December 9 2011, 01:38:00 UTC
"Not at all. Mind, I mean." So much imprecision, this language they spoke. "I haven't seen anything completely illogical, if you put it that way. Merely its sudden existence in fact, rather than fancy."

The bulk of what she knew of her powers were dreammuddled and draped in the gloom of a doomed timeline, where she avoided death by de-existification. It made for a complicated relationship with herself, a state in which she was, at least, well versed.

"I guess a lot of it makes sense. Each of us has a specialty, and our powers fit into a sociologically-situated slot." She thought about it. "I'm a Seer of Light. So -- lightning, and knowledge." The amount to which she had balanced the two pursuits -- or hadn't, was unclear even to herself. Which would say more than she wanted to admit, given her title.

"Our equipment is important, and that follows a systematic, if esoteric, ladder of classifications."


she_is_ruin December 8 2011, 07:54:17 UTC
[The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog… In other words, awaiting a one Kurama.]

If Landel had intended to make her feel like a free range animal with his word associations… well, he’d been successful! Yomi couldn’t deny the resemblance: she moved like a dumb beast would, slowly, no destination in mind or activity to occupy her. There was nowhere to go, nothing she hadn’t already seen before. It didn’t really matter which room she ended up in, whether it was the cafeteria for a typical lunch, or into the many play rooms to snack on bagged lunch. It was all the same, really. Just stepping stones in the passage of time.

The food itself, Yomi couldn’t have cared less about. As soon as she was turned away from the cafeteria by a smiling nurse, she tossed the bag onto a table as if to sit and eat. In reality, Yomi had no intention of wasting her time pretending to need the energy. She did wonder why lunch had been cancelled, if Landel had some purpose in mind ( ... )


fuukaenbujin December 9 2011, 04:36:48 UTC
[and the quick brown fox arrives from here! (and I am so sorry about the length of this......]The route hadn't been a complicated one; in fact, he hadn't many turns to memorize at all. If anything, the reason for the duration of their trip was because of the size of the corridors they went through. It seemed this institute was a rather large one, just judging by how wide the hallways were and what he saw on his way to their destination, which must be only a fraction of the whole, he imagined. Perhaps something valuable to note, he thought. One of the first things a wise thief did was scope out the site. The environment and the setting was important to take note when one wanted to find the most effective way to break into a place. Or to break out of, in this case ( ... )


fuukaenbujin December 9 2011, 04:37:13 UTC
If he assumed that all the medical staff were in charge, it meant that whoever had put him in here had placed him in their power. Virtually placed him in their power, anyway, for he had no idea who was behind them, controlling all their strings. Whether they were working together on the same side with the same amount of information was dubious ( ... )


she_is_ruin December 9 2011, 05:37:52 UTC
Yomi didn’t move her head, but she settled her gaze on the person who had spoken to her, following him with her eyes as he rounded the table. Certainly a he, despite appearances. And certainly more than human, though someone without her abilities might have found it harder to discern that than she did.

“Yes? Excuse you?” she replied, an easy-going note to her voice. “For what?” Playfulness, of course. She dropped her hand and fixed the male with a small, complacent smile.

True, she had been by herself, but now she definitely wasn’t. Someone wanted to talk with her. How grateful she was! But just as with Saber, “I think”s poured from his mouth, which were more revealing than anything else he could say.

Another one? Lucky me.

Her smile had a knowing air about it. “I happen to do that a lot,” said Yomi. “Go ahead and I’ll see if I know the answers.”


falseblack December 8 2011, 22:27:15 UTC
Poor Nigredo had a headache, deep and daunting--as if someone had reached in and pulled out his nerves, disintegrating fibers one by one by one. The chemicals had long since burned in sleep; what remained was a little more than dry mouth and a declining mood. He hated life then. Hated it enough to dismiss existence altogether; if not for the body beside him, he might have done just that.

Nigredo cracked an eye, wincing at the sunlight. "Ugh," he muttered. A hand went up to press at his temple.

[Hi, brofriend, hi!]


purpletaint December 8 2011, 23:13:25 UTC
The echoes of a waveform prompted one alert to a boy waking, and with that came the ripples of pain that Nigredo was likely feeling. His brother, more content than he'd been in past months, smiled slightly downward at the one in his lap. His hands moved delicately--one cupping the air over Nigredo's eyes to shield him from the light, the other moving to lightly massage his brother's scalp in some attempt for the other's relief.

"Morning," came the murmur, level and near happy. He couldn't even find irritation when the nurse came around to offer two bags. The child nodded and she left them beside him. Albedo would have to eat, especially after missing breakfast, to keep Ritsuka's promise. And Nigredo-- Albedo wondered if his brother was eating, or just sustaining. Albedo had no room to talk, but-- Well. Things were changing.


falseblack December 9 2011, 16:53:11 UTC
In a change of pace, Nigredo found nothing but counters to his malady: shielding from light and soothing movements. The boy relaxed his guards, lost his disastrous mood, and managed a weak smile through the pain. Currently, this was more wanted than a complete cure, and thus, he held no complaints.

"Morning," he replied quietly. "You were right. I should have stopped sending." Though Nigredo would maintain there was some worth in his choice, he could really do without the unfortunate side effect. His habits sided with the link, especially under stress; it would be deplorable to lessen that.

As he wiped at his eyes, Nigredo caught the sight of two paper bags. They looked similar to the lunches they gave during trips to Doyleton, but that couldn't be the case, no? Speaking of which, why were they here instead of the cafeteria? Confusion became evident in his countenance. "What are those?"


purpletaint December 10 2011, 05:42:22 UTC
Albedo made no move to take advantage of being told he was right, only continued what little he was doing. "We have free time. Or something. They're snacks for us until dinner."

His fingers shifted slightly, moving out through the strands of Nigredo's hair at the end of every circuit. His tone came curious, as if only this was just thought of. "Have you been eating, actually?"


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