Day 60: Sun Room (Third Shift)

Dec 07, 2011 21:52

> Rose: Be the magic girl

You are the magic girl. It's you. Except that she could not be the magic girl she was looking for, since she was already herself, also magic, albeit reluctantly. Sometimes. When she wasn't so busy doing ridiculously cool things with magic that she didn't stop to think about the part where the world ended and the ( Read more... )

nigredo, albedo, rita, yomi, kurama, rose lalonde

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she_is_ruin December 8 2011, 07:54:17 UTC
[The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog… In other words, awaiting a one Kurama.]

If Landel had intended to make her feel like a free range animal with his word associations… well, he’d been successful! Yomi couldn’t deny the resemblance: she moved like a dumb beast would, slowly, no destination in mind or activity to occupy her. There was nowhere to go, nothing she hadn’t already seen before. It didn’t really matter which room she ended up in, whether it was the cafeteria for a typical lunch, or into the many play rooms to snack on bagged lunch. It was all the same, really. Just stepping stones in the passage of time.

The food itself, Yomi couldn’t have cared less about. As soon as she was turned away from the cafeteria by a smiling nurse, she tossed the bag onto a table as if to sit and eat. In reality, Yomi had no intention of wasting her time pretending to need the energy. She did wonder why lunch had been cancelled, if Landel had some purpose in mind ( ... )


fuukaenbujin December 9 2011, 04:36:48 UTC
[and the quick brown fox arrives from here! (and I am so sorry about the length of this......]The route hadn't been a complicated one; in fact, he hadn't many turns to memorize at all. If anything, the reason for the duration of their trip was because of the size of the corridors they went through. It seemed this institute was a rather large one, just judging by how wide the hallways were and what he saw on his way to their destination, which must be only a fraction of the whole, he imagined. Perhaps something valuable to note, he thought. One of the first things a wise thief did was scope out the site. The environment and the setting was important to take note when one wanted to find the most effective way to break into a place. Or to break out of, in this case ( ... )


fuukaenbujin December 9 2011, 04:37:13 UTC
If he assumed that all the medical staff were in charge, it meant that whoever had put him in here had placed him in their power. Virtually placed him in their power, anyway, for he had no idea who was behind them, controlling all their strings. Whether they were working together on the same side with the same amount of information was dubious ( ... )


she_is_ruin December 9 2011, 05:37:52 UTC
Yomi didn’t move her head, but she settled her gaze on the person who had spoken to her, following him with her eyes as he rounded the table. Certainly a he, despite appearances. And certainly more than human, though someone without her abilities might have found it harder to discern that than she did.

“Yes? Excuse you?” she replied, an easy-going note to her voice. “For what?” Playfulness, of course. She dropped her hand and fixed the male with a small, complacent smile.

True, she had been by herself, but now she definitely wasn’t. Someone wanted to talk with her. How grateful she was! But just as with Saber, “I think”s poured from his mouth, which were more revealing than anything else he could say.

Another one? Lucky me.

Her smile had a knowing air about it. “I happen to do that a lot,” said Yomi. “Go ahead and I’ll see if I know the answers.”


fuukaenbujin December 9 2011, 05:55:56 UTC
Kurama blinked at her response. He hadn't expected that, he supposed. Being the sort of place this was, he might have expected a different sort of attitude from a fellow patient, but apparently not ( ... )


she_is_ruin December 9 2011, 06:33:14 UTC
“I am,” she confirmed, “but I appreciate your politeness.” Yes, he was so very polite about it, which was worth a smile. “Which do you prefer? Minamino? Or Shuuichi? You’re Japanese, aren’t you?”

In a manner of speaking. They all had their masks to wear.

As he went on, Yomi merely sat patiently, letting him work through his thoughts and present her with the final product. She could be polite, too, but saving him from himself was a bit too nice. Why make it easier on him?

“Ah, that’s right,” Yomi said. “The nurses. They don’t always see the importance of sharing some information, but most of them mean well. You’ll get used to it. Allow me to be the first one to welcome you, then. This is Landel’s Institute.”


fuukaenbujin December 9 2011, 06:57:51 UTC
He'd offered his name, but she hadn't offered one back herself. There was no particular need to know her name or whatever name she might have chosen to give, but it was something he took notice of and wondered about. Kurama wouldn't question it, though. He was in a position where he needed something from her. There was no need for her to exchange the same courtesy of giving him a name to address her by, and there was no need for him to request it ( ... )


she_is_ruin December 18 2011, 23:12:12 UTC
“I am,” she repeated with a smile. “The Kanto region, to be exact. I’m Yomi. That’s a coincidence, Shuuichi-kun, the both of us coming from the same place. Oh, but that’s right… I’m getting ahead of myself.”

As if this was all a delicate secret. But for now it seemed they were still tip-toeing around the subject, so she acted as if this was a awkward subject to be getting into, and not simply an undisguised state of affairs.

“Promise you won’t think I’m weird if I tell you the truth? The hospital probably isn’t from Japan, but you’re speaking Japanese to my ears. It’s complicated. Supernatural, you might even say. People don’t really know where the Institute is. Or how people come to be here. They just kind of show up, from all over.”


AND I AM SUPER LATE, but yes. ;A; hi.... fuukaenbujin January 4 2012, 04:33:04 UTC
Yomi. ... Hilarious. Entirely coincidental, even, but the irony wasn't lost on him. Of course the first person he meets here would have the same name as the last person he'd been dealing with back in his own world. ... But no, this really did seem like an actual coincidence here, as much as it felt like a bad joke, especially after Kurama had only just realized exactly what his 'name' was alluding to.

Instead of showing any of this, he shook his head in reply to assure Yomi that he wouldn't think her weird at all for explaining the truth to him, and leaned in to listen.

"That's... unbelievable, really. But it makes a strange sort of sense," he said. "I thought it was strange when I spoke to my nurse. Is this common knowledge? Or are we in the minority about being in the know?"


IT'S COOL, IT'S COOL. she_is_ruin January 9 2012, 01:15:32 UTC
Something unbelievable that reluctantly had to be believed? Haha, that was Landel’s Institute, all right.

Yomi smiled, humoured, but externally it appeared as a gesture of some relief and gesture that dear Minamino-kun hadn’t called her crazy. It was an inconsequential little game, waiting to see if or when the other prisoners she interacted with realized that her true self didn’t match her outward appearance. Sometimes it seemed others were so busy passing themselves off as a normal human that they remained oblivious to the fact they were talking to a non-human. Rose was one of those others. Minamino was starting to seem like another, but it was too early to tell.

Ahhh, but playing nice was still boring, though.

“I know, it’s like the world has gone topsy-turvy on you. Nothing’s really what it seems,” agreed Yomi. “Oh, all the prisoners know there’s something very wrong about this place. You know, the people wearing the uniform we are. The nurses will call you a patient, but ‘prisoner’ is closer to the truth.”


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