Night 59: Sun Room

Oct 30, 2011 13:03

[ from here ]While the Sun Room was a familiar sight for Chipp, he realized (not as quickly as he ran) that he didn't even know where this Courtyard was. Wasn't the room ahead the Cafeteria? If so, then one of the other doors... Which Chipp didn't even remember going through, even though he thought one of them was that room with the weird games and ( Read more... )

zero, leanne, ilia, chipp, gamzee, venom, rose lalonde

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believein0 November 10 2011, 15:23:14 UTC
[From here.]

Once in the new area, Zero glanced left and right, trying to get his bearings. This was...the Sun Room. There were many places to go from here, like those odd rooms on each side, although the only connecting location he was very familiar with was the cafeteria.

And...he could hear skittering noises behind him. The rats were following them, as he expected they would. The once-Reploid kept running straight ahead, kept holding on to his companion, occasionally glancing back to make sure none of the rats were catching up. At the moment, he wasn't going to bother wondering why they were so persistent. The better question right now was an obvious one: which way should they go to lose them?

They didn't have much time to think about it, at this rate.


allineeded November 11 2011, 05:24:24 UTC
A moment of disorientation when he grabbed her arm and ran almost made her stumble, but Leanne quickly gained her balance again, managing not to drag the both of them down. Not daring to even chance a look back yet, she kept running with him, heart pounding in her chest.

They'd keep chasing them, wouldn't they? They probably still were behind them and would continue to chase them until they managed to shake them off. But that was always the thing about running, wasn't it? You had to run far enough, or fast enough. Even rats weren't exempt from that ( ... )


believein0 December 3 2011, 08:37:33 UTC
[Back from here.]

The rats were nowhere to be seen. While another could be comforted by that knowledge, Zero was put more on edge instead. An enemy out of sight was an even greater threat than one in plain sight. It wasn't until after he'd gotten a good look at his surroundings (and even the ceiling - he'd learned his lesson from the spider well, thank you very much) that he felt it was safe enough for both him and Leanne to venture out into the Sun Room. Not entirely safe, but safe enough.

So now, where to go from here... It was probably pointless to go back to the hallway. They were just attacked there, for one thing, and for another, the whole area beyond the cafeteria was a complete mystery to Zero. He hadn't been past the cafeteria during the day and had never even been in this area at it was probably worth exploring. He turned to his companion and pointed toward the cafeteria doors. "Do you know anything about what's over there?" he asked. Maybe she knew that area better than him, despite being newer.


allineeded December 10 2011, 02:31:14 UTC
"Just the cafeteria," she answered, shaking her head slightly. "I didn't get a chance to go in there last night. I don't know if there's anything else after it..." Leanne trailed off, glancing at the way they'd come from, back to the halls. "But we can't go back there either."

She bit her lip, once again turning her eyes to the doors. It was just a cafeteria, surely they could go in there without having to worry, right? What were the monsters even going to do, attack them with kitchen appliances?

...On second thought, that didn't sound good at all. Still, the thought of going back to that hallway, with the rats and who knew what else, was not at all an appealing one.

"Let's go!" she said abruptly, only looking back at Zero once before heading for the doors. She had no doubt he'd follow close behind, and no time to let her own worries make her hesitate. "There has to be something there."

[to here]


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