Night 59: Staff Only Outdoor Patio

Oct 28, 2011 13:46

Renji stepped out onto the patio. It was nice to be out of the oppressive halls, but he didn't let his guard down. If it was a monster party, there'd likely be some nasty things outside ( Read more... )

renji, daemon

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kings_thief November 3 2011, 23:03:46 UTC
[From here]

Locke stepped out onto the patio, holding the door for his friend and shrugged.

"Anyway, war's over now, the Empire was brought down and the world's back at peace or, at least, it was headed that way when I ended up in this place. I can only assume my friends that aren't trapped here are doin' what they can to put things right.
...I wonder if they even know I'm gone...might not...after all, I didn't know Edgar was in this place."


age_of_kings November 5 2011, 16:37:31 UTC
[Nevermind, I missed aquilas on the 'play yourself' list!]"I don't care which it is, I'm simply glad the door is unlocked ( ... )


kings_thief November 7 2011, 09:26:56 UTC
[XD It's okay <3]

Locke also couldn't help but pause and take in the outside air. Even if it wasn't much of a view and they were headed back inside in just a moment, it was strangely refreshing on some level. The thief had always preferred the outdoors and to be locked away from it for even just a few days had been unsettling.

Of course, nothing good could last in this place. His eyes snapped up to the creature just as it started to dive and he briefly wondered if he could kill it before it killed them. He had a feeling it would take something stronger than a low level fire spell, and they didn't have that sort of time.

Coming to a decision, he threw his hands up, willing the magic through his palms and into the air, surrounding the area immediately around them. The barrier wasn't strong enough to keep the bird...thing back forever, but it was enough to deflect it's first attack.

"We...gotta go..can't keep this up forever."


age_of_kings November 9 2011, 22:14:33 UTC
Alright, it was a giant bird monster. There was a weak shield around them and it was coming right for them. On the positive side, they weren't on an airship or a sub. Even ground. Firm footing.

"Get the door open!" Tolten called. He could at least hold the thing off with his pipe if the shield didn't deflect it. Of course, then he'd have to be right close to it and it was obvious the monster had set its sights on him!

Desperation kicked in. They were shielded, as evidenced by the creature battering against the shimmering area and bouncing back. It was...good god, it looked dead. And it was shaking itself and preparing to come back, and those talons were wicked.

It was time to pull out his emergency weapon. Tolten searched for a calm well within him, feeling time seem to slow and swim gently around him. He didn't have his lyre, but that was alright. He didn't really need it. And if he were forced to rely on his most embarrassing of skills, at least it was in front of Locke. He didn't quite mind Locke knowing about ( ... )


kings_thief November 15 2011, 07:31:12 UTC
Locke was fully prepared to either have to start a full-on battle or to grab Tolten and throw him through the door to get him out of the creature's sights. What he wasn't expecting was to hear singing. He glanced over to his friend but kept the barrier up; just in case.

He didn't really know what it was Tolten was doing, but he could guess there was some sort of magic in it. Which, really, he had no reason to be surprised about; it wasn't like Tolten had ever told him he didn't have magic, Locke had just assumed. A silly thing to assume when dealing with people from other worlds.

"Whatever you're doing, it's workin'." Keeping the barrier aimed against the monster he moved to the door, opening it with his free hand.
"Let's go."


age_of_kings November 17 2011, 16:12:52 UTC
Tolten had hoped - prayed, really - that the creature would actually fall asleep. Sometimes, it happened. He'd even managed it with arthosaurus'! But the death bird - like some inverted phoenix - simply slowed and stumbled as though struck. But it was somethingThe young king kept up his vocalization, wondering if maybe it would work better with words. Or more emotion behind the tone. It was a gift he'd never quite understood, and no one had any interest in further developing. He was only glad it was actually coming in handy ( ... )


kings_thief November 18 2011, 09:20:34 UTC
Locke saw the look in Tolten's eyes and figured he probably knew what his friend was thinking. This thing was relatively fast and, even with whatever was happening to it, it could probably get to them before they were both safe.

But this thing didn't seem to have an interest in him at all, so that made Locke's decision a lot easier; all he had to do was get Tolten to safety. Of course, he wasn't interested in finding out if the thing would suddenly change it's mind about him once it's main prey was out of range, either.

"We'll have to be quick."

That was all the warning he gave before grabbing Tolten's arm and pulling him so that he was in first. Then he let the barrier down, already building up the power necessary for the strongest fire spell he knew and unleashing it on the bird-zombie.

He hoped the rules about zombie creatures and fire applied here too, at least enough to buy him enough time to get in and get the door closed.


age_of_kings November 22 2011, 01:13:09 UTC
The young king saw only the blast of the fire and the creature recoiling, releasing an unholy sound into the night. He smelled the burning of its flesh, a sickening smell but welcome nonetheless. Then he was through the door, his breath fast and ragged in his chest.

[ To here]


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